At the moment, the situation here in the main world concert is very dangerous, ordinary people can no longer get close to this place, and this place has become a literal restricted area for human beings.

The solar wind, flames, and hurricanes are spinning around, and the high temperature of more than 1,000 degrees is sprayed out from the broken gaps in the unknown space at any time, covering the ground.

And not far away, there were even reporters sitting in a helicopter and broadcasting this horrifying scene to the audience.

In everyone's shock, disbelief, and panic.

In the mirror world, Fang Quan stopped the magic power of the pig charm, and observed Dormammu, who was suppressed by lasers in the magma pool and could only whimper weakly.

Dormammu floated on the surface of the magma pool, the dark flames all over his body became much dimmer, and his breath became weak.

But after a breath, the dark flames on Dormammu's body gradually recovered and began to become a little alive.

Dormammu had a chance to breathe, and soaked in the magma pool in fear, not daring to make the slightest movement, and desperately squeezed the dark passage in his body to restore his strength.

Dormammu looked at Fang Quan in mid-air with extreme fear. Currently, he was restrained by attributes, and his energy level was also restrained.

It's not that he doesn't want to resist, but just defending consumes too much power.

If you want to resist, you have to give up part of your defense to attack...

How should I put it, it might be better to die by then?

Dormammu didn't even dare to beg for mercy, for fear that his origin would be cut off and suffer more serious losses.

Fang Quan clicked his tongue: "I have to say, Dormammu really deserves to be the lord of darkness, look, I burned this place into a magma world, and this guy is still alive and panting.

It has to be said that immortal enemies are difficult to deal with.

Winning a fight is winning a fight, and it is indeed difficult to get seriously injured.

Ancient One wiped the sweat from his forehead, and generally stabilized the mirror world. As for some small space cracks, feel free to do so.

Ancient One breathed out, feeling the heat wave air that had been burned to hundreds of degrees, and said helplessly: "Indeed, in terms of energy, you can consume him to death. But his immortality is very strong, even if he is seriously injured, it will take 21 It will take a while."

Fang Quan stroked his chin and smiled playfully: "I mean, if you introduce the power of the sun, can you bear it here?"

Ancient One looked at him in shock and horror: "Are you trying to set the whole world on fire!?"

The power of the sun capable of suppressing Dormammu, do you think my little ragged mirror world can take it?

If you play casually, you have permanently changed the landforms of the main world.

Stronger pressure, do you think the surface of Blue Star can withstand it?!

He is Dormammu, the Lord of Darkness, not Dormammu, the dark lemure.

Dormammu also looked at Fang Quan in horror: "You can't do this! If I die on Blue Star, half of the Blue Star's landscape will be changed!"

Unbeatable in terms of strength, Dormammu can only try to reason.

Humble, weak, and helpless master of darkness.jpg

Fang Quan didn't bother to pay attention to Dormammu at all, he only had the task in his eyes: "You open a portal directly to the sun, I'll play.w

The corner of Ancient One's mouth twitched: "Are you serious?"

Fang Quan looked at the terrified Dormammu, smiled and said kindly: "If you are told to drive, you will drive.

Ancient One definitely has this ability, decisively opened the portal thousands of kilometers away from the sun in mid-air.

Fang Quan has already demonstrated his formidable strength, there is no need to question how powerful this super bastard really is.

Fang Quan smiled faintly at Dormammu: "With your strength, you must be able to withstand the energy fusion effect of the sun's energy 330,000 times heavier than the blue star.

His face turned blue, and he detonated all the power in his body recklessly: "Madman! I won't succeed!"

Death is just a temporary problem for him, after a while, he will recover from the darkness again.

But if he is thrown into the sun, this state of being seriously injured and unable to die temporarily will become his eternal cage!

Fang Quan smiled coldly, and appeared in front of Dormammu in an instant, with the shadow of the purple magic-free spell reflected in his eyes.

The space-time power was exerted by Fang Quan, and everything around him became stagnant, as if the pause button was pressed.

Dormammu's mouth turned into a Fake, his pupils slowly contracted, the horror on his face almost exploded, and the dark flames on his body became violent and intense.

As the master of darkness, he is time resistant.

But... For something like resistance, you also have to look at the opponent's time-space pressure.

When the space force is strong enough to a certain extent, the resistance thing can also be pierced.

Dormammu has time resistance, but now he knows that his own resistance is not enough in front of Fang Quan, the holy sun lord.

