American Comics: Invincible Starting With Lord Of The Shadow Kingdom!

Chapter 65 I, Red Skull, Are Not Afraid Of Fighting!

Seeing Red Skull charge, HYDRA fighters followed suit.

As a powerful organization that once mastered Tesseract, the technology they possess is very advanced.

When everyone was still hot on weapons, they had already started to study laser weapons and energy weapons with the help of Tesseract.

Even, just for the production of energy weapons, they already have a history of more than eighty years.

When Tesseract returned again, these sleeping energy weapon production lines were awakened again, and they began to frantically build powerful energy military weapons.

Giant super tank, energy gun, energy shield, turbo energy star chariot lotus.

However, even with such powerful technology, Red Skull is still very stable.

Because all these technologies are just toys in front of the absolute powerhouse.

Ancient One magician is able to easily reverse space and even throw~them collectively into space.

Not to mention Fang Quan Mephista, a strong man who can face the sun, how could he care about these energy weapons that are just enough to tickle.

Red Skull calculated coldly, knowing that he only had half the odds of winning.

As long as he can end the battle before that person arrives here, he can survive with the help of the Space gem.

If that person arrives at the battlefield, even if he kills everyone, he has already lost.

Red Skull confronts Banner, the Hulk, because he's the biggest threat to the situation, but also the best solution.

Red Skull flew to the Hulk, showing a sarcastic smile: "Scientists, don't join the war!"

Do you know what fighting skills are? Do you know what space energy mechs are?

A guy who can only be angry, can affect the situation, but can never dominate the war.

A cunning flashed in Hulk's eyes, he raised his hands, slapped hard, and launched a terrifying sonic attack.

Red Skull's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't dodge in time. He only had time to prop up the energy shield in a hurry. When a huge force struck, he saw the entire shield began to fluctuate and tremble violently, and then the sky spun.

The energy shield worked, but not fully.

Red Skull fell to the ground, stabilized his state with mental strength, stood up with his hands on the ground, bleeding from all seven orifices, and looked at the green minister in disbelief: "Are you sensible!?"

It's impossible! How can you be sane!

Red Skull has the internal information of the military. He never expected that this guy would turn into a cunning Beast after not seeing him for a few months.

Hulk Banner showed a wild grin: "Anger is also a kind of wisdom."

Red Skull looks horrified, shit! This guy turned into a philosopher!

Red Skull hated Ivan Vanke even more for pushing himself into battle.

The opponent came prepared, this battle will definitely be very difficult!

Red Skull glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw the whip on the side. Ivan Wanke slammed the laser whip at Iron Man Tony fiercely, making cracks on his magic shield.

Red Skull was so angry that he had nothing to say, he gritted his teeth and raised his hands, pointing his palms at the Hulk: "Suppress and break through!"

Ma De, originally a set of combos could kill him, but now he is forced into a tug-of-war!

The most powerful defense of the Reckless Hulk is not physical defense, but his natural absorption of gamma rays, absorbing various energy is to enhance his own super energy is to absorb Ability!


The HYDRA fighters with poor equipment had just rushed down. Hearing the leader's words, they hurriedly formed a formation to suppress the opponent with firepower.

The HYDRA fighters were horrified to find that the people running down from the convoy were not human beings, but dark soldiers.

The Dark Soldiers are here, proving that Tony is not simply favored by the Dark Mephista, but by divine grace.

"Leader! It's an ambush!"

"Cover the leader to retreat!"

"Breakout this way!"

The elite HYDRA fighters instantly understood what Red Skull was thinking, and immediately cooperated to help him suppress the Hulk.

Countless energy shots hit the Hulk's body, but were mercilessly absorbed by the grinning Hulk.

Red Skull suppressed a little irritability, calmly calculated the damage superposition, and when the space energy was almost absorbed, he could use the Space gem to detonate the energy to kill Hulk!

The battle situation fell into a stalemate for a while.

On the other side, Ivan Wanke fought with Iron Man Tony, suppressing the opponent in close combat again and again, but was blocked by the opponent with magic shield and energy shield, and the energy attack from the opponent from time to time consumed the defense value.

Whiplash Ivan Wanke swung his energy double whips, but was blocked again and again, his eyes were red: "Tony! You thief, robber, traitor! If you have the ability, don't hide!"

Tony watched in horror as the magic shield was drawn and trembled, and a warning from J.A.R.V.I.S sounded in his ears.

