American Comics: Invincible Starting With Lord Of The Shadow Kingdom!

Chapter 91: The Black Demon Is About To Become An Angel

Mo Faith knew that his son was a filial son, and he always wanted to overthrow his rule and prove that he was a filial son of a stronger devil.

However, a filial son is a filial son. For so many years, I have only such a son under my knees.

Beating and cursing, scolding and scolding, and watching his son die, Mo Faith still couldn't do it.

Moto Faith was deeply remorseful and knew that things were really big.

The Black Heart Demon came to the outskirts of a certain state in the Eagle Country. He walked leisurely and looked very happy: "My stupid father always used lowly deceptions and tricks to harvest souls. According to me, the devil should rely on strength, rely on Fist to conquer the world!"

Old Demon Gray Hill showed a complimenting smile: "Your Highness, the Lord Demon King is an eternal powerhouse, and there is always a reason why the Lord Demon King does not want to act arrogantly.

The Black Heart Demon looked at Old Demon Gray Hill with a displeased face: "Old Demon, what you say always makes me feel very uncomfortable...... But, I think what you said makes sense."

The Black Heart Demon has inherited part of Mo Faith's personality, among which the most conspicuous is that emotions belong to emotions, and reason belongs to reason.

No matter how angry you are, if it is useful, you still need to think about it.

The black heart demon said curiously: "I only know that my father was seriously injured, so he was trapped in hell and could never come to Blue Star. Do you know why my father was seriously injured? He always made it lightly and didn't let me Know."

The three demons looked at me, I looked at you, and finally looked at Old Demon.

Old Demon Gray Hill's mouth twitched, so he had no choice but to speak out: "Master Demon King once fought with Raphael, the strongest in the Angel world, and we don't know the details. We only know that Lord Raphael went crazy and died because of the "Six Six" Man cannot escape hell."

The black heart demon heard: "So, Rafael's death must have been written by my father?"

Water demon Valo complimented: "Naturally, how can ordinary things drive the former strongest of the Ten Realms into madness?"

The Black Heart Demon smiled at Old Demon Gray Hill, and pointed at Water Demon Valor: "Look, I know that what he said is a lie, but it sounds pleasing to the ear."

This sentence is half true, half false, but it sounds pleasing to the ear.

With his father's personality, he would intervene, but he would definitely not intervene directly.

So it's just going to be, there's a relationship, but not a direct relationship.

The black heart demon is very displeased with his father's oblique and scheming style.


Dad's strength and wisdom are indeed to the extent that the current self can surpass.

If you want to surpass your dad faster, you have to start with improving your strength.

The 100,000 ghast contract in Vengeance Town (Saint Van Gonza) is the first step for him to improve his strength.

The black heart demon asked curiously: "Do you have any clues? This contract is so powerful, why don't you think my dad came back?"

The Black Heart Demon is very cautious, there must be a reason for what his father didn't do.

Fumo Abigor is the captain of the guards, and said respectfully: "The last Ghost Rider was 150 years ago, and the Lord Demon King was looking for it. It seems that a more qualified Ghost Rider was found later, and the time and energy was spent on the new knight.

The black heart demon knew the reason: "Zartanos? My dad is going to toss the soul of that ancient demon king again?"

Indeed, compared to the soul of the ancient devil king, 100,000 ghast contracts can also be put aside temporarily.

Old Demon Gray Hill looked at the tavern in the distance, and said flatteringly: "Your Highness, the Angel tavern is here."

The Black Heart Demon showed a sinister grin, and moved his palm: "Go in, absorb some energy, and find clues to the previous generation of Ghost Rider.

"As ordered."

In the dark palace, in the back garden, beauties surrounded Fang Quan, waiting for him.

"My king."

Absorber David came out of the darkness and knelt down on one knee respectfully.

Fang Quan waved his hand, and the beauties around him spread out wittily, or ran to the bar to drink, or went to the swimming pool to show off their outstanding figures.

Absorber David said respectfully: "We have found clues to the contract in Vengeance Town (Saint Van Gunza).

Fang Quan raised his head unexpectedly, and looked at the loyal and energetic old man in front of him: "Interesting, tell me."

"The last generation of Ghost Rider in the western region was Carter Sley, who escaped with the ghost contract. But since then, he has never appeared again, and the usual methods cannot find his clues.

