"Red... Red Queen. No! Red Queen?"

Su Xiu hesitated and asked.

He had to say!

Although the Red Queen's current appearance was different from the little girl in the movie, it was quite in line with his aesthetics. She had fair skin, beautiful face, sweet voice, and most importantly... her figure... was amazing!

Su Xiu nodded secretly, his face expressionless.

"The current image of the Red Queen is the one that the owner is most likely to accept through big data simulation.……"

"If the owner doesn't like it, he can change it again."

A soft voice sounded, not at all like a machine.

Great, my paper wife.

Su Xiu shook his head,"Forget it, there's no need"

"Red Queen?"

"Uh... forget it"

"Let's call her Red Queen! That's more catchy."

Su Xiu smacked his lips.

Anyway, Tony only got the fragments, and they were already digested by Jarvis as data. There was no need to worry about the problem of having the same name. If he called her by himself, it would be more convenient to call her Red Queen.

"Yes, Master!"

"The name has been entered!"

The Red Queen leaned over and nodded, completely turning into his shape.

Su Xiu spoke directly to the point:"What can you do now?"

"If the owner releases the permissions……"

"Red Queen, you can bring the global network under surveillance within three days. The network will become your vision and sharp weapon!"

"As long as the network is not controlled by artificial intelligence, it can be covered... Monitor without alerting them... For artificial intelligence... It can also quickly invade and break through... There is no place in this world that can stop me!"

Red Queen spoke calmly, as if it was just a trivial matter.

This is indeed the case.

The virtual intelligent version of Red Queen is at least 100 years ahead of the current technology, a complete information ghost.

An epoch-making product, not at the same level at all!

If it weren't for the various unreasonable scientists and treasures in the Marvel world...

With Red Queen's current technology and the learning speed of the intelligent brain, it would be easy to directly build Skynet and monitor the world.


"Then let's take control of New York where I am first."

Su Xiu nodded.

Finally, I can open the big map and don't have to worry about being in the dark.


"The system will have to wait another two days before refreshing the next round."

Su Xiu rubbed his hands, with some regret on his face.

After feeling the joy of rapid strength improvement, he can't wait to look forward to the next harvest!

It's just a round of invasion.

It made him reborn, directly from a weakling to a real strong man.


The main line of Marvel has just begun, and it has not yet reached the middle stage of rampage.

Dormammu, Ancient One, Odin, Mephisto...

The father-level bosses are basically in hiding, equivalent to background boards, and will not easily leave.

There are some active early superheroes left.

With the cooperation of several abilities, Su Xiu is really not afraid of them.

The perfect version of the ability is not just talk, especially when he has a huge amount of points as a confidence.

"I don't even know how strong I am~"

I have to say.

Su Xiu was a little bit inflated.

"I just don't know……"

"What world will the next invasion be?"

Su Xiu leaned his head back and thought.

His eyes fell on the system panel, where the countdown numbers kept jumping.

Every time the system launched an invasion, he personally extracted it. Before anchoring and capturing it, even Su Xiu himself could not guess it.

However, the military ceiling of the Marvel world is high enough.

It should not be so easy to fall and affect his winning and becoming stronger.

"Should I...right?"

Su Xiu touched his chin and said uncertainly.


SHIELD! Headquarters!

The top secret research institute!

Trample! Trample! Trample!

The sound of shoes stomping on the ground echoed in the empty underground hall.

The sound was urgent and hurried.

Senior researchers were busy shuttling back and forth in front of different operating tables.

In the center!

Black Widow was dressed in a tight outfit. Under various detections, she used the Navy Six Styles to her heart's content. Various parameters of the test results kept appearing on the surrounding electronic instruments.……


"Preliminary testing has been completed!"

"According to Natasha, the Navy's Six Styles should come from another world... It is a special technique used by a certain navy to arm its troops and improve their combat capabilities.……"

"It's not a mutant ability, it can be passed on to others!"

Nick Fury just came out of the elevator.

Coulson walked towards him quickly with a pile of documents.

"Can you teach me?!"

Nick Fury's eyes lit up.

However... before he could be happy, he soon noticed Coulson's complicated expression.

"What's the flaw?" Nick Fury whispered

"It's... physical strength." Coulson spoke with difficulty, his expression a little ugly:"The Navy Six Styles is a physical skill that exceeds the limits of the human body. It is not something that can be performed casually.……"

"Although we can teach and learn, our bodies simply cannot control it."

"Among the senior agents, only five or six people barely met the requirements after preliminary screening, and at most they could not hold on after practicing one move... They could not do it like Natasha."

Coulson shook his head.

This kind of physical skill is too powerful, and it is impossible for ordinary people to learn it. Those who can practice one move are already one in ten thousand.

If you want to master all of them, unless you are a mutant with a physical condition, it is impossible.

"Are you limited by your physical fitness?……"

Nick Fury looked thoughtful, as if he was thinking about something.

It seems that some of his plans must be implemented as soon as possible.

A special forces team composed of superpowers.

The Avengers... the Alliance...

Tony being entangled by the military may be a good opportunity.


Stark Industries Building


"Military communication, requesting to speak to you, do you want to connect?"

Jarvis' voice came from the screen.


Tony, who was concentrating on the operating table, didn't even raise his head.


""Those fat pigs are really endless!"

Tony curled his lips.

There was a bit of disdain and disgust on his face.

However... compared to those annoying scum, he had more important things to deal with.


"How's it going?"

"Sir! The integration has been completed and the information related to"Intelligent Module-Red Queen" is being digested.……"

"Discovered a large amount of Umbrella Corporation technology……"

"Related biotechnology has been deciphered……"


As Jarvis' voice sounded, a large amount of data swept out on the electronic screen, and the data torrent poured out like a waterfall.

Tony's eyes lit up.

He immediately immersed himself in the work.

They were all unfamiliar technologies, and they were quite advanced. They were completely different from the technology of this world. For a top scientist like him, they were definitely priceless treasures.

Tony soon began to study them eagerly.

"This weapon can be loaded on Mark's suit.……"

"This technology can enhance the endurance of the suit.……"

"This metal can increase the defense of Mark's suit.……"

Tony whispered, his eyes sparkling.

Tonight... was destined to be another sleepless night.

He could only temporarily ignore the big beauties on the West Coast~



The sound of human activity suddenly rang out in the long-abandoned base.



Batman got off the Batmobile and walked straight into a pizza shop, pulling up a very strong man.

"Clark, we have to do something!"


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