American Comics: Invincible Starting With Lord Of The Shadow Kingdom!

Chapter 68: How Can The High Gods Understand Mortals?

When Loki arrived, he saw the big brother leaning against a car, hugging a mortal woman and kissing deeply.

Loki flying in mid-air is a sliding shovel.


"Forehead kidney!"

Thor flew straight out, clutching his waist with one hand, and slammed into the road sign beside him, leaving a big hole.

Loki was fuming: "Thor Thor! Have you forgotten that you are the prince of Asgard!"

No matter what time it is, it's still not in shape!

Jane Foster covered her mouth, looking in shock at the feminine young man who suddenly appeared.

Thor pulled his head out of the road sign, and the edge of the cracked iron cut his cheek, and the blood oozed from the wound, making him look extremely horrific.

Thor looked at the trick god Loki with surprise on his face: "Loki! Why are you here!?"

Loki went up and kicked again, if I don’t kick you to death today, I’m not Loki!

Thor skillfully predicted and dodged, holding him with a side hand: "I knew you wouldn't abandon me.

Loki wanted to shake it off with all his strength, but he thought that the big brother was already a "good-for-nothing mortal", so he didn't make a move after all: "You are being targeted by a dark and strong man" Hurry up and follow me


I want to prove myself, but I can't afford to sacrifice my big brother's life.

Thor shook his head resolutely: "No, I refuse."

Loki's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide: "Do you know what you're talking about? This is not your time to be a hero, you should come back with me now!"

Do you think you're still that Thor?

You have no power!

You can't fight anymore!

Thor pointed to Jane Foster on the side: "Jane helped me, and her information was taken away by a mortal organization called S.H.I.E.L.D. As an Asgard, I need to repay my favor.

Loki: ".....? Didn't you hear what I just said?"

Thor looked indifferent: "I heard, a dark strong man is after me."

Loki was shocked: "Did you land face first or feet first? Face?"

Do you want to die?

Thor straightened his chest and clenched his fists: "Loki, we are Asgardians, what is our charge slogan? For Asgard? Ah!"

Loki subconsciously blurted out: "For the honor of Asgard!"

After finishing speaking, Loki wished he could slap himself.

Thor patted his brother on the shoulder very satisfied: "For the honor of Asgard, I will retrieve the information for Ms. Jane."

After thinking about it, Loki gritted his teeth: "Okay, I'll help! But you must also get back Mjolnir as soon as possible, after getting it, we will go home immediately!

The damned single-minded fool! It's impossible to keep two things in your head at the same time!

Thor laughed loudly: "Okay, as long as I stand in front of Mjolnir, it's not too late!"

Three hours later, night.

Jane is lying on her back behind a small hill, with Thor and Loki lying beside her.

Loki's face was extraordinarily exciting: "Here is her information?"

What's the difference between this and the sheep returning to the tiger's hole?

Why do you think I was in such a hurry to take you away?

Loki's heart shudders at the thought of the dark energy in the gray-haired old man.

Thor surprised: "Yeah, my weapon is here too. Look, what a wonderful thing, we can do two things at once!"

Loki looked at the big brother's headless but able to fight, there was a beauty missing the brainstem.

Loki frowned and thought about it carefully. If he made a move, the traces of divine power would be too obvious, and he might be noticed by the dark powerhouse.

And the reckless big brother has been deprived of his divine power, so it is most appropriate for him to make a move.

As long as the big brother takes back Mjolnir and regains his divine power, running at the speed of light will not be a problem!

Loki decisively patted Thor on the shoulder: "Big brother, even though you have no power, you are still a muscular man with no brains, come on! You beat them all by yourself!"

Upon hearing this, Thor agreed with great satisfaction: "It's indeed a good plan, just wait for me to fly out!"

Thor took off his coat and put it on Jane's body to protect her from the cold, stood up with a bright smile, showing two muscular arms [with a sunny temperament all over his body and strode towards the camp.

Jane watched the whole process of the conversation between the two brothers dumbfounded, and said in disbelief: "You let him rush in and beat up a group of people by himself, is that a good plan〃*?"

Are you brothers both mentally ill? One dares to speak, the other dares to act?

This is a plan? What kind of plan is this?

Take out the brains of the two of you brothers, is it enough to play half of it?

The trick god Loki looked at Jane with contempt: "Stupid mortal, you don't understand how powerful my big brother is.

Jane raised her eyebrows, opened her mouth slightly, and her face was full of disbelief: "Do you not understand the power of thermal weapons?"

