"What to do? What does Sorcerer Supreme say?"

Wang asked urgently.

Daniel's expression was particularly painful: "The teacher may have arranged it herself. After she asked us to throw out the Holy Place, she told us not to panic, and hung up the phone."

The Asgardians looked at each other, completely unable to understand the words of Sorcerer Supreme.

The world is going to be destroyed, how can we not panic!

Wang looked indifferent: "Okay, do you eat hairy crabs?"

Daniel looked at him like a lunatic: "King? Didn't you hear clearly?"

Wang shrugged: "The world is going to be destroyed, and you still don't allow me to have a good meal? Do you think we can help with this kind of problem? That's Dormammu."

In the dark universe, the ruler of the dark empire, the immortal Dormammu, is the ultimate dream of many Mephistas.

This kind of powerhouse can only be suppressed by the Sorcerer Supreme.

What are they going up for? To give away heads?

Wang took away the long stick and magic weapon, and waved his hand: "I'm going to eat hairy crabs, you guys think carefully about what to do before the world is destroyed. 27

Wang's figure disappeared into the portal.

Other Asgardians look at me and I look at you.

"I was ordered to guard Holy Place, and I haven't been home for 365 days a year...I miss my daughter, sorry, everyone, I'm leaving first."

"The world is going to be destroyed anyway, so I confessed to the girl I like.

"I just want to go home now and have a good meal with my family."

One after another, everyone found a reason to choose to leave.

Only Daniel stood where he was, without moving.

"Daniel, is there anything you want to do?"

Daniel shook his head: "As long as the Holy Place is here, I will always be the guardian magician.

The magicians who were about to leave heard the news and saluted Daniel magician one after another.

"Master Daniel, please accept our respect. Please also send a signal immediately after encountering difficulties, and we will return to you immediately through the portal."

Daniel smiled and waved his hands: "Go, go, one person is enough to control the Holy Place magic, if necessary, I will call you.

Many magicians saluted again and opened the portals to leave.

Daniel sat in front of the magic console, opened the panel, kept the connection to the best state, and was ready to call everyone to fight at any time.

Daniel breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled again: "Damn it, if I had known that today was the end of the world, I should have told my wife that I love her."

Before Sorcerer Supreme launched the summoning, no one knew where the battlefield would be.

Every time there is a war, the battlefield is created by Sorcerer Supreme, trying not to affect the main world of Blue Star.


What Daniel can do is the same as before, believing in the judgment of the Supreme Being.

Center of the concert venue.

Fang Quan let go of the undead king, and let him lie on the ground, with cold white strong bone fire gushing from his head, the entire undead had lost his sanity, and the wildness without spirituality released the power of death all over his body.

After being used as a guiding light by Fang Quan, the undead king has lost control over his own power, releasing his own energy crazily like a large nuclear reactor.

Ancient One leaned over and took a look, grinned: "It's a bit of a mess...you're really ruthless."

Tsk tsk tsk, meeting a ferocious devil king, this guy is really miserable.

Fortunately, Fang Quan belongs to our family.

Fang Quan waved his hands casually, and looked at the sky: "This is the dark universe?"

Ancient One looked at the dense black and purple cracks in the sky: "Yes, when the three Holy Places in the mirror world explode, Dormammu will be able to freely invade the Blue Star."

Fang Quan looked at the dark monsters constantly emerging from the cracks: "By the way... I think there are a lot of them, can you control them?"

Ancient One snorted disdainfully: "Before I died, Dormammu only dared to end by himself, and did not dare to really start a race war. If he dared to start, I would dare to abandon the human race and live directly in the dark universe.

For the sake of his own dark empire, Dormammu himself will restrain his men from doing stupid things.

Although Ancient One has been an Asgardian for many years, in the memory of the multi-universe powerhouse, her most dazzling appearance is that of a rebellious, arrogant and rampant super genius who has conquered all worlds.

If you dare to risk your life, she will just dare to change houses.

Isn't it just extermination, who is afraid of whom?

Fang Quan once again looked at Ancient One with admiration, this royal sister still has a lot of face in the multi-universe.


Thunder roared continuously in the sky, countless spaces shattered and smashed open, and a huge dark universe was approaching the blue star.

"Hahahahaha! Ancient One! After hundreds of years, you are finally going to lose!"

Dormammu laughed wildly. Originally, I just wanted the help of the third army to break a hole and come to Blue Star to teach the young man in black a lesson.

