The robber didn't say anything after hearing Natasha's words. Natasha immediately took off the Tara mask and saw that the other party was dead and looked like he was poisoned.

Apparently he had hidden poison capsules in his teeth, and if he couldn't escape, he would bite the poison and commit suicide.

Not only this person, but other robbers have also committed suicide to prevent themselves from falling into the hands of the enemy and being tortured for information.


Seeing this, Natasha sighed helplessly, and then took out her walkie-talkie to contact Nick Fury.

"Fury, I have the situation under control, but the robber is dead."

"That's good! As long as you are fine, bring those bodies back and analyze them carefully to find some clues."

Nick Fury was relieved to see Natasha had the situation under control, and then asked about the statue.

"Don't worry, I have the statue of the evil god."

Natasha was about to say that her shadow soldiers were looking at the statue of the evil god, but something suddenly occurred to her, and she immediately counted the number of shadow soldiers in the cabin.

His expression had to change.

Then she immediately ran to the iron box, opened the door and went in to take a look. Her face suddenly became particularly ugly.

There are no statues here!

There is absolutely nothing.

"Didn't I tell you to stare at the statue? Why did they all run out!"

Natasha turned around and stared at these shadow soldiers in displeasure and shouted.

She never expected that all these soldiers would run out and forget their instructions.

After hearing Natasha's reprimand, the shadow soldiers lowered their heads in shame.

Concerned with protecting their master's safety, they forgot this order.

"Sorry Fury, the statue of the evil god is missing."

Natasha reported this problem to Nick Fury seriously.

"I already knew that and now it's in the news."

Over at SHIELD, Nick Fury watched the live news on the computer with a heavy expression.

"Dear viewers, I can't believe the scene in front of me. The statue that was taken away by a group of people just appeared suddenly. I don't know how it did it. It was able to move on its own and kill one person after another. Now the statue doesn't know where to go. Where is it? There are only corpses on the ground!"

Through the live broadcast, you can see many corpses lying on the roads and sidewalks, each of them looking like they died of myocardial infarction.

This horrific scene instantly made many people feel extremely frightened.

Some extremist religious elements have begun to take this opportunity to cause trouble.

"This is God's sanction against us! He is very dissatisfied with us and wants to purify the world!"

"What we should do now is kneel down and pray, offer our sincerity in exchange for God's forgiveness!"

"And I am the messenger of God. As long as you give me enough tribute, I am willing to negotiate with the gods on your behalf and ask for your forgiveness!"

This kind of nonsense remarks are endless, and they sound full of flaws.

But now there is such a terrifying statue of an evil god causing trouble there, so many people choose to believe this nonsense, donate their property, and pray for God's forgiveness.

Now the evil god statue is constantly hunting down those who have seen him before.

As long as there is a sight covering it, it can stop its actions.

However, people were frightened and did not understand this terrible statue. They thought that if they got close to it, they would die. They just ran away and dared not stare at it.

This creates a scene where the evil god statue runs rampant and kills wantonly everywhere.

"Natasha, stop the statue immediately. No more victims can be added."

Nick Fury looked at the tragic scene on the screen, his eyebrows furrowed so tightly that they were about to twist together.

"Director, the council called to ask about our strategy."

Hill ran over with the phone and said.

"Just tell them to shut up, and what's going on with Stark!"

Nick Fury then thought of Tony Stark. In his opinion, it was impossible for this man who escaped from terrorists and built a super suit to be unable to do anything.

At this time, Tony was in a state of being robbed and pointed at. He had already seen the situation on the screen. He was also very anxious, but he had to calmly deal with the matter in front of him.

"Oh, which force are you from? Is the hijacking for my money? Please give me a price."

Tony said calmly.

"Stark, your conditions are indeed good, but we want more than just money. If you want to survive, you have no choice but to hand over your technology."

One of the robbers pointed at Tony's Mark suit and said.

"I have many techniques. You are talking about bed techniques. Do you want me to demonstrate them to you with your woman?"

Tony interrupted, pretending not to know what the other person was talking about.

"Stop talking nonsense to me!"

However, the other party seemed really irritated and almost wanted to pull the trigger.

"Well, I want to remind you one thing. You'd better stand firm now."

At this time Tony suddenly said this.

The next second, the Quinjet suddenly tilted without the control of the pilot.

Causes everything to lose balance instantly and fall to the side.

Only Tony's armor immediately sprayed power to maintain balance, and he quickly reached out to catch Coulson who was about to fly out.

"Sir, the Quinjet is under my control."

Jarvis's voice reached Tony's ears.

It turns out that Tony had already asked Jarvis to invade the Quinjet's system and seize control.

Although the Quinjet fighter system is very advanced, it is a piece of cake in front of Jarvis.

"Well done."

Tony praised, threw Coulson aside, and immediately rushed towards the robbers who had not yet stood firm.

First, he knocked out several people with the weight of the armor, and then the cannon in his palm burst out with dazzling light, directly taking away the eyesight of these people.

Let them fall down with their eyes covered in pain.

Then he knocked them out one by one.

"This is my gift to the one-eyed man."

After subduing the robbers, Tony looked at the screen and immediately ordered Jarvis to control the Quinjet to fly towards the location of the evil god statue.

That said, it was very difficult.

The evil god statue was killed one by one in the order in which it was seen.

No matter how far apart different targets were, they were strictly set in accordance with this abnormality. After all, for it, it was all a matter of teleportation.

The crowd was scattered at the beginning, which resulted in a large range of movement for the evil god to be offline, making it difficult to track.

But it was impossible to wait until it had killed all the robbers and stopped before finding it, which made everyone very worried.

Ancient One: "In two minutes, this statue will appear in front of a pizza shop in District 24 of Brooklyn Street. You can ambush it."

Just when Tony and others were at a loss, Ancient One actually predicted the location where the evil god statue would appear!

It turned out that Ancient One had already used the Time Stone to observe the future and found out the specific location and time of the appearance of the evil god statue. Combined with the location of Tony and Natasha, it gave this a high chance of success.

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