"Bang bang bang!"

Gunshots were heard in the camp, Loki and Jane hurriedly looked over and saw Thor beating a group one by one, holding a human shield with one hand, and opening the way with one fist.

Loki breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, he just has no brains, it's not like he can't fight.

Jane was shocked: "You are not sure, you let him in!?"

Loki gasped: "Enough, stupid woman! If it weren't for you, I would have brought my big brother home!"

Jane had no choice but to shut up obediently, and watched the scene below with a telescope, concerned about whether Thor was injured.

Loki's mood also calmed down, he snorted disdainfully, and hurriedly paid attention to what his brainless big brother had become.

The agents in the camp saw that Thor was not carrying a weapon, so they stopped firing, but stepped forward to fight.

Thor saw it, overjoyed, and punched a kid.

Even if he loses his divine power, he is still a berserker who has been professionally trained since he was a child, and even a fierce man who has gone through more than a thousand battles. How could he be afraid of close combat.

The human agent was like a child in front of this thousand-year-old berserk warrior. Thor beat him fiercely and suffered from the beating.

In less than five minutes, Thor broke into the inner camp and ran excitedly towards Mjolnir.

Jane was dumbfounded: "Is that how it got in?"

Loki proudly said: "See, my brother, he is a man who works hard all by himself!"

Lao Fei, Jotonheim, the ice giant king of the capital star of the Frost Civilization, and the strong man who can wrestle with Odin.

Jane looked at him with contempt: "You're such a nonsense, does Thor know?"

Just when the two were fighting each other for Thor, Thor's desperate and painful wailing came from the inner circle of the camp.

Loki heard his heart twitch, and hurriedly looked towards the center of the camp, and saw the big brother kneeling in front of Mjolnir, who was supposed to be obedient like a child.

Stay in place without moving.

Loki opened his mouth wide, eyes full of shock: "It's over!"

My brother can't afford Mjolnir anymore!

What was the spell that my father cast at that time? Godhead?

Damn! Father, did you remember to leave a back door when you were cruel! Now your eldest son's life is in danger!

Jane looked at Thor's distraught look, and felt distressed: "What's wrong with him?"

Shocked, Loki replied casually: "He won't lift it, what else can he do!"

Jane quickly became nervous: "Stop lifting? Is the problem serious?"

Loki felt weird when he heard it, turned his head and frowned: "He can't even lift it, so the problem can still be light?"

Jane said cautiously: "I know some big men in medicine, why don't you take him to see them? There are some big men who will definitely bring him back to glory!"

Loki finally came to his senses, and looked at Jane as if he was looking at a piece of garbage: "Spicy chicken with a head full of yellow waste!"

I really don't understand how the big brother fell in love with such a woman!

Jane heard the scolding, looked at his expression again, and instantly realized that she had misunderstood the meaning, blushed a lot, and couldn't help exhaling embarrassingly hot air: "Ha, it's so bright tonight, there is no moon .”

Loki was thinking about whether to go down to save the big brother, but he saw his brother stand up again after losing his mind, and waved his fists to fight in all directions.

Loki was full of question marks: "What is this for?"

Jane: "Yeah... I want to ask this question too."

Under the strong onlookers of the two, Thor beat up a group of people, and after finding the car where Jane's notes and instruments were placed, he hurriedly grabbed the notes and rushed out.

Behind him, the agents put on anesthesia bombs one after another.

Thor swayed from side to side and ran wildly, avoiding the attack with the help of obstacles, and rushed out perfectly.

After Thor rushed out, he smiled brightly and waved to Jane and Loki: "Hey, drive!"

Loki looked worried, but when he saw how brave the big brother was, he smiled proudly: "Did you see that!"


There was a thunderstorm, Loki was so frightened that he trembled all over, and hurriedly got down.

He is not afraid of thunder, he is afraid of big brother's thunder. Every time the big brother gets angry, he hits him with thunder, knocking him out of the psychological shadow.

Jane didn't shrink her head, but looked at Thor who was struck by lightning in shock and sorrow: "You!"

Thor, smoking all over, struggled to his feet.


Thor, who had just got up, fell down again, his legs twitching.


The third thunder struck, and Thor became a complete acquaintance.

Loki perceives that the big brother is still alive, so he rushes towards Thor regardless of his fear, turning into a gust of wind and hugging Thor.

