"hold onto!"

"There is still hope!"

Just when everyone was discouraged, Tony, who had been missing since the start of the battle, suddenly appeared.

A familiar voice sounded in the internal communicator.

"damn it……"

"That guy is such a sticky person!"

"It's an unkillable demon.……"

The Lord's snake-like recovery ability makes the superheroes who are fighting bloody look more and more ugly.

Under the time limit. Nothing is more disgusting than a monster with invincible recovery ability. After finally beating him down to a shred of health, not only is his health locked in an instant, but he can also be revived with full health in minutes. The Lord's recovery ability is simply despairing. It was not until he faced him that Wolverine realized how disgusting his powerful self-healing factor was. Especially... the Lord's recovery ability is stronger than his.

"My points are almost gone!"

Wanda said with a cold face.

The few remaining points on the system panel made it difficult for the Mind Stone to last much longer.

After losing the infinite energy inside the stone, it was too difficult for her to suppress this monster with many spells on her body with her own strength.

It was not just her.

The redemption time for others was also gradually coming to an end. Wolverine, who redeemed first, had his power stone turned into nothing because his points were exhausted, which made the shadow in everyone's heart even heavier.


"Humble ants, pay the price for your wrong choices!"

"I am the emperor of the world, surrender to me!"

The Lord roared triumphantly.

The points were exhausted, and the treasures turned into bubbles one by one. The superheroes who had greatly increased their strength were beaten back to their original forms one after another.

The Lord, who was constantly defeated, could clearly feel that the pressure he faced had decreased!

Especially after the power gem disappeared, the Lord became even more rampant without having to face the freak Wolverine.

The wind stopped, the rain stopped, and the Lord felt that he was fine again.

The talismans lit up together

""Seventy-nine-seven" A burning breath spurted out from his mouth, turning the battlefield below into a sea of fire.

The Fire Demon's domineering aura completely exploded!!

"The power of the spell was absorbed by him.……"The old man had a stern face and an extremely serious expression."The power lost by the Holy Lord has almost been recovered by him. The most powerful fire demon……"

Except for the pig charm on Cyclops' hand, which was suppressed and did not return, all other charms were recalled by the Lord and integrated into his body.

The missing pig can be made up by the dragon. Under the balance of the tiger charm, the power of the Lord is already close to the peak.

Turning his eyes to Thor and the others, the old man frowned and twisted his brows into a"川" shape:"The power of the immortal gods is disappearing... Their power alone cannot deal with the peak state of the Lord.……"

The old man looked sad and sighed:"Only magic can defeat magic!"

"If we want to reseal the Lord, we must find the great wizard Lope, the spell ritual and token he used.……"

The old man pursed his lips into a straight line.

It seemed that he gave everyone hope of breaking the impasse.


"Collect spell rituals and tokens?"

Quicksilver looked up and saw the worsening situation on the battlefield.


No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like there is a chance to collect these things.


Bullseye, Doctor Octopus... these guys who have joined the evil spirit camp are all watching from outside.

It's not that easy to withdraw, they will definitely be targeted!

Moreover, once too much combat power is withdrawn, the battlefield with the Holy Lord will easily collapse. At that time, it will really be the end of the world. Without their obstruction, the Holy Lord will truly come to the world.

By then, the evil spirit will sweep the whole field and rule the world. The system will determine that the evil spirit camp has won, and they will be completely finished.

In such a critical situation, who dares to leave rashly!

"I'm afraid it's going to be cold……"

Quicksilver's heart tightened, with a bitter taste in his mouth.

This situation... looks like it's going to collapse!

The only way out is the kind that has no hope. Who can stand this?

"Tony, Tony... You've screwed me over this time... It turns out there's no such thing as a free lunch.……"

Quicksilver's heart was beating fast, and he almost wanted to give up.

The morale of the righteous camp was declining, while Bullseye and his men were getting more and more arrogant.

Just when they couldn't help but mock, a shadow suddenly shot out from the air. A familiar figure appeared on the projection, and it was Tony that Quicksilver had been thinking about! Tony, who had disappeared since the beginning of this battle, finally appeared on the field. Moreover, at this critical moment,


"Why are you here? We thought you were kidnapped by the Lord just like your father!"