Fang Quan ignored the raging dark flames on his body, grabbed his neck and flew towards the portal in the sky.

Ancient One's eyes moved slightly, and her body glowed with a dark green light. Her movements were normal, but there was a slight sweat on her forehead: "You'd better hurry up, maintain the portal that transmits you two, the pressure is very high. Big."

Especially if one of the parties is not willing to cooperate.

Fang Quan was too lazy to talk nonsense, and went directly through the portal to the center of the solar system, near the sun.

huge amounts of Lieyang occupy 99.86% of the mass of the entire solar system, and nuclear fusion effects occur every moment.

Dormammu's body began to crack, and the black and purple magic light inside slowly sprayed out. His eyes were terrified and desperate, and he beat Fang Quan's arm armor with both hands. Countless dark magic waves bombarded the light king's armor. Terrifying energy fluctuations erupted, slightly distorting the surrounding space.

Fang Quan chuckled: "Dormammu, remember this lesson, don't mess with me next time."

Dormammu's eyes were full of terror, but there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart.

If he moves fast enough after being thrown out, he might be able to teleport back to the dark universe.

Even if the other end is affected by the power of the sun, as long as you can survive, it is more important than anything else.

Fang Quan didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly grabbed Dormammu and rushed towards the sun.

Dormammu opened his mouth to the maximum, his pupils trembled: "Are you so crazy!?"

This is a one-for-one desperate play!

You are the Lord of the Holy Sun, you can't play like this!

You really think the sun is your home!

Fang Quan laughed loudly, ignoring the fact that the demon king's armor on his body had started to turn red, and grabbed Dormammu and rushed towards the sun at high speed.

The dark power on Dormammu's body was quickly weakened by the power of the sun, he gritted his teeth, raised his hand and cut his neck with a knife.


The blood of darkness splashed all over Fang Quan, and Dormammu's head was separated from his body.

His head desperately started to activate the teleportation magic, even if he only had one head left alive, it would be better than throwing it in the sun and boiling it for 5 billion years.

An invisible wave swept through all the time and space nearby, and Dormammu's teleportation magic was suppressed by the overbearing and completely unreasonable space-time force.

The most unpretentious method is often the most effective.

Dormammu looked desperately at the dark formation in front of him being violently crushed, turning into dark afterglow, flickering and splashing in space.

Huge amounts of the Demon King's hand grabbed his head and body together, Fang Quan laughed and accompanied him to rush towards the sun.

Dormammu integrated with his body desperately, slapping the hand of the devil with both hands, watching him getting closer and closer to the sun.

When the distance was close enough, the gravitational force of the sun had firmly grasped the Demon King's hand, preventing him from escaping.

Fang Quan stood on the edge of the gravitational critical line, smiled and waved towards Dormammu, and then detonated the Demon King's hand.

The Daedric Hand explodes, sending the desperate Dormammu toward the sun.

At this moment, Dormammu, even if he could absorb energy from the dark universe, could no longer escape the sanction of the power of the sun, and fell into the sun with a mournful roar.

In the vast solar storm, a small black spot fell into the surface of the sun, exploded into a mass of dark sparks, and then was covered by the solar fire wave and disappeared.

Facts have proved that even the mighty Dark Lord cannot ignore the power of a whole sun.

[The task is completed, congratulations to the host for winning the lucky draw once]

Fang Quan is in a very good mood at the moment, the passive of the pig charm is working, constantly absorbing the power from the sun to make his body stronger.

"Interesting, it seems that I can often bask in the sun in the future."

Who said that becoming stronger requires practice, lying down and basking in the sun is also a way to become stronger.

【Rat Charm】

[Active: The power of life, which can give life to inanimate things. Ability to give motion to still life. 】

[Passive: Creation of Life Power]

Fang Quan's eyelids twitched: "Create the power of life?"

This is actually the original power of the Rat Charm, really powerful.

If we say that among all the powers, Fang Quan thinks the greatest power is the creation of life.

Because creating life is the eternal miracle in this universe.

Destruction is always easier than creation, and only creation can constantly create life.

Seeing the original power of the Rat Charm, Fang Quan immediately thought of the Monkey Charm: "The Monkey Charm is life change. If combined with the power of the Monkey Charm, I will be able to obtain a more perfect power of life."

In other words, it can exert the power of life power to a stronger level.

In the Marvel universe, the gods who can create life are often the gods who are widely worshiped and respected.

This is really face-saving.

