American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 45 The next contained object is a shy guy who cannot see people.

Navy Headquarters

Akainu looked at the screen with a heated expression.

"If we had this kind of tool that makes lies come true, there would be no more pirates in this world! Right, Marshal!"

Akainu looked at Sengoku excitedly and said.

Although he knew very well that he couldn't get it, he still couldn't help but have this idea.


Sengoku nodded, looking like he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Just not having pirates is not enough. If we have this, we might have the power to fight against the Celestial Dragons."

Warring States restrained himself from speaking out. His idea was very dangerous and should not be known.

Dragon Ball World.

"What an amazing scientific tool! If I have this, I won't be afraid of Saiyans anymore!"

Sun Wuhan looked yearning, his eyes shining with stars.

"Tch, don't be stupid, there is no such thing in our world."

Piccolo turned his face away in displeasure.

This terrifying prop made him feel a strong threat, which made him particularly unhappy.

leo world

After Fengyuan learned about the magic of this prop, she couldn't calm down her excitement.

With this, the dead can be resurrected and his hometown can reappear!

"Captain, do you think we have a chance to have such a magical prop!"

Fengyuan asked excitedly.

He knew that his idea was unrealistic, but he still hoped to hold on to a chance of survival.

"It is impossible for us to make this kind of prop that changes cause and effect, not even the Kingdom of Light can do it."

The stars immediately shook their heads.

His eyes were full of shock.

He originally thought that the technology of the Kingdom of Light was the pinnacle of the universe, an existence that the earth could not look up to.

But I didn't expect that the earth in another universe could be so terrifying.

On such an earth, I am afraid that even the Kingdom of Light is no match.

"Captain, I remember you said that you can go to other universes by gathering all the power of the Kingdom of Light, then!"

Fengyuan was a little unwilling to give up and remembered what Zhu Xingtuan had said.

"Feng Yuan! Do you have a way to find Doraemon's universe? If you rush to other universes, you may not only get lost, but you may never come back!"

Zhu Xingtuan immediately understood Fengyuan's thoughts and quickly shouted loudly.

Only then did Fengyuan wake up.

"What we can do now is deal with the current problems. The earth is still in danger, so we have to focus our energy here."

Zhu Xingtuan persuaded with earnest words.

Fengyuan also understood this truth and could only nod and put away this immature idea.

Doraemon world

"Doraemon, what should I do with such terrible glasses?"

Nobita asked.

The uncle has been cured and his memory has been erased. The problem now is how to solve the glasses.

"Well, as long as no one wears this kind of thing, just seal it up and don't let anyone take it out for the rest of your life!"

After Doraemon finished speaking, he took out a safe and threw the 3D glasses into it.

"This is a special safe. Even missiles cannot blow it open. It cannot be opened without a password."

After Doraemon finished speaking, he set the password and put the safe away.

"That'll be fine."

Seeing this, Nobita breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he picked up the magic book on the ground, his eyes flashing continuously.

"Is this magic? I wonder if there is any magic that can help me complete my homework."

When he thought that he would be able to complete his homework with magic and perform in front of Shizuka in the future, Nobita smiled and imagined a bright future.

Marvel Brooklyn Avenue

"The 3D glasses are successfully contained. The host receives a reward and summons the monsters in the world transmitted by the 3D glasses to assist. It can be completely controlled. There is no upper limit on the number of summons."

After receiving this reward, Xie Yun felt that there was some extra information in his mind.

"Then come out and show me one."

As soon as Xie Yun finished speaking, the space next to him was distorted, and then a monster walked out. It was the monster that could only be seen with 3D glasses.

"It's really scary."

Only after seeing this kind of monster did Xie Yun realize how scary it was. Couldn't help but touch him.

Logically speaking, this monster would attack whenever it saw a human being, but no matter how Xie Yun touched him, it would not show any disrespect.

"Let's go back."

Xie Yun waved his hand, and as soon as he finished speaking, the monster disappeared on the spot.

At this point the prediction video continues.

"Now predict the appearance of the next containment object."

The cold voice sounded from the screen again.

Then a strange pattern appeared.

It is a humanoid monster with gray skin, no clothes, and looks very thin.

But this monster covered his face with his hands and seemed to be crying.

"The shelter has encountered many monsters, and the one that impressed them the most and caused the most headaches was this monster, codenamed Shy Ghost."

"As for why it is called this, it is because it is too shy. As long as someone sees his appearance, even if it is a photo, he will go crazy and kill anyone who sees his face. "

After the sound ends, the picture on the screen switches.

This so-called shy ghost appeared in a town in an unknown country. It sat on the ground, covering its face and not knowing what it was doing.

Attracting the attention of many passers-by.

"Hello, what's wrong with you?"

A kind man walked over and asked.

"Hey stay out of the way!"

As a result, a few reckless guys came over and kicked Bashful to the ground, triggering a subsequent nightmare.

"Let me see who dares to run naked here!"

These gangsters, who are like spirited young men, actually raised their shy faces in a desperate attempt to kill themselves.

"Hahaha! You look so ugly!"

After seeing the shy guy's face, these gangsters laughed out loud.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The next second, the shy ghost let out an extremely penetrating scream, and then directly raised his arm and pierced one of the gangsters with a claw!

Before the other gangsters could react, it waved its claws crazily, crushing them all into pieces of meat!

Let these gangsters seeking death get the punishment they deserve.

The people around were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. They couldn't react to the sudden massacre and stood there blankly looking at the shy guy.

At this moment, the shy look is completely exposed to the public's view!


I felt that countless people were looking at me, which greatly stimulated the shy person.

It roared with great fury, and ran towards the nearest person at nearly the speed of sound, waving its claws to massacre!



"Kill people!!"

The surrounding people were frightened by this scene and scattered and fled.

Only a few people dared to stop him, but they were no match for the shy guy.

He was killed instantly.

After the Shy Ghost kills one, he goes after the next one. He will not stop until he kills everyone who sees his face.

Even if he is hiding in a car or across a house, he can dismantle it, capture the people inside and kill them.

Another small town turned into an Asura Hell due to the containment.

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