Rose rushed to the gate, but bumped into an invisible wall, and his head was bleeding.

His pupils narrowed sharply, he turned his head in horror, looked at Fang Quan, and saw a playful devil smile.

Fang Quan put his fingers up in front of his mouth, showing a devilish smile: "Yo, I forgot to release the domain."

[Ross negative progress bar: 96%]

Rose's eyes were filled with blood and tears, and he cried blood: "Please! Please let me out! They are just children, and they are the future of Eagle Nation!"

Fang Quan smiled gently: "Yeah, it's not mine anyway."

In front of the gate of the villa, the absorber laughed and patted the dark sanctuary: "Yes! Yes! Rose! Yes!"

Fang Quan satisfactorily absorbed the energy of despair and mourning that ordinary people could not disparate from, and showed an intoxicated smile: "Go and bring Betty here."

Add Betty and this fire is in place.

Ghost soldiers disappeared in the shadows.

Rose's pupils shrank sharply, and despair swept his heart: "What are you going to do!? No!"

With blood on his face, he rushed towards Fang Quan, trying to stop him.

Ghost soldiers appeared in front of Rose, suppressing him tightly.

And those special forces members have also been suppressed by the ghost soldiers with Tang Dao.

Nick Fury's face was green and white: "Mr. Fang, these are not in our agreement."

He could make sacrifices to achieve his goals, but it wasn't in his interest to see Rose die here.

Fang Quan looked at Nick Fury playfully: "Why, do you have an opinion?"

Nick Fury took a deep breath, and gave up the words that were about to come to his mouth, deep in his silent eyes, dark waves surged.

Is it really right to do this by yourself?

His heart was in a mess and he didn't know what else to do now.

For the first time, the invincible king of agents tasted a brutal sense of powerlessness.

Soon, in less than three minutes, two ghost soldiers carried a stretcher and carried Betty into the hall.

Betty was in a coma, lying unconscious on a stretcher. It seemed that the battle yesterday had caused her a lot of damage.

Banner saw Betty appear and stood up excitedly: "Betty!"

Fang Quan smiled gently: "Throw it out."

Rose's eyes were full of despair, and he stretched out his hand to stop the ghost soldier, and screamed in despair: "No! My daughter!"

Banner stood up excitedly: "Fang Quan, you can't do this!"

This is his girlfriend.

Fang Quan punched out Banner directly.

Banner flew upside down and hit the carved wall directly, with blood on his head, fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

The two ghost soldiers used their agility and quickly flew over to the gate of the villa.

In front of the gate, the excitement on the face of the absorbing person became more and more crazy: "Betty! Betty! It's Ross's Betty! I'm going to kill her!"

Ross watched Betty's figure fly towards the gate of the villa in despair, a certain nerve in his mind was completely broken.

[Ross progress bar 100%]

[Congratulations to the host for getting 1 lottery draw]

Betty's figure stopped in front of the gate of the villa, only half a meter away from the dark sanctuary.

Absorber stretched out two Thunder palms with ecstasy on his face, wanting to tear apart the enemy's daughter, watching Betty stop half a meter away from him.

The ecstasy on his face froze, he raised his head and stared blankly at Fang Quan who got up.

Ross stared blankly at his daughter who was still in the safe area, and then turned his head to look at Fang Quan in a foolish way, completely unaware of what this demon was trying to do.

Fang Quan smiled and was very satisfied with the expressions of everyone present.

【Start lottery draw】

[Congratulations to the host for gaining control of Feiying Group]

The Flying Shadow Group, also known as the Night Bat Group. With bat-like wings, it is the only unit among the Nine Legions that has the combat ability of the air force. At high speed, the palm can emit light waves, and the light waves can also change endlessly.

This is an air corps with excellent melee combat, long-distance combat, and mobility. The only downside is that the defense is slightly weaker.

However, with the blessing of immortality, this is not a problem at all.

Fang Quan could even clearly feel that the dark magic power in his body had doubled sharply, and his overall attributes had doubled.

Fang Quan moved his neck subconsciously, exuding a terrifying pressure from the demon king all over his body, and a dark grinning spectacle face loomed behind him.

The lightning on Absorber's face turned red and blue, and the thunder on his body crackled: "Are you going to be my enemy too! Hand her over!"

Fang Quan put a finger upright in front of his mouth, showing a charming evil smile: "Do you know what my favorite delicacy is? It makes all of you despair, this taste really makes me intoxicated."

Negative energy can not only bring the number of draws, but sometimes it can also enhance its own magic power.

Absorber Rage, slapping the dark sanctuary in front of him: "Get out! I'm going to kill you! Don't hide in this turtle shell!"

Fang Quan moved, the ground under his feet exploded, breaking through the air all the way, and appeared in front of Absorber like lightning, smiling and kissing his fist with Absorber's face.


The sound exploded, Shockwave overturned the ground in front of the gate of the villa, absorbing people flew out like a missile, directly crashed into the hill not far away, blasted the whole hill, pierced through the hill and flew out fifty It took many meters away to stop.

Standing at the door of the villa, Fang Quan felt the obsessive dark power in his body rapidly expanding, and the smile on his face became brighter: "It really is the taste of desperation that satisfies me."

Rose found hope in despair and ran towards her daughter with all her might.

The ghost soldiers around him stopped blocking him, and they also let go of the suppressed special forces.

The ghost soldiers began to gather slowly, staring at their king with loyal and eager blood eyes, standing quietly in the courtyard, their eyes moved with Fang Quan's movement.

Tony held his forehead and looked helpless: "Damn, this guy is playing with people's hearts again!"

He didn't necessarily want the military to die, but he definitely wanted to make Ross desperate.

That's right, he is just looking for fun!

Banner collapsed on the floor, unconscious, foaming at the mouth.

Nick Fury and the others were also dumbfounded. They couldn't understand Fang Quan's unpredictable decision, so they could only stay obediently in the lobby, not daring to leave the villa area.

The destructive ability that absorbs people is too strong. If they dare to leave the range of Fang Quan's protection, they may be killed in seconds after they go out.

Standing in front of the gate of the villa, Fang Quan felt that he was in good condition.

The absorber was covered in thunder. Rage exploded, shattering the gravel that was pressing on him, and the whole person was suspended. Rage: "You bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Fang Quan smiled contemptuously and punched him in the air.

The fist turned into a magic dragon, roared out, and slammed into the absorbing person directly.

As soon as the absorber finished cursing, he saw a file-sized dragon flying over, and immediately closed his mouth, terrified, and raised his arms to block in horror.

A trace of disdain flashed in Fang Quan's eyes: "After all, they are just ordinary people who have mastered power."

David Banner is indeed a very smart scientist, but he is definitely not a good fighter.

If it were Rose who had mastered this power, he would definitely dodge his own attacks as much as possible.

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