J.A.R.V.I.S: "Sir, the opponent has adopted some kind of high-level energy, and your magic resistance is the most effective. If you remove the magic shield, you will die soon.

Tony felt like cursing when he heard this, and put up his protective shield with all his might: "Damn! Is the energy of the Tesseract so powerful!"

Originally, I planned to perform a trick of desperate resistance, well, there is no need to act now, the other party is really good!

How did these guys push the technology tree to 50 years above the leading level!

Why don't you directly occupy the Germanic Commonwealth when you are so awesome? What kind of eagle country villain organization!

Tony desperately extracted magical energy from other dimensions, counterattacking from time to time while defending.

At the moment, Tony only hated why his magic attainment was so low!

If I had the strength of Ancient One, I would dare to take off my battle suit and fight with you now!

Qi to Qi, Tony is still very serious about protecting the battle suit. This is the only combat power he relies on. If the battle suit is damaged, his hip-stretching magic strength will be really innocent.

Hearing the words of the whip, Tony couldn't help but sneer: "I'm a thief, a robber? Sir, then you and your father must be honored to betray the motherland!

Your father must also live a long and healthy life. "

Tony actually investigated this matter and knew that Ivan Vanke's father had died.

Whiplash Ivan Wanke was so angry that he gave up his defense completely and threw out an energy whip to bind Tony: "Don't blaspheme my father!"

Tony screamed, feeling that most of his magical energy was emptied in an instant, and the energy shield was dropping rapidly!

"Aww! Die, die, die!"

I was wrong I was wrong I was wrong!

Whiplash Ivan Wanke took the opportunity to rush forward and hug Iron Man Tony, the energy pile in his chest began to react violently: "Tony Stark! I want to make you feel hopeless!"

The high-level energy provided by the Space gem collided with Tony's steel battle suit. In an instant, countless energy waves burst and splashed, and the energy of both sides began to drop rapidly.

And obviously, Tony's energy is depleted faster.

On the back row of the fourth car, Fang Quan was very happy to see it, and commented: "I have to say, the Space gem is really a magic tool, just a little leftover energy can make these steel battle suits' fighting power change drastically. "

It's not that the Hulk and Iron Man are weak, but that they played high-end games when they came up.

If those guys in the original world didn't need the Hulk, Iron Man would be able to beat them by himself.

Absorber David looked at it and frowned: "My king, they are too weak, and my subordinates apply to fight!"

Although the opponent has the blessing of divine weapons, but your two dozen is too embarrassing!

Isn't it the blessing of the divine weapon! It is indeed hell difficulty! Isn't it just that you have to die seven or eight times!

Absorber David thought of this, cleared his throat slightly: "My king, he has disgraced you too much.

Fang Quan shook his head with a smile: "No, continue to watch the battle, wait until he has nothing to do."

The absorber David was a little displeased with these two, and borrowed the power of the shadow soldiers to express his opinion: "You two will die if you don't fight! It's too embarrassing for my king to fight like this!

The Hulk Banner was so angry that he was half dead: "You can do it!"

I resisted more than 50 energy rays by myself, why do you question my ability to fight?

How about you fight!?

Iron Man Tony was beaten up to smoke: "Fack! Why don't you try it for yourself!"

This is a high-level energy, you are very refreshing when you are sitting in the car and commanding with your mouth, you have the ability to resist it!?

I've lost all my magical energy!

The absorber David was very annoyed when he heard this: "My king, I want to join the war, let them see it, your subordinates are definitely not bad!"

Fang Quan glanced at him, confirmed that he really wanted to fight, and nodded: "Go, but you have to be careful.

The HYDRA organization without Tesseract is rubbish.

But with Tesseract and Red Skull's HYDRA organization, it's a class-leading organization.

After all, these guys really believe that technology is the primary productive force, and they have made science and technology 50 years ahead of the world.

Coupled with the high energy of Tesseract, even if it is a superhero, it is really difficult to fight without a bit of ruthlessness.

David, the absorber, was so excited that he only heard the first half of the sentence. Excitedly, he turned into a shadow and rushed out, rushing towards Red Skull: "Red Skull, die!"

As soon as Red Skull turned his head, he saw a huge black shadow approaching, his scalp was numb, and he immediately turned his chest to face him, mobilizing the energy of Tesseract to attack: "Focus!"


