American Comics: Invincible Starting With Lord Of The Shadow Kingdom!

Chapter 82 General Zod, Don't Be Impulsive

Kryptonian spaceship.

General Zod looked at the Superman in front of him, his eyes were slightly cold: "You mean, there is a super life form on the blue planet, and he asked me to go find him and take the Kryptonian race code from him?"

Superman Clark showed hesitation and said: "But I hope you don't go, he is very strong. When facing him, I have no power to fight back."

General Zod snorted coldly: "I have spent my whole life proficient in combat. Where did you receive combat training? A farm? No matter how powerful this enemy is, for the future of Krypton, I will do whatever it takes to regain the race code and protect us civilization!

Boy, I am the military leader of Krypton and the patron saint of the people of Krypton, you don't understand this. "

Superman Clark smiled bitterly: "I really don't understand you, but I think you should investigate him, at least have a basic understanding of him."

General Zod didn't bother to pay attention to this military rookie, and looked at the deputy commander Fiora who had been in charge of the investigation earlier.

Fiora controlled the console with both hands, her face was full of shock: "General, you have to take a look at this."

When General Zod heard this, he instinctively felt that something was wrong, so he hurried forward and called Fiora's information panel to check.

The content of the video is only one paragraph, which is the video recorded by the Blue Star people near the concert, and they recorded all the passages in the mirror world.

Inside, there was a warrior wearing a battle armor with a very casual style of play. He suppressed another alien creature in the magma. This alien creature recovered its ability extremely well. After a period of time, this warrior simply suppressed this powerful alien creature The creature tugged through a portal.

On the other side of the portal is Fixed Star.

General Zod took a breath of cold air: "Is this the life form of Blue Star?"

Confront the Fixed Star up close and make it back safely?

Even when I was driving a Kryptonian spaceship, I didn't dare to be so brave.

Fiora smiled wryly: "This is the King of Darkness that the son of Eli said."

General Zod's face became serious: "This is indeed a super life form."

At first, I thought that Eli's son was ignorant, and he was just talking about running the train.

Now I think...the son of Yi 23 Lai is really ignorant. This is clearly a super strong man who can cross the space and time of the universe, the kind who can physically rival a space carrier warship.

Depend on!

Even if the Kryptonian civilization is still there, they dare not provoke such a strong man.

Now I only have these clansmen left, how can I get back the race code!?

General Zod took a deep breath and sent the video to everyone: "You all watch it.

All the Kryptonians present went through it, and then fell silent.

how to say.

Recapturing the racial code from such a powerful person is more difficult than rebuilding the Kryptonian civilization.

Look, open the space portal with bare hands, prop up the space generator by one person, and turn the entire different space into a magma world within two or three breaths.

Superman Clark's tone became serious: "Now, what should we do?"

General Zod was silent, and I also wanted to know what to do.

Superman breathed a sigh of relief: "Why don't you leave? Live on another planet."

General Zod looked at him like a fool: "Impossible! I can't get the race code back, and I won't go anywhere!"

Superman Clark watched him silently. Do you have a way to defeat this dark king?

General Zod's tone slowed down slightly: "Lead the way, I'm going to see him. No matter what the result is, I have to give it a try.

Fiora, if I die in battle, you will take over my duties and lead everyone to find the next habitable planet. "

Fiora's eyes changed slightly: "General..."

How could the general be allowed to do such a dangerous thing!

To go, it has to be their subordinates.

The core of Krypton's military system will only be there if there are generals.

General Zod stretched out his hand to stop her words: "I am responsible for the Kryptonian civilization."

Fiora sighed lightly and obeyed the military order.

General Zod began to order in an orderly manner, arranged everything, and then set off with Superman Clark.

After all the Kryptonian soldiers watched General Zod leave, the genetic scientist suddenly questioned: "When he just got on the ship, I did a simple scan of him, obviously he was on this planet with weak gravity, but he His body appears to be exceptionally healthy."

Fiora's eyes changed slightly: "What do you mean?"

The genetic scientist's eyes were silent: "I suspect that the race code is in his body."

