One hundred days later, the S.H.I.E.L.D secret base.

Ancient One became the special magic consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D. After solving some magic problems for Nick Fury, he came to the training ground.

On the training ground, Strange was waving his hands aggrievedly but trying hard, concentrating all his attention on training his magic proficiency.

Behind him, two magicians are holding a laser array aimed at his vitals, and a magician is playing with healing spells.

The three magicians saw Sorcerer Supreme approaching, received the spell, bowed their heads and saluted.

Ancient One put his hands together in return, and asked, "Thank you Jill magician, Pusules magician, and Daniel magician for your company. May I ask how Strange is doing today?"

Daniel Magician said respectfully: "Strange is a person with a very pure heart that I have met. He loves all beings. At two or three o'clock in the morning, when the soldiers were practicing in the field, someone was accidentally shot and injured. It took him 8 hours to get up. He removed all the casings for that soldier and healed all the wounds."

Jill Magician's eyes were full of relief: "The most important thing is that he didn't delay today's magic training. He would rather not sleep to complete 16 hours of magic training."

While maintaining the magic circle in his hands, Strange wailed: "Then can I go to sleep!"

Is it because I don't want to go to sleep!

It's you who don't let me go to sleep!

Pusules magician smiled and said: "Strange magician, your potential has not been fully tapped, you need to work hard to develop a strong spirit.

Please don't say such stupid things in the future, unless you are dying, we won't stop training you. "

Definitely can sleep unless you are going to die.

Comfort is for Deadman.

Strange cursed angrily, waving his hands and releasing fire magic to shatter targets a hundred meters away: "A bunch of unworthy beasts!"

It's fine for these people to torture themselves during the day, and even when they sleep, they have to let their soul astral recite magic books.


Daniel Magician seriously praised: "That's right, your anger resonates well with the flame element, please master this feeling carefully."

Strange didn't dare to scold more, for fear that he would suffer even more inhumane torture in the next training.

Ancient One took a look and was very satisfied: "That's right, his progress is really fast."

After a hundred days of effort, he turned from a magic novice to a skilled high level magician.

And his temperament is really good. Knowing that these three magicians will not delay his training, he still chooses to support his body to save the lives of others.

Although he is a very selfish person, he is indeed very kind.

Ancient One unconsciously thought of that annoying guy, Fang Quan.

Tsk, this guy Fang Quan is really annoying, the prediction of Ability is really accurate.

Strange would indeed be the man to take my mantle.

Strange noticed the disgusted expression on Ancient One magician's face, he was a little surprised, and asked while exercising: "Ancient One magician, do you have someone you hate?"

Ancient One pouted slightly: "Yeah, a guy named Fang Quan."

Strange remembered the name in his heart, and looked back to see what was going on.

After a whole day of super-intensive training, Strange dragged his tired body down on the bed, and used his willpower to release a healing spell for himself to relieve the pain in his body.

No, I can't sleep yet, I need to know who Fang Quan is.

Strange sat up, posing in a soul astral pose, an emerald green light flashed in his eyes.

The body fell asleep on the bed, while the soul sat cross-legged on the bed, and an emerald green light faintly appeared inside.

"Calling my future, I ask questions and ask questions."

The corners of Strange's mouth raised, with a feeling of cheating.

During these more than 100 days, he also visited Kamar-Taj, came into contact with the Eye of Agamotto in the Library Pavilion, and studied the Book of Cagliosterlo, and successfully mastered a unique skill: he can Communicate with your future self.

There were waves in time and space, and Strange, with one eye on his forehead and white temples, appeared opposite him.

In the future, Strange had an expression that he had known for a long time: "Do you want to know information about Fang Quan?"

Strange has long been used to communicating with his future self, and nodded curiously: "Yeah, it can make Ancient One magician feel disgusted, who wouldn't be curious?"

Ancient One magician, this beautiful woman who has lived for an unknown number of years, has mastered the magic sanctuary that can cover the blue star, and she still shows that expression, who is not curious?

Future Strange looked at him with pity: "Fang Quan is in California, and he is a dark king with very powerful magic power."

Strange was surprised: "Why didn't the Ancient One magician expel him?"

The Ancient One magician is jealous of evil, he is the leader of the righteous way, how can he tolerate a dark king staying in Blue Star?

Future Strange shrugged: "I don't know the reason, but I want to prevent you from going to him now."

Strange snorted: "Why would I go to him? How could it be my turn to solve a problem that Ancient One magician can't solve."

Strange sighed in the future, knowing that he was absolutely useless: "The Eye of Agamotto can not only summon the projection of the future, but also allow you to control the time, and even summon me to descend on you."

Strange became excited: "What? There is such a good thing?! Then my future... no, are you strong?"

Future Strange said with a toothache: "Very strong, comparable to Ancient One at peak state."

Strange felt that this ticket could be messed with, so he clapped his hands: "I'll get it right away, how long did it take me to master the time?"

In the future, Strange's eyes became more and more pitiful: "Two minutes."

Strange is confident now. Since he has mastered the time and his future self still exists, it proves that his next plan can be tried: "I will take Eye of Agamotto to challenge Fang Quan."

My future is the Sorcerer Supreme, and when the time comes to borrow my own strength from the future, it may not be impossible to solve this problem!

Doing what he thought, Strange returned to his soul, got up and opened the portal leading to Kamar-Taj, and rushed in.

As a disciple of Sorcerer Supreme, as long as he is not arrogant, he will definitely be able to get the Eye of Agamotto.

Oh yeah~ Strange, this is your first battle as Sorcerer Supreme!

I want to prove to Ancient One and Daniel that I am not a waste, I am a super genius!

After these days of tempering, Strange is eager to prove his super ability and ability, instead of being trained hard every day like a fool.

In the future, Strange watched his past self disappear into the portal with pity, and sighed helplessly as he watched the portal disappear:

"I didn't die, but I didn't say I could fight..."

Because he is himself, Strange knows one thing very well in the future.

When you are trying to die, you can't stop it at all.

Depend on!

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