Unexpectedly, it is a miracle!

The undead king of the third army actually prepared such a big surprise for me.

Fang Quan clicked his tongue twice, waved his hand, and directly sucked the undead monarch, and then threw it into the sky for General Feiying to catch. He was forced to release a huge undead sanctuary to cover it up.

Ancient One showed appreciation: "Not bad, your operation is really detailed."

In this way, even if Dormammu probes very carefully, unless he breaks through the sanctuary of the undead, he cannot perceive the specific details here.

Ancient One also released the Supreme Sanctuary very cooperatively, expanding the undead sanctuary continuously.

From the outside, it looks like the undead king is using his life to delay living in ancient times.

Fang Quan couldn't help but marvel: "In terms of meanness and shamelessness, you are more elegant!"

Fine, fine, can this Dormammu be fooled?

In the sky, the realm of sacred magic is on the verge of shattering [Dormammu's huge fiery face appeared in front of the biggest crack.

Dormammu looked at the Undead Realm stretched out on the ground in surprise: "Like Luo, hold on, don't let her go, let me do it!"

Biro really worked hard this time, and he must be rewarded well later!

Dormammu saw that the demon realm of the undead on the ground was constantly being stretched apart. It looked like it was about to shatter, so the movement of his hand accelerated, and he directly punched out a magic wave to hit the sacred magic world realm: "Ancient One, don't even think about escaping!"

Dormammu eagerly broke through the world domain, tearing open the cracks impatiently and getting out, his huge body hit the ground like a mountain.

If I let you run away this time, I will take your surname from now on!

Without Holy Place, let me see where you hide!

When Dormammu thought of the scene where Ancient One relied on the blessing of the Holy Place and kept provoking himself, and he couldn't beat it, he became even more angry.

Good bitch, you finally showed your dick feet this time!

Dormammu is very confident, but also very inflated. He firmly believes that without Holy Place, Ancient One will be able to score 70-30 at worst.

myself, E

This is your blue star as the battlefield, I don't believe Ancient One, you can still release the curse of extinction to beat me.

On the ground, a concert.

Ancient One held a large space forbidden spell in his hand, and his expression jumped: "I prepared a large mirror world as a cage to trap him, as long as he falls, he has nowhere to escape!"

Fang Quan also showed a nuclear smile: "I will use time and space to help you bless him, even if he has eight legs, he can't escape."

In the sky, Dormammu's body had already flown out more than a thousand meters, he smashed the remaining confinement in the surrounding sky in surprise, and landed laughing.

Dormammu was overjoyed, and praised loudly: "Biro, you are really a good... Biro? Huh? Damn it!"

Dormammu praised Biro loudly, but he didn't receive any response from Biro's mental fluctuations, and suddenly felt bad, turned around and ran away!

Biro is the most loyal subordinate to him in the third army, as long as he still has breath, he will never fail to respond to him in battle.

What's more, if he is suppressed by Ancient One, he should immediately seek help from himself.

However, from the moment he broke through the dimension until he descended, Biro didn't ask for help.

This is a trap!

Dormammu didn't have any hesitation, and felt that the problem was serious, so he ran away at the speed of light.

When the dimension is not broken, the spiritual connection is difficult, which is understandable.

But I broke through the dimension and descended, and Biro still hasn't contacted me, there must be a big problem!

Ancient One can spare three additional Holy Places in the mirror world, and there is no guarantee that she will prepare other deceiving spells.

This is not right, let's discuss it in the long run!

On the ground, the center of the concert venue.

Fang Quan looked strange: "This Dormammu still has a bit of cleverness, although not much.

After all, it is an old monster that has lived for thousands of years, and its control over details is invincible.

I will ignore some small problems because of my impatience, but I will never make any stupid big mistakes.

Ancient One watched Dormammu fly to the dark universe with regret: "It's a pity, such opportunities are rare.

Fang Quan sneered: "I'll go up and catch him, you release the forbidden spell! Hit me too!"

Ancient One's eyelids twitched when he heard it: "Can it work? Are you afraid of being sealed together?"

Fang Quan directly set off and flew into the sky: "If you want to hit you, hit it!"

Fang Quan's coercion soared rapidly, and his body was filled with the evil light of the devil king. During the flight, he left behind a long dark magic light.

...asking for flowers...

