Nobita: "No! I didn't have that idea, it was just an accident!"

Tony Stark: "Hey, kid, it's normal for you to be interested in the body of the opposite sex at your age, but you can't go too far. You can wait until you grow up to talk about this kind of thing."

Jiraiya: "That's right. When you grow up, you can naturally exchange your life-saving grace for women in return."

Tsunade: "What are you talking about!"

As soon as Jiraiya said these words, he was punched by Tsunade.

"Don't mess around! We're flying!"

This punch almost made Jiraiya unable to control his chakra, causing everyone to almost fall.

"Then just concentrate on your journey and don't think too much!"

Tsunade scolded, then immediately looked at the screen.

Kakashi and Metkai are already exploring the ruins, and they haven't seen the Unclean One yet, so she can relax a little.

Nick Fury: "Stark, please be careful what you say and don't embarrass our universe."

Tony Stark: "Oh, really, I think that's normal."

Diana: "You give me the feeling that you are no different from a rich playboy. I really don't understand that a person like you would be in this live broadcast room."

Tony Stark: "Hey, lady, if you were in my universe, you'd know how awesome I am."

Diana: "I just want to kill you with one sword."

Tony Stark: "Uh-huh."

Nobita: "Don't go too far! I definitely don't have that idea!"

Nami: "Oh, really."

Natasha: "Hey, Nami, have you captured that disc?"

Nami: "Yes, I spent a lot of effort and ran really fast."

One Piece World, on the Thousand Sunny.

Nami looked at the disc in Robin's hand.

Everyone spent a lot of effort to catch this disc just now.

It even took a lot of demolition to get hold of this disc.

"Ha, I'm exhausted."

Luffy lay on the ground with his tongue hanging out.

"Damn, it's just a disc that cost me so much effort."

Zoro cursed with an unhappy look on his face.

"Our practice is not enough."

Sanji leaned against the wall and blew out a puff of smoke.

It's just a disc, it's better to really enter that world.

"It's just that what should I do with this thing? If it is loosened, it will go to the mirror and it can't be closed at all."

Usopp asked with a worried look on his face.

"It's very simple, as long as someone is holding it all the time. Come and get it for me, I will keep it safe."

Luffy immediately stood up and spoke his mind.

"You're thinking of sneaking in while we're not paying attention! Don't even think about it!"

Nami saw Luffy's true thoughts at a glance and slapped him to wake him up.

"This lens may have to be on the mirror to stop, so we can make a mirror as small as this and attach it to it."

After Robin finished speaking, he took out a palm-sized mirror, just enough for the disc to stick on.

This causes the mirror to transform into a view from another world.

You can just see some unclean people moving around with their huge arms, which looks very impressive.

"Such a terrifying monster, just looking at it like this is scary!"

Usopp was so frightened that he couldn't help but step back.

"Hehe, you can just reach in. I wonder if I can hear you if I yell."

Luffy came over and said with a smile, then opened his mouth wide and prepared to shout.

"Don't mess around!"

As a result, at this moment, all the crew members except Robin rushed forward, held down Luffy, and punched and kicked him.

Almost beat him to death.

"Idiot, no one is allowed to touch this mirror in the safe in my room! Otherwise, it will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish!"

Nami was now giving orders like an evil spirit, and everyone immediately obeyed.

Everyone has seen the situation on this side, and it looks very funny.

Nick Fury: "Is this terrible woman your captain?"

Zoro: "No, she's a navigator, and our captain is this idiot named Luffy."

Patton: "Ah, ah, isn't it? The captain is an idiot?"

Tony Stark: "This is a puppet placed in front to attract attention. Are you manipulating it behind the scenes?"

Sanji: "No, he is the boss. We don't have that kind of ambition. This idiot has caused us a lot of trouble."

Strange: "Why do you let an idiot be your captain?"

Nami: "Although he is an idiot, he is very reliable at critical moments and leads us through countless crises."

Robin: "Are you sure he didn't cause some of the crises?"

Nami: "Hisssssss"

Nick Fury: "What kind of pirate group are you, I've never seen them before."

Akainu: "Huh, no matter what kind of pirate group they are, it's best to die!"

"Congratulations, Doraemon World and One Piece World have successfully contained the disc leading to the Red Sea World, and rewards will be distributed now."

Just then the sound from the screen sounded.

"Some of Doraemon's props have become permanent and difficult to destroy. Nobita Nobita has been given magic courses from the second to fourth years of Hogwarts."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nobita, who had not yet stood up, was hit by a pile of books falling from the sky and was submerged in the hill where the magic books were piled up.


Seeing this, Doraemon quickly opened the pile of books and dug out Nobita.

"It's a magic book again, why can't you just let me learn magic!!"

Nobita had a headache just looking at this pile of books, and couldn't help crying and screaming.

"Well, maybe I don't want you to get something for nothing."

Doraemon analyzed it seriously.

"Where do I have the time and energy to learn this!"

Nobita buried his head in his hands, crying.

How come people in other worlds can learn it without having to learn it, yet he wants it? It’s so unfair!

"Nobita, don't worry, I can slow down time so you have enough time to study."

Doraemon comforted him with a kind smile.

He just checked and found that the time-type props have just become permanent. You can use them however you want, which can give Nobita enough time to learn.

In this way, he can arrange various plans, supervise Nobita, and train him to become an outstanding adult.

When he thought of this, Doraemon felt very happy.

Nobita was the only one injured.

"The world of One Piece, Luffy awakens Nika form, Zoro and Brook get the Zanpakuto, Sanji gets the Eight Gate Armor, Nami gets the sky's dragon-slaying magic, Usopp's slingshot is transformed into a railgun firing principle, Chopper Obtained alchemy, Robin obtained the Heavenly Wheel Armor, and Frankie obtained the plasma light cannon blueprint.”

After the sound on the screen ended, the Straw Hat Pirates began to undergo earth-shaking changes!

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