American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 396 The situation in the supernatural space


The gods don't really want to find Piccolo, but Sun Wukong is in grief because of Krillin's death.

So he was too embarrassed to bother.

But the humanoids can't ignore it.

Their ability to reproduce is terrifying.

As long as there is one here and given enough time, an astonishing number can be reproduced.

A little careless.

When you come back to your senses, you will see that the number of humanoid monsters has reached a very terrifying level!

So the god can only ask Piccolo for help.

"Haha, you can only find me, after all, you are so useless as a god."

Piccolo guessed what the god was thinking and couldn't help but sneer.

"Forget it, I'm stronger now, I'm in a good mood, and I don't want to see such a disgusting monster acting recklessly, so I'll take action reluctantly."

In the end, Piccolo agreed, and then immediately flew into the sky to sense the location of the humanoid monster.

Tianshen Temple

"Lord Tenjin, does Piccolo agree?"

Bobo asked worriedly.


The god nodded.

"Bobo, how do you think Piccolo compares to his father?"

God suddenly came and said this.

"Uh, well, how should I put it? Although they are father and son, they don't seem to be as cruel as their father. At least he didn't kill people indiscriminately."

Bobo thought about it and answered.

"Yes, this is what makes him different from the last Piccolo. I began to understand why Goku wanted to keep him alive."

The god looked down and continued.

. . . . . .

Doraemon universe.

Thanks to Dorami's props and everyone's efforts, not a single blood pool monster made it to the human habitation, and they were all eliminated here.

And in order to prevent people from seeing it, Dorami also used props to cover this area.

"Okay, with these monitors there will be no problem."

Dorami left many surveillance robots in this area.

Specially monitor the situation of the blood pool.

As long as there are monsters in the blood pool, they will alert and let Doraemon and Doraemon know.

"Everyone, we are going back!"

Dorami shouted to the three fat tigers.

At this time, the three people were testing the Fighter Soul to evolve themselves into Digimon.

"Haha! The thunder beast I turned into is so handsome. Not only is it a man's dream unicorn, but it can also discharge electricity, making it look like a robot!"

Fat Tiger, who turned into a thunder beast, was excited and showed off his power.

While striking a fitness pose, release thunder and lightning.

"Fairymon is so beautiful. I like these wings so much, but why are you wearing underwear?"

Shizuka, who transformed into Fairymon, couldn't help but hug herself shyly.

"Ah, why are you all so handsome and good-looking? This is what I look like."

The husband who turned into an ice bear complained helplessly.

Then he looked at the rocket launcher he was carrying.

The weapon was obviously so domineering, but the appearance was like this, which made him feel that it didn't match.

Look at Fat Tiger and Shizuka, they are not comparable at all.

The husband couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

"Don't be like this, little husband, you are so cute like this."

"That's right!"

However, Shizuka and Dorami like it very much, Ice Bearmon looks so cute.

Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were full of love.

This made my husband not sure whether he should be happy or not.

"Haha! If Nobita sees that we can turn into Digimon, he will be very envious!"

Fat Tiger shouted excitedly.

When Fat Tiger mentioned Nobita, the atmosphere instantly became quiet.

"Yeah, how is Nobita?"

Shizuka said worriedly.

Only then did they remember that Nobita was still in Sadako's supernatural space.

"And brother, are they meeting up?"

Dorami was also worried about Doraemon's condition.

"Maybe they have come back. Let's go back to Nobita's house and check the situation!"

Xiaofu suggested quickly.

So Dorami quickly took out the random door and took everyone back to Nobita's house.

Let's move forward half an hour

In Sadako's supernatural space.

Nobita carefully avoided countless Sadako while flying.

Now, whether on earth or in heaven, Sadako is everywhere.

They climbed in different places trying to find Doraemon.

As for Sadako in the sky, she was fixed in the air like a spider attached to a spider web. She slowly turned around to observe her surroundings. Not to mention how weird she looked.

Of course, the scariest thing is the giant Sadako.

Every move she makes will cause quite a stir, with her terrifying face and huge pupils filled with hatred.

Even just looking at it from a distance is enough to make people break out in cold sweat.


Nobita forced himself to endure his fear and shuttled through this world full of ghosts.

Along the way, he had to be careful to avoid any Sadako.

Although his sense of existence is now as low as a stone, he is still afraid of being discovered accidentally.

"It's not scary, it's not scary, Doraemon is still waiting for me."

Nobita kept thinking silently, trying to suppress the fear in his heart.

Seriously, it's really hard for Nobita.

He was originally afraid of ghosts, and now he had to stay in a world full of evil ghosts. It would be good if his mentality didn't explode.

Finding Doraemon was the reason for him to face the ghost.

Finally, after a torturous flight, Nobita successfully arrived at the promised mental hospital.

It was so gloomy and dilapidated that Nobita couldn't help but salivate after just one look at it.

"Is this a mental hospital? It's the first time I've seen it. It's so scary."

After finishing speaking, Nobita looked around.

At that time, Doraemon said that we would meet here.

"Doraemon, Doraemon."

Nobita cautiously called Doraemon while moving around the mental hospital to search.

But the strange thing is that he went around the mental hospital but couldn't find Doraemon.

"He can't be in there."

Nobita looked nervously at the door of the mental hospital.

His instinct told him that there was definitely nothing good inside and he shouldn't go in.

"Doraemon might be in there, I have to find him!"

In the end, Nobita conquered his fear and slowly opened the door and walked in.

Oddly enough, there was no Sadako in the mental hospital.

This should be a good thing.

But it was particularly quiet, but there was a different kind of fear.

"Wow, it would be great if the pocket could be connected to Doraemon."

Nobita looked at the spare pocket in his hand.

Doraemon's side was affected by the magnetic field and was unable to use his pocket, causing the spare pocket to fail to connect.

As for using props, I was afraid that the noise would attract Sadako.

You can only rely on yourself to find it honestly.

"Doraemon. Doraemon."

Nobita moved forward with trembling legs.

Call Doraemon carefully.

In this silent corridor, the only sounds were Nobita's footsteps and his shouts.

Such a contrast made him increasingly panicked.

Just when Nobita passed by the door of a ward.

I don't know why a ghost suddenly appeared.

Walk directly through Nobita's body.

This sudden scene instantly made Nobita freeze on the spot, with goosebumps all over his body!

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