The light fell like a meteorite, but it did not cause a big explosion. Instead, it spread light in all directions.

The blood pool monsters touched by the light turned into pieces one after another!

The sudden light attracted everyone's attention. When the light slowly disappeared, everyone could see clearly inside the light.

That's not Tiga, who is it!

"Diga! You are indeed back!"

Lina's face was filled with excitement when she saw Diga reappearing.

What she believed was correct, there was no way Diga could leave them and run away.

"You guys really like to show up at critical moments!"

Xincheng was overjoyed to have escaped from death and couldn't help but laugh and complain to Diga.

After Diga nodded to his comrades in the two fighter planes, he released light and enveloped the two fighter planes. Then the fighter planes disappeared from Diga's hands, and the next second, they appeared on the land on the other side of the sea.

Then Tiga continued to release light, hitting the falling planes and the pilots being chased by monsters.

Teleport them all to safety.

Then he immediately flew above the blood pool! ,

The reappearance of Tiga was seen by the whole world, and many people who were originally disappointed and nervous rekindled their hope and were extremely excited!

"Diga is back! Diga is back!"

"Tiga is really back! I knew he would definitely come back!"

"You fart! You were clearly doubting Diga just now!"

"Don't worry about that, Diga! Come on!"



Now people all over the world are roaring with excitement for Tiga's reappearance.

Before Diga left, the fighter planes kept falling, and the despair that kept growing was being expelled in an instant!

Instead there is hope and trust.

The support from all over the world reached Diga's ears. At this moment, he felt that his originally abundant power became even stronger.

This is exactly the form of the flash that appeared in the original novel and defeated the Kirialoid II!

"I will not let everyone down!"

Carrying everyone's expectations, Dagu clenched his fists, he could never lose! If he falls, who will protect the world?

For the sake of this world and the people who trust him, he must fight no matter what!

Immediately afterwards, Diga crossed his hands forward very hard, and then slowly separated them. Every move was full of great power!

Countless rays of light are concentrated between the hands.

Finally, Tiga put his arms in an L-shaped posture and fired an extremely dazzling beam of light.

This is the most powerful Zapeliao light since Dagu transformed into Tiga!

Light poured into the blood pool like a waterfall.

Tiga released energy crazily and injected it into the light to strengthen its power.

Let the light continue to spread out as much as possible.

Through the light, he felt that it seemed to penetrate many things, but this was not enough, he wanted the light to penetrate deeper!


Dagu roared while maintaining the posture of emitting light in Diga's body.

"This is the power of humanity!!!"

At this moment, Dagu's belief in fighting has increased as never before. Such a strong belief is transformed into Tiga's energy, making the light instantly twice as thick!

When Diga was emitting light, many blood pool monsters felt a huge crisis, and they all approached Diga to interrupt his movements.

"Don't try to hinder my master!"

Red Lotus Knightmon was the first to react.

He immediately rushed to Diga's side and turned into his strongest shield.

"As long as I, Red Lotus Knightmon, am here, you can never harm my master!"

After Red Lotus Knightmon finished speaking, it immediately fired countless beams of light, bombarding the approaching monsters and turning them into countless fragments.

"Cover Diga with all your strength!"

Sawai in the TPC realized what Tiga seemed to be doing, so he gave orders to the pilots on the battlefield through the intercom.

So the remaining fighter planes immediately surrounded Diga and launched all the ammunition for free to prevent the monster from approaching!

Now under the cover of Suo Yoru, Diga concentrates on increasing energy to attack the blood pool.

Even if the timer kept flashing red, he refused to stop.

Finally, when he felt that there was only a little bit of energy left, Diga put down his hands and stopped emitting light.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!!"

The next second, the surface of the blood pool continued to shake, looking like a big earthquake.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

Then there were continuous explosions inside the blood pool, like countless volcanoes erupting.

Immediately afterwards, countless splashes of water splashed in all directions like a tsunami, carrying the flesh and blood of the remaining limbs lifted from the bottom!


Seeing this, Diga immediately waved his hand and released light to wrap around himself. The Red Lotus Knightmon and all the fighters took them to a safe place to avoid being photographed by the tsunami.

After a while, the blood pool finally calmed down. Strangely enough, no matter which world the blood pool was in, after experiencing a big explosion and splashing countless liquids, the amount of liquid in the blood pool still did not decrease.

After a while, no monsters climbed out of the blood pool where monsters had appeared before.

"Why are there no monsters anymore? Are they afraid to come over?"

Xincheng and others were teleported to the land across the sea, and looked at the island with the blood pool through high-powered telescopes.

"Could it be that he was frightened by Diga's light and didn't dare to come over?"

Horii couldn't help but speculate.

"Either way, this is good news."

Zongfang took a deep breath. He couldn't even think about it and could only accept the facts first.


At this time, there was a huge bird monster several hundred meters high, flying over the island, crossing the ocean, and approaching the land here.

When Tiga saw it, he immediately fired a laser and blew its head off.

"Red Lotus Knightmon, I want to go to the sun again to replenish my energy. You can help me continue fighting first."

Tiga gasped and spoke to the Red Lotus Knightmon.

"no problem!"

After Red Lotus Knightmon nodded in agreement, it immediately approached the blood pool.

Tiga quickly flew towards the sun again.

"There will be no monsters coming out of the blood pool now, only that little bit is left, go all out to destroy them!"

After Zongfang saw the movements of Red Lotus Knightmon and Tiga, he immediately issued an order to mobilize the remaining combat power, approach the island, and annihilate the remaining monsters!

. . . . .

Leo Universe

Seven saw Diga's performance through the screen and nodded happily.

"Well done, but the power that Diga exploded just now doesn't seem to come after sufficient energy. Does it have any special power?"

Seven looked at Tiga's performance and felt confused. It seemed that even if they were all Ultraman, there were differences.

Forget it, don't think about this, just focus on solving the situation here.

Naruto Universe

With the efforts of Naruto and Kurama, countless monsters approaching Konoha were wiped out.

Even a monster several hundred meters tall will be blasted through the body by Jiulama's Tailed Beast Jade!

"Haha! You saw it! This is our power!"

Naruto looked at the crushed monsters and shouted with great pride!

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