American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 315 The blood pool connects to another world

Now Bruce Wayne couldn't help but walk back and forth in the store, sending messages to Diana through the screen.

Bruce Wayne: Diana calls Barry right away and we have to discuss this together.

Diana: "That's right. This is something that the two of us can't do. This child can help, but what about Arthur?"

Bruce Wayne: "He is not willing to join us yet, but it will be okay if we explain the seriousness of the matter to him."

Diana: "Okay, where shall we meet?"

Bruce Wayne: "It's in Central City. I'll rush there."

After Bruce Wayne finished speaking, he immediately walked up to Arthur in a hurry.

Arthur looked up at Bruce Wayne with a confused expression.

"What's going on with you? Why are you walking around so calmly while drinking?"

Arthur looked at Bruce Wayne who was behaving strangely with confusion.

"We should go," Bruce Wayne said, looking at Arthur seriously.

"Now? Where to go?"

This made Arthur even more confused and had no idea what Bruce Wayne was doing.

"Walking and talking! Anyway, the world is in danger now! We need your help!"

Although Arthur's mind was full of questions, he looked at Bruce Wayne very seriously and didn't look like he was lying.

"Okay, then I'll go with you, but don't try to fool me."

After Arthur finished speaking, he stood up and left here with Bruce Wayne.

Marvel Universe

In the tavern, Tony Stark and others were silent for who knows how long, their faces were ashen, and only Thor was sleeping drunkenly on the table.

I don’t know if he knew about the blood pool, or if he knew it, but he didn’t have the power, he just ignored it.

The atmosphere was extremely quiet now. No one knew what to say, and even their breathing was extremely low.

Tony Stark was obviously tapping his fingers on the table, but he didn't touch the table to make any sound. He didn't want to destroy the silence, which allowed him to think hard.

"We have to do something. We can't just watch monsters appear and do nothing!"

Rogers was the first to break his silence. His words, like his character, are always positive and optimistic.

"Captain, this is not as simple as you said! We have to face tens of millions of monsters!"

Button next to him had to remind Rogers of the most important thing.

"So, what! Why don't we do nothing? Since we are going to encounter them anyway, why not let go and have a big fight!"

Rogers acted matter-of-factly and spoke righteously.

"I have to admit this. Indeed, it is useless to think too much now."

However, Tony rarely echoed Rogers' words.

This surprised others. After all, Tony Stark had not dealt with each other much since they first saw Rogers.

The conflict of ideas between the two of them is obvious.

"Things have happened. It is useless for us to study so many things now. It is better to take one step at a time, try our best, and do what we can do."

After Tony Stark finished speaking, he slowly drank a glass of wine, "

"I have to do my best to protect the planet."

It was the first time that Tony Stark spoke so seriously. No matter who it was, even Nick Fury had to look at Tony Stark in shock.

They were all wondering if they had recognized the wrong person.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong or is there something on my face?"

Tony Stark felt a little uncomfortable when he faced this group of inexplicable looks.

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect you to say serious things occasionally."

While Natasha explained, the shock on her face did not diminish much.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm not usually serious at all."

Tony Stark could only roll his eyes helplessly.

"But what he said is indeed right. This is the end of the matter. Be prepared and go all out."

Natasha was influenced by Rogers and Tony Stark, and gradually made up her mind.

As an agent, she will have to face death sooner or later, but this time not as an agent.

"I won't be left behind."

Barton smiled and expressed his position.

Then the rest of the people looked at Nick Fury.

"I know what you want to say. Of course I can't admit defeat. I have already applied for support from the Security Council. This can no longer be solved by the president himself."

Nick Fury said calmly.

"Please, you still believe them now!"

After Tony Stark heard this, he immediately sneered disdainfully.

"You still have to go through the process. But if they really don't mind a monster appearing at their doorstep, then there's nothing I can do about it."

Nick Fury sneered at this. He had already thought about how to word it and how to get the leaders of various countries to cooperate well.

With these words from Nick Fury, the old fox, others don't need to worry too much.

"And let's not forget that the God-King of Asgard and those mages cannot stand idly by."

Tony Stark reminded.

Kama Taj.

"Master Ancient One, should we prepare for battle!"

Mordo took a deep breath.

"We have to do this. Now that external forces have invaded us, we must fulfill the responsibilities of Kama Taj."

Ancient One kept shaking his fan as he spoke.

She didn't know how many monsters from another world she had expelled.

But never once was it so exaggerated.

But compared to top demons like Dormammu, it's nothing.

"Do we really have to fight these monsters? There are tens of millions of them. Do we have any chance of winning?"

This was the first time Strange encountered such a scene, and he had to feel timid.

"Strange, believe in yourself, believe in us, and don't forget the power you have now."

Ancient One reminded with a smile.

After Strange heard this, he immediately looked at the mobile phone that was transformed into the staff of the Apocalypse.

There is indeed this magic weapon, Strange can definitely protect himself.

"And the screen also said that the monsters in the blood pool appear from time to time. They don't often appear in so many. We may be lucky."

The frequency of Gu Yi shaking his fan gradually decreased.

After hearing this, everyone felt a little relieved, but still not completely at ease.

"And what I'm more worried about is, if the monsters in the blood pool come out to cause trouble, what will the hostile race that just appeared do?"

Gu Yi suddenly mentioned this matter, causing others to come back to their senses.

yes! There is still a group of hostile races that have not yet been resolved!

What should they do now? They don't dare to spread their combat power to deal with it at this time!


"Your Majesty, the army has been organized and can go to the atrium at any time."

Heimdall knelt under Odin's throne and reported.

"Very well, when the blood pool appears, we will take the rainbow bridge to the atrium."

Odin calmly gave the order.

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