American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 30 Reward Kamen Rider Night Rider’s Transformer

When everyone saw this, they were stunned.

What's going on? How was it contained?

Isn't this kitchen knife unstoppable?

Tony Stark: "I see, I understand! This kitchen knife has a big loophole!"

Diana: "You thought of this, you are worthy of being Batman."

Sengoku: "Is there such a method? It's really unexpected."

Piccolo: "This kitchen knife is just like this."

Some smart people have already seen how Batman successfully contained the kitchen knife.

However, some people with dull brains have no idea what they are talking about.

Nobita: "Ah? What are you talking about? I don't understand at all."

Naruto: "Can you explain it clearly?"

Robin: "Think carefully, what is the condition for this kitchen knife not to be stopped?"

Nick Fury: "The condition is that whoever tries to stop the owner of the kitchen knife from killing people will fail. Wait! Could it be!"

Robin: "Yes, then as long as you don't think about stopping the owner of the kitchen knife from killing people, you can stop it."

Luffy: "Ahhh!? What does it mean?"

Loki: "Stupid human, you can't figure this out? It means that as long as you do what Batman did, just think about destroying other places and affecting the person holding the kitchen knife, you can stop it!"

Sun Wukong: "It feels so confusing."

Some people who met still couldn't figure it out, so Robin patiently helped to explain it.

At this time, Batman.

After sealing the kitchen knife, Batman exhaled heavily. Sure enough, his idea was not wrong.

The way to contain it has been clearly explained in the previous introduction.

Only people with particularly flexible brains can think of it.

When anyone sees someone using a kitchen knife to kill someone, they either think about running away or trying to stop it, and basically won't think about anything else.

The ability of this kitchen knife is to take advantage of this loophole.

"The containment, the kitchen knife that cannot be stopped is successfully contained, and Bruce Wayne is rewarded with a transformation card box for Kamen Rider Night Rider."

At this time, the electronic sound of the screen sounded.

Then a black card box with a golden bat pattern appeared out of thin air in Batman's hand, and a lot of information poured into his brain.

At this moment, the audience was shocked.

Diana: "What! Bruce Wayne is Batman! He is a rich playboy during the day and fights criminals at night. This is really..."

Natasha: "Wait a minute! What is Batman?"

Sanji: "I have been paying attention to this kitchen knife before, and almost forgot about it. Why does this man wear a mask and a cape?"

Diana: "Batman is a knight in Gotham City. He appears at night to fight criminals and is the nemesis of Gotham City's criminals. No one has ever known the true face of Batman. I didn't expect that it was the famous playboy, Bruce Wayne. If this gets out, I don't know how much trouble it will cause."

Bruce Wayne: "Then will you tell it?"

Diana: "Since you fight criminals and protect civilians, I can't be so boring."

Tony Stark: "Rich and a hero, just like me!"

On a private plane.

Tony Stark looked at the screen with excitement.

I didn't expect that there was a person similar to me in another universe. If I were in the same universe, I would really like to meet him.

Tony Stark: "But why do you have to hide your true identity? If it were me, I would definitely hold a press conference to announce it."

Nobita: "Hey, shouldn't heroes hide their true identities to be cool?"

Tony Stark: "Nobita, you sound like a child. I tell you that heroes who are blatant are the coolest."

Bruce Wayne: "This is not a question of being handsome or not, but to protect the people around me. I don't want the people around me to be killed by my enemies."

When Tony Stark saw this statement, he wanted to say something, but suddenly stopped.

He suddenly remembered that during this period, the military, the government, and various forces wanted to get his Iron Man equipment.

There must be no breakthrough on his side. What if they start with Pepper Potts and Happy, or directly control the company?

"Damn, what have I been doing these days? How could I forget such an important thing!"

At this moment, Tony Stark once again realized how stupid his decadence was.

So he immediately contacted Jarvis to study targeted plans.

At this time, Bruce Wayne was getting on the Batmobile and preparing to go to Arkham Asylum.

"Hey, Batman, how do we deal with that guy?"

Gordon ran over and pointed at the fainted criminal and asked.

"Without the kitchen knife, he is just an ordinary person, so we can deal with him normally."

Batman replied.

"Ah? Kitchen knife?"

This made Gordon even more confused.

"By the way, send SWAT to seal off Arkham Asylum immediately. There will be riots and monsters there tonight!"

After saying this, Batman immediately drove away and headed for Arkham Asylum at full speed.

Leaving Gordon confused.

While driving, Batman looked at the card box in his hand.

"After the transformation, Kamen Rider Night Knight's card box will wear special armor, be able to enter the mirror world freely, and make a contract with the contracted beast Darkwing Bat. It has multiple card summoning abilities and is proficient in high-skill swordsmanship and tactics."

Listening to the explanation on the screen, Batman became more curious about this card box.

Perhaps its capabilities will be verified later.

When Batman arrived at the gates of Arkham Asylum, he heard a very loud noise coming from inside as he got out of the car.

There were all kinds of gunshots, fighting sounds, screams, and even monster cries.

Apparently the Copycat Beast has begun hunting Arkham Asylum, and the people inside are rebelling.

"I'm more worried about the criminals than the monsters. I hope it's still too late."

Batman took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts.

According to the information given by the card box, raise the card box and aim it at the rearview mirror of the Batmobile.

Then a belt flew out of the rearview mirror and was automatically attached to Batman's waist.


After Batman shouted these two words subconsciously, he inserted the card box into the middle of his belt.

Then several armor phantoms appeared, superimposed on Batman's body.

A black leather sheath, white armor to protect important parts, a helmet like a medieval knight, and a long sword on his waist.

Kamen Rider Night Rider is born!


At the same time a sharp cry came.

I saw a huge black bat flying out of the mirror, hovering above Batman, and then flying back into the mirror.

"Is this the contract beast? I don't have time to study it now."

Although Batman is surprised by the power of Kamen Rider Night Rider, his top priority is to enter Arkham Asylum!

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