Without the support of perfect Kryptonian genes, this child's body should not be so strong.

The scouting soldier on the side said in a deep voice: "But I didn't realize that he was lying.

Genetic scientist: "It is also a clever lie to tell a part of the truth. The dark king does hold the race code. Who told you that the race code cannot be copied?

The racial code is nothing but a huge gene pool.

Fiora said in a deep voice, "Report to the general."

The genetic scientist nodded: "I have already sent the information."

On the spaceship, General Zod sat in front of the console and let the brain drive automatically.


General Zod pressed his watch, and a message from the genetic scientist popped up on the mask.

General Zod frowned slightly and clenched his fists: "Kelkent, tell me, can we get back the race code?"

Superman Clark smiled bitterly: "I don't think so, because he is very powerful. When I watched him fight last time, I saw with my own eyes that he tore open the dimension of space with his hands and opened the portal to another planet, and he still has The boundless dark army...those dark lifeforms are immortal, and have a very strong evolutionary ability."

General Zod evaluated him in his heart and asked seemingly unintentionally: "Do you care about the civilization of the cyanide star? Are you willing to work hard for the construction of the star civilization?"

Superman Clarke: "I care, but..... I hope to find another planet to transform into Krypton. There are several super life forms here, the wife of the Dark King, who can create a different dimension space with bare hands." the strong."

General Zod glanced at his eyes and knew that what he said was the truth.

General Zod quickly pieced together the sevens and eights of the matter.

Superman met the dark king, and the race code was taken away by the dark king, but for some reason, the race code still exists in Superman.

However, because of the Dark King, Superman did not dare to rebuild the Kryptonian civilization and was in a state of being suppressed.

Superman does not support himself and others to create Kryptonian civilization here.

The son of Eli can only be regarded as half of his friend.

General Zod couldn't help but smiled silently.

Eli, your son, like you, has plenty of benevolence and folly, and aspires to an idealized world.

However, this world is too cruel.

General Zod suddenly asked: "Clark, are you willing to support us in rebuilding Kryptonian civilization?"

Superman was taken aback, didn't you ask this before?

Superman Clark's brain was running fast, and he immediately thought of the two beeps of General Zod's watch before, and the subsequent inquiry seemed to revolve around a certain point.

At some turns out the truth has been known.

Superman Clark paused, and said seriously: "He wants to see you, and he can't hide. If you are in danger, I will protect you and leave.

General Zod shook his head: "No, if I am in danger, you run away immediately, and I will protect you with my life. n

Superman Clark surprised: "Why?"

General Zod's smile was full of righteousness: "You are our hope, how can I be willing to put you in danger. Children, some things are more complicated than you imagined, but some things are very simple."

Superman: "What?"

General Zod: "I am the general, the general of the people of Krypton, the patron saint of the people of Krypton. It is an honor for me to fight and die to protect you.

In front of the gate of the dark palace, Fang Quan sat on the throne, spitting out grape skins while waiting for the guests to visit.

He already knew when these people would arrive through the force of time and space.

Tony, David, Banner, Nick Fury, Ross and others have all been present and are sitting on the sidelines.

Ancient One sat on the side of the throne, curious: "Why do you have to meet that General Zod?"

Fang Quan smiled: "I like to admire souls with high order, believe me, General Zod is a life with a noble soul."

Others don't know why, so they can only wait obediently.

In less than three minutes, a spaceship landed on the ground in the distance, and General Zod walked down with Superman Clark.

General Zod was the first to notice the young man on the throne, his eyebrows were tingling, his heart was pounding, and he was screaming crazily from hundreds of years of combat experience.

This is an enemy you cannot defeat.

Is an enemy that can easily kill itself.


Why am I still so weak!

General Zod hated himself extremely, hated his own weakness.

Last time, I was weak and failed to protect Krypton.

This time, it was still because he was weak and unable to protect Lan Xing's foundation.

General Zod paused slightly, then walked towards the Dark King unswervingly.

However, no matter what, as long as there is still hope, we must fight for it.