"Where's Captain America? You all disappeared together, and we thought……"


The sudden appearance of the missing people attracted the attention of everyone present, and they couldn't help but look sideways.


Facing the many questions on the scene.

Tony just shook his head, with a bit of disdain on his proud face,"Kidnapping? Those stupid guys are not qualified to kidnap Uncle Tony!"


"Now is not the time to chat and reminisce about the past. Compared to those things, it is more important to solve this monster!"

Tony did not explain too much.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at the battlefield.

The arrogance of the Holy Lord did not make Tony bow his head, but instead aroused the fighting spirit in his eyes. He has been missing for so long...

He is not avoiding the battle!


"Tony means……"

"Could it be!?"

The people whose doubts were interrupted were not angry, but looked at Tony in surprise. Especially after they found the direction of his gaze, they couldn't help but show shock on their faces.

It was as if they had guessed something.

This direction... this tone...

Could it be that

Tony had found a way to deal with the Holy Lord?!

"You have a solution!"

Thor couldn't help asking first.

Facing the burning eyes of others, Tony nodded, without hiding it.

He said affirmatively,"That's right!"

Without enough confidence, how could Tony act rashly? He is not the reckless Thor.

Disappearing for so long...

He is not watching the show from the sidelines.

Just after Tony nodded, the picture behind him suddenly changed.

The content of the virtual projection turned into a starry sky background.

In the vast starry sky, there are endless galaxies and countless stars.

Just when others were confused.


Someone discovered something unusual.


The twinkling points of light in the starry sky background are not the stars they used as background boards.

Instead, they are!

Satellites one after another!

Zoom in. Afterwards.

You can even see the hideous spikes on the horns and various gun muzzles sticking out from them, just like war barriers!


Are not stars for decoration, but extremely dangerous weapons!

Moreover... the light spots flicker, as if breathing, as if they have life.

That's right!

These are the big killers Tony prepared.

Hanging high in the sky, space-based weapons transformed from satellites!

Since entering this world, he has begun to let Jarvis invade the Internet, gradually covering the world to form a sky eye.

After learning that his father was kidnapped.

Tony keenly felt the danger.

Especially Yes!

The endless changes made him break the boat. The order was to capture the network of satellites in the sky and take over the navigable power of the mission world. Light! It does n't matter if you are light? After all , these satellites have been converted. Too too!

【Reality Gem: The intersection of reality and fantasy, a miracle that can realize any dream and wish! Not only can it create fantasy that is indistinguishable from reality, but as long as the user is willing, it can also turn the fake into the real, turning the fantasy into the real reality!

This is a universal gem that can be called a wishing machine. (For a thrilling novel, go to Fei���Novel Network! )

Tony did not use it in a fancy way, but used it in a simple way.

Convert energy! Project armor!

Treat the Reality Gem as a huge arsenal, continuously blasting soldiers and filling up the logistical ammunition reserves.

The war barrier transformed from satellites was constantly filled up, and all kinds of weapons were armed to the teeth.

Laser cannons were overloaded, and thousands of rail guns were aimed at them.[]

Unlimited firepower!

Starry sky guidance!

This is the trump card he prepared!


After hearing what Tony said, Quicksilver looked up at the starry sky and couldn't help swallowing.

Thinking that at this moment, there might be countless satellite missiles aiming their guns at this place, Quicksilver couldn't help but feel his heart beating like thunder. Even if he had the speed of chasing light and could avoid the bombing in the first place, but! Thinking of being pointed at by so many guns, he couldn't help but feel his heart beating faster.

This is the instinctive fear of human beings for death.

"Holy shit! It’s awesome!"

"As expected of my idol, Iron Man is invincible!"

"I knew that Captain America and Iron Man would not be cowards and must be preparing a big plan! It turned out to be true!"

"Beautiful! Let those monsters taste the power of technological weapons!"


Tony's big move of Jedi counterattack made the people in front of the live broadcast boil instantly, and they couldn't help shouting.

Various barrages whizzed across the screen, and the influx of traffic almost caused the network to crash.

It was really so cool!