With Ghost Rider's ability, if he maintains his mana and doesn't transform, he can definitely survive until now..."

Fang Quan frowned: "I don't like guessing."

Absorber David saw His Majesty frowning, and immediately said the key point: "We found Kattersley's tomb, but there is nothing inside.

Fang Quan's brows were relieved: "So you guess that the person guarding the cemetery is Carter Sley?"

Absorber David showed a sincere smile: "Yes, Your Majesty, we found a horse in the stable that contains the mana of evil spirits, and it has lived for hundreds of years.

Fang Quan said lazily, "What about the contract."

Absorber David: "Katsley will find out that the shadow soldier enters the Holy Land, so I went in and searched for it myself... I suspect that the contract of Saint Vaganza is on him.

Your Majesty, do we want to do it? It has been found out that it is a contract of 100,000 ghosts, which is enough to turn a qualified demon into a devil-level [or close to the devil-level


Fang Quan showed disgust on his face: "Don't let this kind of dirty impurities come and dirty my eyes... I don't like that contract, but I like to see the black heart demon angry, sad, and desperate .”

With the passage of time, the sheep charm is combined with the power of other spells, and my soul has become the soul of the king of gods and demons, and I no longer need these impurities to pile up strength.

Absorber David hurriedly knelt down, showing a sincere expression: "Your Majesty, I want to get more power and do more things for you."

After gaining the power of immortality and immortality, he has become much stronger.

But he wants to do more and get Fang Quan's attention.

Fang Quan showed an interested smile: "Since you want it, then go ahead.

Seeing that his subordinates are motivated, Fang Quan is quite happy.

Absorber David said respectfully: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

He hurriedly got up, knelt down again, and said faithfully: "Your Majesty will definitely let His Majesty appreciate the anger, pain, and despair of the Black Heart Demon."

Regardless of whether I can get the contract of Vengeance Town Saint Van Gonzale, I can't let His Majesty's interest fail.

His Majesty's fun is enough to say anything.

But if because of my own factors, the fun of His Majesty was delayed, I would really lose the big because of my own factors.

Fang Quan was very satisfied: "Not bad, let's go."

The absorber David stepped back respectfully, ready to call other people to help.

Fang Quan lay down and pointed lazily: "You guessed right, the contract is on him. It's in the handle of the shovel that never leaves his body.

Absorber David was overjoyed and knelt down again to thank the gift: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift!"

Suburban cemetery in Kansas.

Cartersley sat on the stone bench at the door, comforted the restless beloved horse with his palm, and showed a look of relief: "We have lived enough for hundreds of years, and we still can't hide it after all.

Last night, Aima saw dark life forms moving around, and discovered the mana fluctuations in Aima's body.

And when he returned to the house, the dust that he personally sprinkled on the box still slipped to the floor after all.

Although the visitor was very careful and scattered the dust back, he still couldn't perfectly restore all the dust to its original position.

I have lived here for so many years, how could I not notice if I have been moved a little bit.

Unknowingly, black shadow soldiers appeared outside the Holy Land, lined up, silently watching Kattersley in the Holy Land.

One of the shadow soldiers stretched out his hand and wanted to walk in, but when one foot fell, he began to make the sound of a barbecue version.

The black shadow soldier looked at the soles of his feet that were emitting devilish energy, hesitated for a while, and then took them back.

Just like last night, the Holy Land is still excluding them from entering.

It is possible to force entry, but it is not necessary, the leader did not issue an attack order.

Cartersley said softly: "Come out, since dark life forms can't get in, the person who turned over my box last night must be a strong dark man, there is no need to hide yourself like this."

Absorber David came out of the shadows and couldn't help clapping his hands: "Wonderful, I thought I had restored everything, but it seems that there are still some omissions after all."

Cartersley said with a smile: "Next time when you throw ashes, use less force and pay attention to the angle. You are very careful, but after all, you are not familiar with my hands that are no longer strong, so there will be mistakes."

Absorber David understood clearly, looked at his strong hands: "I see, I didn't imitate your old age well."

Cartersley smiled: "I won't hand over the contract of Vengeance Town Saint Fanganza, even if you kill me, you won't be able to find it."