It's so cool, when I'm interested, I'll get a race up and down, and I'll summon the God of Creation.

Fang Quan glanced at the surface of the sun, seeing that Dormammu was in a state between life and death, he hummed lightly, and directly returned to the portal when he came back.

After Fang Quan flew into the portal, a powerful dark wave erupted on the surface of the sun.

"Fang Quan, Ancient One!!!!"

The roar of hatred briefly overwhelmed the power of the sun, but was quickly suppressed by the surging power of the sun.

Fang Quan returned to Blue Star with a happy expression and a slightly raised voice: "Not bad, a comfortable battle."

Ancient One looked at the mirror world that had turned into billowing magma, and sighed helplessly: "An ordinary place really can't bear your power.

This guy is really strong and crazy.

Especially the operation of grabbing Dormammu and rushing towards the sun made Ancient One tremble with fear.

Even after becoming the Sorcerer Supreme of the multi-universe, Ancient One still admires this kind of dark demon king who directly opposes the sun.

This is really fatal.

Fang Quan moved his wrist: "How long do you think it will take Dormammu to get out of trouble."

Ancient One pinched his fingers and calculated: "If he is ruthless, he will be able to get out of trouble after a while at the cost of sacrificing the lives of the powerhouses of the Dark Empire.

However, the only thing that is certain is that within a short period of time, he will not dare to come to Blue Star again, let alone provoke you again.

If I were to be replaced by Dormammu, I would have to have a psychological shadow.

After landing on Blue Star, not only did he not take any advantage, he was also beaten unilaterally for a long time, and finally he was grabbed by the neck and thrown into the sun by himself.

For the immortal Dormammu, he actually doesn't have many choices now.

So he ended his life and was resurrected in the dark universe. But the cost of doing so is extremely high, and it may take a long time or an energy cost.

Either wait for his subordinates to save him, the price of 003 is that the dark empire will fall into a weak state for a period of time in the future, and he needs to wait until his subordinates are resurrected.

Fang Quan doesn't care about this, anyway, I'm already happy: "It doesn't matter."

If Dormammu admits to being cowardly, then go for it.

If you don't admit it, then the fun will come.

Fang Quan suddenly thought of the portal magic just now: "Didn't you say you want to give me the magic book?"

Ancient One: "Uh... I'm picking, what, do you want to learn some magic?"

She didn't forget about it, but she needed to choose carefully about it.

It's not because he's afraid that Fang Quan will learn something he shouldn't, but because of Fang Quan's temperament, if some books are sent to him, he will definitely not be able to read them.

Fang Quan: "The portal."

Ancient One looked at him speechlessly: "You have mastered the power of time and space, you can't teleport?"

Isn't this the basis of space-time force?

Fang Quan clicked his tongue: "What I have mastered is dark teleportation, which is different from your fancy ones."

This thing is easier to use when traveling through dimensions, but it is not so easy to use in some situations.

For example, open a portal directly to the sun-this is a dark zone, and there is no way to travel through the dark.

Ancient One:

If you say my magic is fancy, believe it or not, I'll screw your head off.

Damn! You are amazing with your strength!

Ancient One cursed and took out a Sling Ring from the space and threw it over: "This is a Sling Ring, you should go back and familiarize yourself with it. Tomorrow, related magic books will be delivered to your Dark Palace.

Fang Quan accepted it with satisfaction.

Ancient One watched the magma world in front of him gradually cool down, with a pensive look on his face.

Fang Quan was in a good mood, seeing her expression, curious: "What?"

Ancient One frowned slightly: "I've been curious about one thing recently."

"Oh, what?"

Ancient One looked at Fang Quan seriously: "The future I see, is it what I see, or what you want me to see."

Fang Quan raised his eyebrows: "Why did you say that?"

Ancient One's words came to his lips, and finally used a tactful way: "After you said it, I did predict the Thanos crisis. However, I also predicted your things

But after that, I had a dream. "


Ancient One paused, and said, "I dreamed of a universe that you haven't appeared in."

This is implying that Fang Quan is not a life form in this universe.

The original fate of time and space has been influenced and tampered with by Fang Quan.

Fang Quan smiled: "Don't be so euphemistic, I am indeed an outsider. Any prophecy you see related to me should be a picture that has been affected, not the result of your real prophecy

willing. "

Once he has mastered the power of time and space, he will definitely leave waves in time and space, affecting anyone who tries to prophesy himself.

Ancient One looked deeply at Fang Quan with complicated eyes. .

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