It was like drinking a sip of ice cola in the hot summer, and the whole person felt comfortable.

The Lord's rogue methods made them feel depressed for so long, and finally they could vent!

The Internet was filled with a joyful atmosphere, and many people couldn't help but start opening champagne at halftime to celebrate the victory for Tony and others.

"Space-based weapons... star-guided……"

Batman was amazed.

Even he didn't expect Tony to be able to do this. He was indeed a guy as famous as him.

A brain cursed by knowledge should not be underestimated!

However... the most important thing!

It is the power of the system.

"Can you still use it like this?" Batman lowered his head.

His face was hidden in the shadows, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

"Control extraterrestrial satellites and intimidate the world?"

A look of shock appeared in the old eyes of the Army General.

This! This is the weight of the system.

A little bit of reward, after reasonable use, can actually achieve this level.

According to Tony's performance.

As long as there is enough time, he can even invade the network and easily control the satellites of the whole world, forming space-based weapons, hanging high in the sky, monitoring every corner of the planet, and launching space-based strikes at any time... The power of one person is enough to intimidate the whole world!

The weapon system they are proud of is nothing more than a warehouse for the other party to take whatever they want.

The times... have really changed!!

What a shitty world lighthouse, in the end, it is not as good as a hair of the system

"It seems……"

"The battle is over."

Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief, his expression somewhat complicated.

"No, it's not that easy.……""The power of the spells is not that simple."

The old man pulled his white hair.

This extraordinary situation made him a little confused.

Science vs. ancient magic?

Space-based weapons vs. ancient demons, who will be the final winner?

"Magic... Only magic... can defeat magic……"

Dad stuttered as he spoke.

Although he still said the same catchphrase, his tone was obviously not as firm.

In fact, he was a little hesitant.

Faced with the unimaginable technological power, Dad couldn't help but hesitate.

Starry sky guidance?

There is no such trick in the magic book.

Could it be... that I, an old man, really can't keep up with the times?

Dad twisted his face, and he felt a hard-to-express feeling in his heart.

"Damn it!"


"What is beyond the sky?!"

The Holy Lord roared in a low voice, and his blood-red eyes, as big as copper bells, flashed with dangerous ferocity. His keen sense of danger made him feel like he was on edge.


Like it came from the sky?! He even felt the breath of death.



How is that possible!!

"The horse charm resists adverse influences, and the dog charm is immortal... With the power of the charm, I am invincible! There is no power that can kill me."The Holy Lord shouted angrily to vent his anxiety.

Even his mortal enemy Lopez could only seal him.

Kill him?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

With the power of the charm, he can't be killed!

The perception just now... 5.1... must be an illusion!

"That’s right!"

"It's just an illusion!"

The Holy Lord roared angrily, and attacked frantically, using his hot lava breath to vent his anxiety.


Tony's mouth curved up.

Like a smile.

Like a mockery.

Since you think it's an illusion, let the facts speak for themselves!

Tony's eyes flashed with a fierce look.

He pressed the switch brazenly.


Tony snapped his fingers.


"Yes, sir!"

A mechanical voice sounded in the virtual projection, and a large number of digital models flowed in the background behind Tony.

"Target locked... orbit calibrated……"


"Ready to launch!"


The cold mechanical sound was like a death alarm, making people feel inexplicably terrified.

It was as if... death was approaching.

The dangerous atmosphere with no known cause made the Holy Lord even more restless.


Incompetent and furious, he kept sweeping the surroundings with shock waves, trying to find the source of danger.

But the real danger never came from the surroundings.

Instead, it came from above!


Quicksilver, who had received Tony's warning, ran away at full speed, taking other teammates with him. They left the battlefield at the speed of light, and ran across most of the city without stopping.

In the blink of an eye, they had already escaped far away.

The huge city was only a small black dot in their sight.

The Holy Lord was not so lucky.

When he was wreaking havoc and being incompetent and furious, he had already missed the best time.

""Heaven, sky?!"

A sharp explosion sounded in the sky.

The Holy Lord suddenly raised his head, and countless meteors were reflected in his eyes as big as copper bells.

The east wind bloomed thousands of flowers at night!

It also blew down!

Stars like rain!

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