[Many satellite lasers passed through the three golden dragons and landed on the ground without causing any damage to them. ]

[Such a strange phenomenon shocked and confused everyone, and they didn't understand what was going on. ]

[At first, the shelter thought that they had missed, so they launched another attack. ]

[However, the incredible thing is that no matter what measures the shelter took to attack, they could not hit the golden dragon in the end. ]

[Any attack would only pass through the body of the golden dragon and could not hit it. ]

[Such a strange characteristic made the shelter puzzled. After thinking about it again, they decided to send a group of people with reality distortion ability to deal with the three golden dragons. ]

[Reality distortion ability people can directly distort reality to cause all kinds of incredible things. Regardless of whether the other party has the ability to ignore armed attacks, as long as they are still in reality, they will definitely be affected by reality distortion. ]

[And this group of teams are all level 3 reality distortion people, so the shelter is very confident that they can deal with the three golden dragons. However, when everyone thought so, incredible things still happened. ]

[Three reality twisters were annihilated. Their abilities had no effect on the golden dragons. ]

[This undoubtedly shocked the top leaders of the shelter. Level 3 reality twisters! They are more terrifying than nuclear bombs, and there are so many of them. How could they not do anything to these three golden dragons that appeared out of nowhere! ? ]

[This shocking result made the shelter unbelievable. They all thought they were dreaming. ]

[Some people thought that the three golden dragons were high-level reality twisters that would make level 3 reality twisters unaffected. ]

[But this statement was quickly rejected because according to the investigation, the Hume index around the golden dragons did not change significantly, which means that they were not reality twisters. ]

[That's very strange. Why can't they be affected by reality twisters if they are not reality twisters? This suddenly raised a new problem. ]

[However, the damage caused by the golden dragons continued. The shelter had to change from attack to refuge defense and mobilize all financial, material and human resources to find out what the golden dragons were all about. 】

【Finally, according to the analysis results, these three golden dragons not only have the power to release lightning, but also can release some kind of light to control gravity. The scene environment, the serious imbalance of gravity, is the best example. 】

【If the three of them are allowed to control gravity, perhaps a black hole will be created and the earth will be destroyed. 】

【And the strange thing is that its light seems to be curved and unpredictable, but through machine observation, it is found to be straight, which means that it has the power to distort space. 】

【Also, it is not destroying aimlessly, but absorbing the energy of life within the destruction range, not only humans, animals, plants, and even land will be taken away by it. 】

【When that area becomes a lifeless wasteland, they will move their positions. 】

【And in the range where they make trouble, time will become very chaotic. For example, the task force we sent out died a long time ago, but the containment association can still receive their communications there. 】

【However, even if the containment association understands the abilities of the three golden dragons, they still don’t understand why their attacks can’t touch them. 】

【Finally, an expert who studies reality distortion and the universe made a bold statement, that is, these three golden dragons do not belong to this universe, they come from a higher dimensional universe, so all the laws of this universe cannot bind them, and naturally they cannot be touched, that is, they can be seen but not touched. 】

【However, the strange thing is that these three golden dragons can touch this world. This is undoubtedly a disaster. 】

【If they can't be touched, how can they be defeated? Do we have to start that plan? 】

When everyone saw this, they had to be shocked.

Luffy: Ah, what do you mean, can't see or touch, isn't this a ghost?

Tony Stark: No! It's not a ghost, it's a physical existence, but it's not affected by the laws of another universe, so it can't be touched. This is too incredible.

Regulus: Why is this the case? Is it because it's not a universe?

Piccolo: Impossible, just this reason, if it's true, why can we touch those containment objects!

Sun Wukong: Ah, this is really annoying. He can beat me, but I can't beat him. This kind of opponent is disgusting.

Thor: You are right.

Hypnos: After thinking about it, I am afraid there is only one possibility, that is, the true bodies of these three golden dragons are gods from higher dimensions, and the laws of the world they are in are not comparable to our universe, so their advent cannot be captured.

Diana: Do gods from higher dimensions have this ability?

Hypnos: I don't know about this either, I can only guess roughly.

Naruto: Then why did the gods suddenly appear and wreak havoc everywhere?

Sage: The screen said that it was absorbing life energy. Obviously, it relies on absorbing life to maintain and develop its own strength.

Odin: No wonder these three golden dragons have been connected to the black hole and do not reveal their true bodies. If the true bodies appear, they will directly destroy the world due to the dimensional gap, and it will be difficult to absorb life energy.

Zhan Guo: Absorbing life? This is a bit like a vampire factory coming out to hunt!

Rod: Ah, they are all gods, why do they still need to go out hunting?

Ancient One: It's possible. Some demon gods just need a huge amount of life energy.

Danadus: Humph, what kind of god is this? It's just a low-level god. If I meet it, I must pull it out and see what kind of stuff it is.

Ancient One: But, this doesn't make sense. If it is not bound by the laws of another universe, why can it touch it? Logically speaking, it can't touch that universe itself.

Bruce Wayne: I am still concerned about one thing. The screen just mentioned that plan. What is it? Why are you so hesitant? Is it dangerous?

Doraemon: It won't destroy the world together.

Nick Fury: Why don't you ask Cain about this question? I'll ask it now.

Tsunade: I don't know how to destroy such a monster. If we don't know the method, it will be doomed if it appears in our universe.

Seeing Tsunade's words, everyone's heart sank.

Since the screens are all predicting King Ghidorah, he will definitely appear in one of the universes later. If we don’t know how to deal with him by then, we will be in big trouble.

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