"Red, yellow, blue, green, and purple are the five variations of this CD."

The color of the disc is determined based on the mental qualities, emotions, etc. of the person holding it.

At first we didn't know what the color meant, or what effect the disc had on changing the image of the mirror.

We didn't know until one day something unexpected happened.

“One day, two researchers were arguing in the laboratory about who would pay for lunch. The argument was so intense that they almost started fighting.

One of the researchers happened to be experimenting with a CD. When he was pushed away, he happened to press the CD against the mirror. "

"Then something incredible happened, that is, the researcher actually passed through the mirror and entered another world."

"As soon as this phenomenon appeared, we realized that this disc is a door to another world. As long as someone holds the disc and presses the disc against the mirror, he can enter another world."

"Then we continued to conduct many studies and found that the world we entered with different colored discs seemed to be different. No, it was not so much different, it was more that it appeared in different locations. We are not yet clear about the significance of this. .So we decided to send people into this world to investigate.”

When seeing this, everyone's expressions changed.

It’s actually another world-transporting prop!

Nick Fury: "This optical disc can actually travel to another world. Is it the same as 3D glasses?"

Warring States: "Is there a monster in another world, and the monster will run out through this mirror?"

Tsunade: "You'll know what it's like once you see it."

The content of the screen continues.

"When the Conception Society learned about the true power of this disc, they immediately organized a mobile task force to enter this world to investigate what existed in this world."

"However, this world is different from what we imagined. It is full of ruins and desolate, as if it has experienced some kind of war. And it is a war of huge scale."

"However, this is not the most important thing. The most terrifying thing is the indigenous people of this world."

When the sound came here, the screen changed and a group of extremely huge creatures appeared.

This group of creatures have green skin, are fifty times the size of humans, are between fifty and a hundred meters tall, and their facial features are quite ferocious and do not look like humans.

What's weird is that none of these creatures have lower bodies, and they seem to rely on tall arms to support their bodies.

"When we first encountered this kind of monster, we were all frightened. We didn't expect that there were so many huge creatures in this world, which made our actions even more difficult. We must be careful every time we move forward and be careful to hide ourselves. God knows What will happen if you are discovered by these monsters?”

"Fortunately, it is difficult for these creatures to see us because they are too tall. Even if we walk in the open space, we can ensure that we are not discovered. And according to our observations, they move very slowly. We initially thought that if Saying that even if we are discovered, we can still evacuate, we will realize how stupid this idea is when something actually happens."

The members of the mobile task force on the screen were moving forward cautiously.

There were two huge monsters on both sides of them, moving their arms in the opposite direction, but did not see these people.

Just like when humans walk, it is difficult to notice bugs passing by their feet.

As long as this continues, the Mobile Task Force will be reasonably safe.

However, the good times did not last long, and accidents still happened.

"Dang! Dang!"

A member of the task force accidentally kicked a can, making a loud noise.


This made several members cry out.

They had been quiet for too long and had been in a state of high concentration and tension. Now a sudden movement suddenly frightened them.

The gun almost went off.

"Sorry, sorry!"

The MTF member apologized hastily.

"keep quiet!"

Another member quickly reminded everyone that they were making a bit too much noise at the moment.


At this moment, a particularly heavy sound sounded, causing the entire ground to shake violently.

All task force members immediately turned to look at the source of the sound.

As a result, they saw the huge creature that had passed by them suddenly turning around and looking down at them.

"Quickly retreat!"

The captain of the mobile task force gave the order immediately and led everyone to run towards the mirror entering this world.

They don't know what danger will come next, and the best way now is to get out of here quickly.

In their perception, these creatures are tall and slow. Even if they come to chase them, they will definitely have time to escape from here.

However, what happened next was beyond everyone's imagination.


The huge creature let out a roar, and terrifying sound waves spread around, shaking all the nearby buildings apart.

Then it exerted force with its arms and moved its body. The huge body instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place, bursting forward at a speed that was far out of proportion to its size.


All the buildings in front of the monster were smashed by it, without any blocking effect at all!

The monster rushed directly in front of the Mobile Task Force members, blocking their way and punching them at the same time.


The power of this punch was terrifying, and it directly opened huge cracks in the ground.

By the time the fist was raised, several members of the mobile task force had turned into flesh and were too dead to die.


At this time, everyone else was frightened. Only then did they realize how terrifying this monster was. They fired quickly, threw grenades, and fired howitzers to bombard it.

Trying to harm this horrible creature.

However, their firepower had no effect at all.

Bullets and explosions have no effect on this monster.

Or maybe it's just shaving off some skin flakes.


At this time, violent explosions were heard from all directions.

I saw that the monsters who were originally a little far away from here were all attracted by the movement here, bursting out with extremely amazing speed, breaking through the buildings and trampling through the earth.

They all made extremely terrifying roars.

The remaining members of the Mobile Task Force looked extremely ugly when they saw this group of monsters rushing towards them.

Only at this moment did they realize how stupid their previous judgment was.

When the monsters surround them, the fate of this group of people is nothing but death.

The only good thing is that they continued to turn on the real-time camera until the last moment and sent the captured footage back to the original world to teach subsequent people a lesson.

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