When Fang Quan flew into the air, Dormammu had already flown back 800 meters in an instant, leaving only about 200 meters away from the dark universe.

Fang Quan sneered, and the avoidance charm and the chicken charm appeared in the left and right eyes respectively. The divine power of the two spells exploded, and the time and space of everything around suddenly became extremely slow, and even stagnated.

Dormammu's figure in the sky was affected by the force of time and space, and his speed dropped sharply, but he is an eternal level powerhouse after all, only his body was affected, and his mind only reacted in a short moment. Shrinking suddenly: "Time and space force!"

Mard! I knew Ancient One was up to no good!

Dormammu cursed in his heart, his hands were not slow, and hurriedly put on protective magic and abnormal state resistance blessings on himself.


Dormammu didn't even have time to see clearly, he felt the dark protection spell on his chest shattered, his chest hurt sharply, and he fell to the ground with a huge force.

Dormammu looked up at the sky, his pupils shrank sharply: "Fang Quan!?"

This guy is a Demon King class!?

how can that be!

Dormammu's face was horrified, he never thought that he would meet a devil-level powerhouse whose strength surpassed his own!

Dormammu knows that Fang Quan's strength is not simple, simple!

Blue Star, a big-ass indigenous civilization, actually has a phoenix chick called Ancient One, and a crouching dragon like Fang Quan!?

What do you make those god-level civilizations think!


Dormammu felt the fluctuation of the huge space forbidden spell from the ground, and he tried his best to expand his body, turning into a giant of more than 100 meters in the blink of an eye.

Entering the super giant state, I should be able to resist a wave!

As long as you resist Ancient One's forbidden space curse, you...fuck you!

Dormammu watched in shock as the Demon King Fang Quan chased after him with an evil smile, the phantom of a magic dragon was condensed on his fist, and the clothes on his upper body were shattered, revealing the lean and muscular body of a perfect handsome man:

"Are you crazy!?"

you hit me

, I can understand!

Are you so blind that you can't see that Ancient One is casting a forbidden spell on me!

Are you using your life as a pawn for Ancient One!?

Fang Quan stepped directly on Dormammu huge amounts of forehead, and his fists dropped rapidly.

A large part of Dormammu's forehead was sunken in an instant, and his skin rolled violently like waves, and some wave crests could even be tens of meters high.

The phantom of the magic dragon pierced through his forehead and entered Dormammu's brain, crushing all the prevention and control methods he was about to release.

Dormammu was furious in disbelief: "You don't want to die!"

After receiving such a heavy blow, Dormammu was completely unable to release any magic in just a moment.

I have fought with the eternal class, but I have never seen the eternal class fighting directly for life!

Dormammu desperately saw the curse of space flying up behind him, and the time and space around him were shattering and distorting. The mirror world prepared by Ancient One was smashing and cutting the time and space of the main world, enveloping him and the demon king Fang Quan on his forehead. live.

While the time and space of the main world were shattered and cut, Dormammu's body was also pierced by these shattered time and space fragments. The dark body was pierced by countless transparent time and space fragments like a rag doll.

Dormammu couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and was forced to release the super giant form, his body shrank rapidly, he looked desperately at the Fang Quan demon king floating above him: "What are you trying to do?"


Aren't you afraid that Ancient One will also cast an eternal seal on you!?

Even if he won't die in a short period of time, being trapped in such a broken time and space, he doesn't know that he will have to be sealed for thousands of years before he can see the light of day again.

Countless fragments of time and space collided with Fang Quan's stalwart body, and were shattered by the passive position of the powerful demon soul.

The time-space fragments burst on the surface of Fang Quan's body like breaking waves, blooming with brilliant brilliance.

Fang Quan sneered lightly, his eyes full of disdain.

Dormammu's eyes widened to the maximum, he couldn't believe it: "The Temporal Demon King!?"

He is actually the Demon King who has completely mastered time and space!

Why does this kind of demon lord cooperate with Ancient One!?

Dormammu smashed into the ground of the mirror world with a "boom!", making a big hole, and the ground roared,

Dormammu flew out of the deep pit in disbelief, and turned into a human-height form, looking at Fang Quan in horror: "Why did you help Ancient One!?"

Looking at the big picture, shouldn't we be on the same side in front of the world Asgardians like Ancient One!?

Why do you want to help the righteous Ancient One!?

We are civil war, don't we have to kill Ancient One first?

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