American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 95 Amazing ability, reissue Rhodes reward


Seeing Natasha become like him, Tony had to scream as if he had seen a ghost.

Then Natasha transformed into the Ancient One, and then back to herself.

"How is this going?"

Tony asked quickly, feeling like his mind was going to explode!

"I feel like I can manipulate every molecule in my body and rearrange it."

Natasha said this. In her eyes, her body was just a pile of countless molecules, and she could use it to reconstruct it however she wanted.

Hearing this, Tony and Gu Yi had to be stunned. .

"Don't talk to me yet. I feel like there's a lot of information in my head right now. Please tell me to slow down!"

Natasha said this while covering her head.

Now her five senses are extremely amazing, and she can receive a lot of information at once. Although she can process it all very quickly, she still can't get used to it.

Then Natasha suddenly swept her hand away, and a car next to her suddenly flew up out of thin air. Then she waved her hand and threw the car away.

"Control with your mind? No, it's a bit like controlling gravity."

Gu Yi's pupils dilated slightly when he saw this.

"Didi didi didi."

At this time Natasha's phone rang, and she immediately picked up the phone.

But instead of connecting directly, he swiped two fingers on the phone.

Then she saw a line of text appear out of thin air on her phone.

"The caller is Nick Fury."

Now in Natasha's eyes, there were countless electromagnetic waves emitting from the mobile phone. She looked around again, and there were electromagnetic waves of different colors everywhere.

"Hello? What are you doing?"

Tony couldn't see Natasha's movements and had to ask, when his cell phone also rang.

"I can directly see electromagnetic waves, and through the electromagnetic waves I can see the information sent by the communication equipment and the origin of the caller."

After Natasha finished speaking, a line of radio waves slid down on Tony's cell phone.

Then she saw the caller, Pepper, and a bunch of spam messages.

"It's your little secretary who's calling, please answer it right away. You also have a lot of spam text messages, including all kinds of interesting ones."

After Natasha finished speaking, she answered the phone.

Tony was left in a mess and was so frightened that he quickly checked his phone to see if it was what Natasha said.

"Romanoff, you now."

"Fury, don't talk yet."

When Nick Fury was about to care about Natasha's situation, Natasha suddenly interrupted Nick Fury.

This left Nick Fury confused.

"I can see what's going on with SHIELD, again through your eyes."

A SHIELD situation suddenly appeared in Natasha's eyes, with agents busy everywhere.


This made Nick Fury tremble and look around in confusion.

"I am now connected to your brainwaves through my mobile phone. I can see the situation of SHIELD through you and read what you are thinking. Do you want me to tell you?"

Listening to Natasha's words, cold sweat broke out on Nick Fury's back.

What kind of superpower is this? It connects to one's own brainwaves through a mobile phone, allows one to see the situation in S.H.I.E.L.D., and can also read minds.

Coupled with the various super powers that Natasha showed just now, Nick Fury was so shocked that he was almost shaking.

Then comes ecstasy.

No matter what, the stronger Natasha is, the greater the benefit to SHIELD.

"Natasha, no need to say so much, come back quickly!"

Nick Fury immediately urged Natasha to return to SHIELD.


After Natasha hung up the phone, she looked at Tony who was a little messy next to her.

"I'm leaving first. By the way, there seems to be something wrong with your armor design. I advise you to change it."

Then Natasha actually revealed the details of Mark's armor.

This was something Tony didn't notice, and it made his scalp tingle.

Is this the power to develop 30% of the brain?

Not to mention being the most genius, but also possessing so many superpowers, do humans actually have such great potential!

Also shocked was Ancient One. She thought she was already at the pinnacle of humanity, but when she saw Natasha's performance, she found it difficult to calm down.

"Does the human brain still hide so many secrets? Or is it only possible with the drug just now?"

Gu Yi analyzed it this way.

Tony looked at her after hearing this.

"See you later, Stark."

After the Ancient One finished speaking, he opened the portal and returned to Karma Taj.

"Do women nowadays have superpowers?"

Tony said this without any end and then looked at Natasha who was getting on the plane.

"Tch, even if you develop 30% of your brain, I'm the top genius and I can definitely do it!"

Tony immediately returned to his conceited thoughts. When he wanted to fly towards the Quinjet, he remembered that the power was out and could only drag the heavy suit towards the Quinjet.

Fortunately, Natasha didn't want to wait for Tony for too long, so with a thought, she released a wave of energy that enveloped Tony and pulled him onto the fighter plane.

"Yeah, Romanov, the pilots are dead, we should..."

Colson spoke timidly. Natasha now felt strange to him.

"Don't worry, let me do it, just control the electromagnetic waves."

Natasha suddenly said this, and then her pupils dilated slightly.

The Quinjet's control panel suddenly turned on its own, closed the hatch, and ignited to take off.

There is obviously no one to control the machine, but it can fly normally.

This made Coulson and Tony not know what to say, their faces were blank.

"As an aside, this screen missed one person's reward, it's James Rhodes."

At this time, the sound of the screen suddenly sounded.

This surprised Tony a little. Rhodes also got a reward?

Ah, well, he did have a share of the credit for knocking out the Death Star with one foot.

"It's so funny that I can forget about this screen."

Tony couldn't help but complained in his mind.

"Now James Rhodes' reward is reissued, the Crystalvine Missile Launcher."

"In the universe of contained objects, there is such a kind of contained object called crystal vine, which is a huge crystal built into tree vines. It has a particularly terrifying anomaly, that is, it will automatically explode and scatter the fragments. Spread around."

"When the fragments of the crystal vine touch any material creature, they will assimilate the thing they touched into crystal. Then two hours later, they will explode again, spreading the fragments repeatedly, infecting more substances and assimilating into crystal. crystal."

"The hardness of the crystal vines is beyond imagination, and it is difficult to be destroyed by ordinary means. Even if it is successfully destroyed, the small fragments can assimilate other substances. Fortunately, the crystal vines cannot affect quartz, so the containment association used quartz to make a cage to trap all the crystal vines. vines to prevent their spread.”

"Subsequently, the Containment Association developed a crystal vine missile based on the characteristics of the crystal vine. After the missile hits the enemy, it will erupt into countless crystal vine fragments and assimilate the enemy. At the same time, a large amount of quartz material is released to control the spread of the crystal vine."

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