General Zod walked ten meters away from the Dark Throne, and the noise was thicker: "You are the Dark King? Clark said that the racial code is in your hands."

Tony's eyes widened in surprise: "This is the most straightforward way of questioning I've ever seen.

God, are you Kryptonians so straightforward?

Fang Quan chuckled and waved his hands: "I think you should tolerate the way this general who has experienced the battlefield speaks...I am the King of Darkness, and the race code is indeed in my hands."

Fang Quan stretched out his hand, revealing the black skull with golden lines.

General Zod's breathing became short of breath in an instant: "The price, what price do I need to pay in order for me to get it.

Fang Quan put the Kryptonian race code on the armrest of the throne and smiled: "Don't worry, I like to play bright cards. As long as your fighting can satisfy me, I can give you the race code."

After Fang Quan finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the beauty of Ancient One: "How about it, isn't his soul very noble?"

Ancient One withdrew the light in his eyes and sighed: "He is indeed a noble general."

Fang Quan looked at General Zod, and his eyes reflected the golden soul of General Zod. This is a pure and selfless noble soul who dedicates everything to civilization. The only hobby in his life is to protect the civilization of Krypton. He has been loyal to the entire Xiaxing civilization from the beginning to the end.

General Zod felt a little uncomfortable, frowned slightly, but endured it: "Battle? What kind of battle?"

Fang Quan stood up and stretched his shoulders: "Fight with me."

General Zod opened his mouth wide and looked at Fang Quan in disbelief.

fight with you?

Do you think I can survive a Heat ray that turns the earth into lava, or do you think I can be thrown into Fixed Star947 without dying?

General Zod's mind was spinning rapidly: "I have one condition!"

Fang Quan: "Say."

General Zod pointed to Superman Clark aside: "No

Regardless of whether I win or lose, I hope he can leave here and return to the spaceship. I am the Kryptonian general and I need to protect his life.

Fang Quan looked at General Zod in surprise: "You know? Forget it, it doesn't matter. I don't care about the racial code in his body, I just like fighting and killing.

I agree. "

General Zod's forehead was sweating slightly, and the wisdom of the dark king seemed to be stronger than he imagined. Just by saying a word, I gained insight into my true intentions.

Damn, Superman Clark didn't understand until he heard three sentences from himself!

Fang Quan stretched out a finger and pointed it at General Zod's tactical helmet: "You get used to the Blue Star environment first, and when you get used to it, I will fight with you."

General Zod's helmet dissipated instantly, and countless voices and information rushed into his brain.

General Zod uttered a scream of pain, and the whole person was forced to kneel on the ground, holding his head in his hands, bearing the excess information.

Superman Clark yelled, "Focus, focus on the message you want to hear.

Fang Quan glanced at it, and was too lazy to use this backward method, directly stretched out his hand, and punched the light power he had absorbed into General Zod's body, and at the same time, there were horse symbols flying into his body

The healing power of the mantra.

General Zod's eyes were red, and he felt the power in his body increasing rapidly. He punched the ground, directly hitting the ground to a depth of tens of meters.

When Fist Power reached five meters in front of the Dark Throne, the three shadow leaders watched Fist Power silently, and the invisible dark power completely suppressed him.

Fang Quan typed for just three seconds. After feeling that he had reached the limit of General Zod, he stopped decisively and looked at him a little lazily: "How is it, is it all right?"

General Zod raised his head, his eyes glowed with red rays, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I feel so good, I feel like I have been reborn.

I've become a strong man who can tear apart spaceships.

Was that power just now the power of the sun?

That's right, the energy of the yellow sun can make us Lanxing people continue to become stronger.

This is how I want to feel.

General Zod's mentality was slightly inflated due to the sudden acquisition of Super strength, but thousands of years of experience made him calm down quickly.

Clark has a race code in his body, and he has absorbed the power of the yellow sun for nearly thirty years, and he has never beaten the dark king.

I can't win.

No, I have to win.

Even if I win miserably, I want to get the race code.

Bet the life of my General Kryptonian, I want to take back the future of Kryptonian!.

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