"Roar, roar, roar, roar!!"

At this time, Ghidorah's three dragon heads raised their heads and roared.

The voice seemed to contain pain and anger.


Seeing that Ghidorah's situation had changed, Tiga immediately raised his head and immediately released a laser attack.


This time, the laser did not pass through Ghidorah's body, but successfully hit it and exploded!

Seeing this scene, everyone was ecstatic.

"We can hit this monster!"

Lina shouted ecstatically.

She had fired lasers several times before, but the result was that they passed through Ghidorah and had no effect at all.

She could only watch Ghidorah destroying everywhere recklessly.

She had been holding back a ball of anger in her heart for a long time!

Now that she can finally fight back, how can she not be happy!

So Lina seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

She immediately fired lasers continuously to attack Ghidorah's head.

But unfortunately, Feiyan No. 1 was too small, and the laser fell on Ghidorah's head and had no effect at all.

At this time, Feiyan II had already taken off and fired the Texas laser cannon to attack one of King Ghidorah's heads.


When Tiga saw that King Ghidorah had been captured by his universe and had a physical body, he endured the pain all over his body, slowly stood up, and prepared to continue fighting.


At this time, Crimson Knightmon had already run over. Although there were cracks in its armor, its eyes were still full of fighting spirit.

After Tiga and Crimson Knightmon looked at each other and nodded, they looked at the sky at the same time, looking at King Ghidorah who was roaring.

Then Tiga made a pose of the Zaperiod Ray with all his strength.

And Crimson Knightmon gathered energy on the shield.

"Zaperiod Ray!"

"Pure Land of Bliss!"

After Tiga finished charging, he immediately released the Zaperiod Ray.

But this time the Zaperiod Ray was completely different from the previous one.

It was dozens of times larger, as big as Tiga's whole body!

This was the result of Tiga's unlimited energy output to the extreme!

In order to destroy this two-kilometer-long monster, the previous power would not work.

So Tiga had to use the most powerful power!

This time, the Zeperiod beam looked only tens of meters in size, but the power contained in it was beyond imagination!

Compared with it, the Pure Land of Bliss released by Crimson Knightmon looked much smaller.


When the Zeperiod beam hit one of Ghidorah's heads, the terrifying energy contained in it poured madly on this head.

A large amount of white light flow, like lightning, wrapped around Ghidorah's head and spread along his neck.

Crazy output!

This caused Ghidorah's head to feel pain and couldn't help howling.

Seeing this, Tiga increased the energy output regardless of the pain in his body, and wanted to destroy one of Ghidorah's heads.

However, at this moment, a change occurred!

Ghidorah's other two heads looked at the Zeperiod beam from the left and right sides, and then opened their mouths.

Then the huge Zeperiod beam was actually decomposed into two and poured into the mouths of the two dragon heads.

This saved the head that was hit.

After the dragon head was exposed, it was only smoking on the surface, and it didn't seem to be damaged.

But it still roared.

It forced the light to separate the third energy and sucked it into its mouth.


After seeing this scene, Da Gu couldn't help but screamed in shock.

He never expected that the strongest trick he prepared would become the food for the three dragon heads!

Seeing this scene, Tiga immediately stopped outputting the Zaperio Ray, but he found that his energy was leaking out uncontrollably and could not be interrupted at all!

On the other hand, after absorbing Tiga's energy, the three dragon heads seemed to be addicted, so they absorbed Tiga's energy crazily.

You must know that Tiga's energy is now unlimited, and it will not stop being absorbed like this.

This caused Tiga to be extremely uncomfortable, his whole body was fixed in place, and he could not do anything at all. He could only let the three dragon heads absorb his energy like a fish at the mercy of others, and he could not resist!


After seeing this scene, the Red Lotus Knight Beast next to him immediately understood what was going on.

So he immediately raised his shield and fired the Pure Land Ray to attack the energy sucked from Tiga!


The energy was attacked, and an amazing explosion occurred instantly!

The terrible blast wave directly blew away Crimson Knightmon and Tiga.

Although such a method was reckless and would cause injuries, it also successfully interrupted Tiga's continuous energy being taken away.

"Roar, roar, roar, roar!!"

The three dragon heads were originally enjoying the energy being taken away, but they were suddenly interrupted, which made them very dissatisfied and immediately roared.

Then they gathered gravitational rays in their mouths and fired at the same time!

Three rays, which were larger than Tiga and Crimson Knightmon combined, fell from the sky.

Neither Tiga nor Crimson Knightmon had time to dodge, and could only be hit like a target!


After the three gravitational rays fell, they set off an extremely terrible explosion. First, a terrifying golden light rose like the sun to illuminate everything around, making people unable to see anything.

What followed was the astonishing power of the explosion, which caused the surrounding ground to vibrate wildly, split, and collapse!

Even a huge amount of sand and dust was raised, scattered in the air, and fell like a rainstorm.

Even the sky was not spared, and it shook along, as if the space was about to collapse at any time!

Such a landscape can be called a doomsday catastrophe!

When the golden light gradually disappeared, the situation under the golden light could be seen.

I saw that the land of unknown size was in a mess, and there were dense and hideous cracks everywhere like spider webs.

Many places on the surface collapsed.

Buildings were burned to ashes, mountains collapsed and disintegrated, causing the ground to be flattened.

Especially at the center of the explosion, it was the most terrifying, turning into a bottomless, terrifying huge basin that seemed to be a thousand meters deep!

The surface was charred black, and people dared not approach it.

At the bottom of the basin, Crimson Knightmon trembled and wanted to stand up, but his body was disappearing bit by bit as data.

In the end, he couldn't even say a word, and lay down again, and finally his whole body turned into a pile of data and disappeared.

And Tiga's whole body was covered with traces of burning, and the timer on his chest flashed red lights crazily.

He raised his hand with difficulty and stretched it towards the three dragon heads in the sky.

He wanted to endure the pain and continue to fight hard to the end.

But unfortunately, no matter how hard Tiga tried, he couldn't stand up, and couldn't even stretch his arms.


Finally, Tiga's arms fell down weakly and landed heavily on the ground.

His head gradually turned sideways, full of powerlessness, the light in his eyes disappeared, and his body didn't move at all.

Only the flashing red light showed that Tiga was not dead yet.

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