A powerful beam of space energy blasted up, accompanied by the bombardment of giant super tanks, and the concentrated fire attacks of dozens of energy guns.

...asking for flowers...

The absorber didn't even resist for a second, and was directly propped up by the excess energy into a giant black shadow energy ball suspended in mid-air. The defensive position continued to emit the excess energy in order to protect itself

Absorber David's mouth twitched and was suppressed in mid-air by the energy attacks. blame Hulk and Iron Man, the energy attacks of these guys are really hard to resist.

It was just a split second, and my energy bar was fully charged.

Red Skull stared dumbfounded at the giant black shadow energy ball, was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted: "Focus on the Hulk and Iron Man, remove the upper limit attack, quickly find cover

this is a good chance!

Whiplash Ivan Wanke heard the words, his body hairs stood on end, he kicked Iron Man away, and retreated rolling and crawling.

Crazy man! I'm still fighting Iron Man Tony!

With the order of Red Skull, all intelligent steel armors, giant super tanks, and HYDRA soldiers have lifted the attack limit and poured all their firepower into suppression.

The Hulk and Iron Man were instantly overwhelmed by countless energy lasers.

After the submersion, everyone quickly flew away with their overheated weapons, even though this person was temporarily trapped in place by the space energy.

After the group of people flew back more than 80 meters, and even ran behind the mountain, Red Skull laughed and raised his palm:

"Looking for death! How dare you absorb excessive space energy!"

There is a way to heaven if you don’t go, there is no way to hell you come here!

I hold the Tesseract in my hand, how dare you absorb space energy so presumptuously!

Red Skull brought Psychokinesis to the extreme, detonating all space energy in an instant: "Go to hell!"

The Tesseract on the chest of his battle armor released a wave of space,

The excess space energy on the three people was instantly overloaded, and they entered a state of chaotic explosion.

At the moment of detonation, Red Skull desperately used space energy transfer to teleport itself two hundred meters away.


In an instant, the space energy on the three of them exploded completely, and the space energy spread and exploded in a circular pattern, completely disintegrating everything they touched, even those who were immortal.

The shadow soldiers were also instantly killed and sent back to the shadow empire.

After the explosion reached more than 100 meters, the energy of the space diffused and collapsed, sucking everything around to the origin, and then matter and matter collided extremely, and a big explosion on the material level occurred again

Bombing, the bombardment wave expanded rapidly.

All this happened within a few tenths of a second, and the bombardment wave came to Red Skull.

The Red Skull didn't even have time to prop up the energy shield before it was blown away by the bombardment wave and smashed directly into the ground.

Also blown away were countless intelligent steel mechas and HYDRA soldiers, all of whom were affected by the bombardment waves.

Red Skull fell to the ground, his throat was sweet, and he coughed out a mouthful of blood. His mouth was full of blood and rust, and he struggled to stand up, feeling his face was wet.

Even if Red Skull didn't lift his mask, he knew that he was bleeding from all seven orifices.

However, it's all worth it.

Iron Man Tony, Hulk Banner, Absorber David are all dead.

The joy on Red Skull's face only had time to last for a moment, and then froze in an instant.

Wait? They're all dead!?

Damn! What the hell did I do!

Doesn't this offend the Dark King to death!

If only one Tony dies, I can escape and hide from the limelight.

All three are dead, isn't this a slap in the face of the Dark King!

Red Skull now wants to strangle himself to death five seconds ago!

At that time, he only cared about cherishing the hard-won fighter planes, and had no time to consider such consequences.

A dull sound sounded in the explosion crater.

"Okay, I admit that the guy in the red trousers is very difficult to fight. If you win two, I won't be able to do it."

Hulk Banner's voice followed: "Right, I also find it difficult to fight."

Iron Man Tony's voice was the most helpless: "I must be proficient in space magic when I go back. You see, without the battle suit, I don't even have much fighting power!"

While complaining to each other, the three came up from the pothole, stood on the edge of the pothole, and looked at a group of HYDRA members with dull faces.

Tony reluctantly used magic to summon the magician robe, and said in a regretful but mischievous tone: "I'm sorry, the dark king bestowed on me an indestructible body, and let you see me."

Hulk Banner moved his neck: "Space gem is really an artifact. If there is no powerful magic suppression, it is really difficult for us to beat him."

Absorber David's body gleamed with space energy, and his smile was slightly ferocious: "I'm used to the power of space, and his tricks can't work on me for the second time six.".

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