Absorber David shook his head: "No, I won't kill you......My king, His Majesty King Mephista Fang Quan has already pointed me out, knowing that the contract is in your shovel.

Cartersley stood up in shock, holding the shovel tightly with both hands: "He even knows this!?"

The absorber David showed fanaticism: "My king is omniscient and omniscient. However, I am looking for you now because of the black heart demon.

Cartersley swallowed, cold sweat broke out slightly on his forehead, feeling the fear of King Mephista for the first time.

This Mephista king is both good and evil, and no one knows what his temperament is.

Cartersley sat down slowly, controlling his mood: "Let's talk."

Absorber David said seriously: "Do you understand the black heart demon? How can you make the black heart demon despair?"

Cartersley was stunned: "Let the Black Heart Demon despair?"

What kind of weird request is this?

Absorber David explained seriously: "Mo Faith offended His Majesty Fang Quan, I need to make Mo Faith's son despair, to make our Majesty feel happy."

Carter Sley: "......Kill the Black Demon? But this is too difficult, the origin of the Black Demon is bound to hell, unless you destroy the entire hell.

Absorber David nodded: "We are already doing it, but it still takes time. You also know that hell is a universe, and it will take time for us to conquer it.

Carter Slay:

Well, I was drawn into the vortex of the boss's struggle again.

Is this the fate of every generation of Ghost Rider?

Cartersley felt that it was outrageous, but he still said seriously: "The most desired thing of the Black Heart Demon is to become the Lord of Hell, but his father is still alive, so he cannot become the Lord of Hell. If he wants to despair, he must Make him disqualified from being the Lord of Hell."

Absorber David's eyes lit up: "Lost the qualifications of the Lord of Hell?"

Cartersley shrugged: "The conditions for becoming the Lord of Hell are very harsh, but the conditions for losing this qualification are also very harsh... I have no good solution.

You have to know that if Mo Faith cannot lead Hell, then the not weak Black Heart Demon can almost be a logical successor.

Absorber David stroked his chin, and said seriously: "You said, can Justice Angel become the Lord of Hell?"

Cartersley laughed instantly: "Hahahaha, are you kidding me? How could the Justice Angel become the Lord of Hell?"

Absorber David smiled: "Then turn the Black Demon into an Angel."

The smile on Cartersley's face froze a bit: "Are you kidding? How can this be done?"

Absorber David stretched out his hand, revealing the divine power of the sun: "My king once bestowed upon me countless power attributes, as long as I catch the black heart demon, I can reverse the attributes in his body, as long as

With sufficient energy, he is a black demon, and I can turn him into a white demon. "

Carter Sley: "..... King Mephista is outrageous, and you are even more outrageous."

Absorber David stroked his chin: "You said, I collect 100,000 good spirits and forge them into a contract of St. Van Gonzal in Revenge 4.1 Town, so that the Black Heart Demon can absorb them. Do you think it's feasible?

Cartersley couldn't help shivering: "Unless you know King Angel, how could you collect 100,000 good spirits in a short period of time?"

God, this picture is so beautiful, it's scary to think about it.

Absorber David was slightly surprised: "How do you know that I know King Angel?"

Next to Johnny Blazer, there is really an Angel King Raphael.

Randekiel is really collecting a lot of good spirits.

These are all the information collected by the absorber David accompanying Fang Quan.

Cartersley: "?"

what the hell are you talking about

Absorber David took out his mobile phone, called Johnny Blazer, and told him his plan.

Angel King Raphael couldn't stop laughing on the other end of the phone when he heard this: "In theory, if there are 100,000 copies of good spirits as carriers, plus a sufficient amount of sun power, black

The demon's attributes will be permanently reversed, and he will never be able to return to hell, hahahahahaha!"

Hell will not allow the carrier of 100,000 good spirits to enter.

Randkill: "I understand the truth, but, brother, why do you want to use what I saved?"

Do you know how difficult it is for me to keep these good spirits after I have been on this blue star for hundreds of years?

Do you know how difficult it is for me to develop informants one by one?

No! You don't know!

You know 100,000 good spirits is a blast to use!

Angel Wang Raphael: "Do you have any opinions?"

Randekiel: "....Damn! No! Get out! Here you are! This is a contract!"

Damn it! It's all my blood!

You are not human!.

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