After learning about the giant robot's appearance, Zhu Xingtuan looked at the remote control in his hand and immediately left the base with Leo.

"King of the Kai is a move from the Dragon Ball universe that can increase the user's strength several times. The stronger the user, the higher the multiple, and the greater the burden."

"Guntras is a giant robot from a certain Super Star God Universe, which is specialized in dealing with giant monsters. It has amazing combat power and converts energy by absorbing oxygen. Its biggest killer is to hit the sun, increase the sun's heat by 10,000 times, and detonate the solar system!"

The screen explanation of these two rewards shocked everyone.

Tony Stark: "What the hell! This rewarded robot can detonate the solar system! It's so scary! I really want to study it!"

Although Tony Stark knew the terribleness of this robot, he couldn't help the enthusiasm of the scientist.

What's more, he is now developing a giant robot, and it would be best if he could have a reference.

Tony Stark: Hey, Zhu Xingtuan, will you study this robot later? Can you send the data?

Nick Fury cheered when he saw the message sent by Tony Stark.

How could SHIELD not study such a powerful robot!

Zhu Xingtuan: Let me take a look first.

Zhu Xingtuan is very confused now. This screen actually gave him such a terrible robot. What is this doing? Don't let anything unexpected happen.

Thinking of this, Zhu Xingtuan speeded up the plane and hurried to the ground.

At this time, Sun Wukong sent a barrage on the screen.

Sun Wukong: Even the King Fist can be used as a reward, how is this done?

Feng Yuan: Do you know the King Fist? What is that?

Sun Wukong: It is a move that controls one's own Qi and strengthens several times in one breath.

Jiraiya: Strengthen several times! There is also such a move, this is a trick that can widen the gap between the two sides!

Tony Stark: No way, it can be strengthened several times. The Leo Ultraman just now looked very powerful. What if it is strengthened again?

After seeing Sun Wukong's words, Feng Yuan couldn't help but take a breath, and then showed excitement.

He was worried that his enemies would become stronger and stronger in the future, but now that he has used the King-fist, this worry is gone.

As long as he can really increase his strength several times, he will not be afraid of any monsters or aliens!

Sun Wukong: It's just that this move puts a lot of burden on the body. The higher the multiple, the greater the burden. Now I can only use the King-fist twice.

Vegeta: Haha, only twice? Isn't this your trump card against me? If so, forget it.

Sun Wukong: Don't underestimate me! When you meet me, you will know how powerful I am!

Tsunade: Mr. Sun Wukong, can you tell us how to practice the King-fist?

Seeing Tsunade's speech, Jiraiya was stunned at first, and then immediately gave her a thumbs up.

If you can learn this kind of move that increases combat power several times, it will be very beneficial for Konoha.

As for the burden problem, with Tsunade's medical ninjutsu, you are definitely not afraid!

Sengoku: We want to learn it too!

Sengoku noticed Tsunade's intention and reacted immediately.

Now that the navy needs to improve its strength, the King-fist is undoubtedly the best choice!

Seeing this, Nick Fury, Tony Stark, Ancient One, Odin, and Diana all showed curiosity.

Such moves also have a certain appeal to them.

Sun Wukong: I can teach you, but I don’t know if your power can be used.

Piccolo: Baka! Don’t say it out loud, it will be troublesome if the Saiyans find the weakness!

Sun Wukong: Oh, yes, sorry.

Seeing Sun Wukong finally refused, everyone was disappointed.

At the same time, they couldn’t help but complain about the screen, why did they pull other people’s enemies in.

Vegeta: Humph.

At this time, Zhuxing Tuan and Feng Yuan came to the ground.

In an open space, a huge robot appeared at some point.

“Captain, I don’t know where this robot came from!”

A team member ran to Zhuxing Tuan anxiously and said.

“Is this Guntras?”

Zhuxing Tuan looked at this mighty robot and showed a look of surprise.

“What? Captain, do you know what kind of robot this is?”

The other team members were stunned after hearing this.

When Zhuxing Tuan was about to explain, an earthquake suddenly occurred.

Then the ground in front of him suddenly exploded continuously, and a monster with a gray body and whips in both hands crawled out from underground.


Seeing this monster, Zhu Xingtuan immediately recognized that it was a kind of underground monster, Gudun!

"Quickly evacuate the crowd!"

The other members of the MAC team immediately evacuated the onlookers and took out their guns to shoot Gudun.

However, Gudun was not afraid of such firearms. Instead, he was enraged and walked towards this side with a whip.

Just when it seemed critical, Guntras' eyes suddenly emitted red light, and then automatically moved his huge legs to walk forward.

"It moved! The robot moved!"

Everyone was shocked to see this scene, and they didn't know what to do for a moment, fearing that this robot was also an enemy.


At this time, Feng Yuan looked at Zhu Xingtuan, and then looked at the controller in his hand.

Zhu Xingtuan immediately reacted, and then raised the controller and shouted: "Gantras, listen to my command."

As soon as Zhu Xingtuan finished speaking, Guntras stopped moving forward.

"Gantras, destroy the monster!"

Zhu Xingtuan gave the order again, and Gunteras immediately resumed action and walked towards Gudun aggressively.

"Captain, what's going on?"

The team members were all confused when they saw that Morohoshidan was able to control such a large robot.

"I'll explain later, you first evacuate the crowd!"

Zhu Xingtuan immediately spoke and dismissed these team members.

"Let me see, Gunteras, how powerful you are!"

After the stars finished speaking, they looked at Gunteras with some enthusiasm.

He can't transform now, his ultra telekinesis can't be used continuously, and Leo is fighting alone. This Gunteras may be the biggest turning point in changing the situation of the earth!

At this time, the Marvel world, the streets of Brooklyn.

"The containment object, the fearful beast in the sea, has been eliminated. The host receives feedback rewards and teleports others to the area where the fearful beast in the sea is."

Xie Yun heard the system's reward sound in his ears.

It feels like there is some extra information in my mind.

"Teleporting the enemy to the fearful beast in the sea? If they are at the level of Ancient One, teleporting them there would be useless."

Xie Yun thought about it and felt that it was pretty good, but a bit tasteless.

We can only look forward to the rewards later.

At this time, the screens in front of other people in the world have entered the next inventory.

"Now take inventory of the next contained object, 3D glasses."

After the voice finished speaking, a 3D glasses that looked like those found everywhere in movie theaters appeared on the screen, which suddenly confused many people.

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