After embracing Thor, Loki didn't even bother to look back to see who had released the thunder, he hurriedly summoned the wind to engulf him Flight, took the grief-stricken Jane with him, and took him away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The fourth thunder, the fifth thunder, the sixth thunder...

In an instant, there was a thunderstorm, and thunderbolts struck Loki, the god of tricks.

Loki tightly shielded the two of them in front of his chest, and used his back to forcefully catch the Thunder's attack.

He spurted out a large amount of blood, staining big brother Thor's face and chest red, and half of Jane's face.

Loki's eyes were red, his teeth were clenched tightly, and blood flowed from the gaps between his teeth, forming blood droplets and sliding down his mouth.

He tried his best to activate the magic, and took the two of them away quickly.

On the ground, S.H.I.E.L.D monitors the camp.

Absorber David stopped the thunder in his hand and frowned: "What a powerful body."

It took three thunderbolts before he fell into a coma, and the one who could fly was stronger, and several thunderbolts only injured him, and did not make him lose his combat ability.

Phil Coulson was very surprised, it was a fight between gods and gods: "This... this... Mr. David, what's going on here?"

A macho man who can make many agents into babies appeared, and then there was the figure who summoned the wind and resisted the thunder.

That Lei Ting was as strong as a car, yet he didn't keep those few people behind.

David's right fingertips flashed with lightning, and he was surprised: "I don't know, it's weird, and it's highly resistant to energy... The feeling of being struck is a bit like an elephant? The bones of these guys are denser than the blue ones. Starman is several times taller.

Phil Coulson's eyes widened: "Alien gods? That's it?"

Doesn't it look fierce?

wrong. Still very fierce.

Phil Coulson looked at the agent lying on the ground crying, very helpless: "However, it seems

, can be solved with heat weapons. "

Absorber David shook his head: "No, hot weapons won't work on them."

If I didn't have the blessing of the Dark King, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to break the defense of these two people.

Phil Coulson dared not take the bigwig's opinion lightly: "What do you mean?"

Absorber David: "I will inform my son to come and assist, and you are ready to fight. Whoever they are, they will definitely come to Mjolnir again. 1"

Absorber David thought for a while, and imitated Fang Quan and snapped his fingers.

"Swipe, swipe!"

In an instant, four ghost soldiers appeared in front of the absorber David as if they were teleporting at an extremely fast speed.

The absorber David looked indifferent: "Arm, check out the movements of those two people."

The ghost soldiers turned into shadows and quickly dispersed.

Phil Coulson looked at these dark soldiers enviously: "Is King Fang still recruiting?"

Absorber David shrugged: "There is no five insurances and one housing fund, and it depends on immortality to go to work."

Phil Coulson: "...Sorry to bother you."

The two exchanged briefly, but found no more clues, so they returned (Wang Nuo's) again.

Phil Coulson called to adjust the surveillance to see if he could find more clues.

While on the phone, Phil Coulson asked David curiously: "Mr. David, why don't you try to pull it out? Maybe you can pull that hammer out?"

Absorber David looked at Phil Coulson like a fool: "You are an ordinary person, you may not be able to detect it. But I can detect that the hammer is covered with ultra-high-density hidden Thor power... Do you want me to turn into fly ash?"

I am a dark being, not a mortal.

What is the difference between touching this kind of thing and courting death?

Phil Coulson: ".....okay."

Thirty kilometers away, Loki staggered and knelt on the ground, put Jane aside, and then gently put his brother in his arms on the ground.

Loki wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his hair standing on end like a big cock.

Jane knelt beside Thor with heartache: "Thor...... Thor, why are you so stupid, you shouldn't risk your life for the notes.

In the left hand of the comatose Thor, Jane's research notes are tightly held.

Loki waved: "Get out of the way, I'll wake him up."

Jane stepped aside in a hurry, looking expectantly at how this man with the magical ability would wake up his elder brother.

Loki crawled to Thor's side, rolling up the sleeves on both hands alternately, with a stern look on his face.

Jane faintly felt something was wrong.

But I haven't had time to think about it.

Jane was dumbfounded.

Loki bowed left and right, and slapped Thor's face fiercely with both hands.

"Papa papa!"

"Let you pick up a woman! You don't want to lift!"

Sabie Thor! No prince's sense of responsibility!

The first thing in the Nether is to pick up a woman! Instead of going to Mjolnir!

You are really spiritual when you carry the artifact that you have carried around for thousands of years!

There is no woman in my heart, the hammer is a natural god! Do you understand!.

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