Evening time.


LaGuardia Swimming Pool.

Natasha was sitting in a chair with her eyes closed, waiting for the monster to appear.

At this time, a SHIELD agent beside her asked

""Sir, it's almost eight o'clock in the evening. Will this monster appear again today?"

Natasha opened her eyes and looked at the agent after hearing the question from her subordinate.

"It's coming. Be alert."

"These monsters have a certain time limit when playing the game. If they can't finish it within the specified time, I'm afraid they won't have an easy time."

"So these monsters won't waste time casually."

While talking to her subordinates, Natasha also looked at her phone worriedly.

After sending a message to Tony more than an hour ago, he still hasn't come, and he didn't even answer the phone. This gave Natasha a bad feeling in her heart.

But before Natasha could think about it, she suddenly heard a piercing scream. After hearing this voice, Natasha immediately said with vigilance

"Be alert, the monster is here."

Natasha put the back of her hand in front of the mirror she had prepared before, and then shouted


After a flash of light, Kamen Rider Hanamu officially appeared.

As for the other agents, after hearing Natasha's words, they immediately raised their special powerful pistols and paid attention to the changes in the surrounding environment.

After Natasha successfully transformed, she immediately drew the snow-white summoning sword on her waist, pointed it at the rest area on the second floor of the LaGuardia swimming pool, and shouted angrily:

"Come out, I've spotted you."

As Natasha finished her words, a gorgeous woman in a black cheongsam appeared on the balcony on the second floor of the LaGuardia Swimming Pool. She was the contestant this time - Snake.

Shortly after Snake came out, the SHIELD agents who were on strict alert raised their special powerful pistols and shot at Snake.


Countless bullets were fired at the snake girl at once, but unfortunately, the snake girl then pulled out a whip and swung it.

In just a short while, she blocked all the bullets from the elite SHIELD agents.

And the moment the whip hit the bullet, the bullet was corroded by a frosty air, and when it fell to the ground, it broke into small pieces.

Natasha saw all of this and couldn't help but secretly shocked.

"Is this an ice-attribute attack?"

"When the battle starts, you must not be hit by this monster's whip......."

But before Natasha could think for long, the snake girl on the balcony on the second floor of the swimming pool spoke.

"Come on, now that you have discovered me, try to stop me."

After saying that, the snake girl changed back to her monster form and walked into a mirror.

Natasha did not hesitate to see this, and after saying a word to her subordinates, she also followed into the mirror world.

"You stay here and notify Tony Stark of his arrival as soon as possible."......

Mirror world.

At this time, Natasha was struggling to deal with the whip attack of the snake woman. As early as in the real world, Natasha had seen how powerful the frost attached to the whip of the snake woman was.

Since entering the mirror world, Natasha mainly avoided and slowly looked for opportunities to counterattack.

But unfortunately, facing a series of attacks from the snake woman, Natasha's battle plan was broken first.

The snake woman swung the whip towards the swimming pool, and countless water droplets turned into ice cones under the control of the snake woman, and shot towards Natasha one by one. Looking at the ice cones getting closer and closer to her, Natasha quickly waved the snow-white summoning sword in her hand, playing a series of sword flowers, and knocked down these ice cones one by one.

But what Natasha didn't know was that these ice cones were just ordinary attacks used by the snake woman to confuse her.

When she saw Natasha desperately blocking these ice cones, the snake woman showed a gloomy smile on her face.

Then the snake girl controlled the whip and attacked Natasha's shoulder.


Seeing this scene, Natasha suddenly felt her heart tremble, and quickly gave up attacking these ice cones, and quickly turned over and retreated several meters away.

But facing the snake girl's tricky whip attack, how could Natasha completely avoid it?

Just after Natasha turned over and retreated to the ground, she immediately grabbed her left shoulder and gasped in pain.

It turned out that Natasha was hit on the shoulder by the whip while turning over.

Now there is a thick layer of frost on Natasha's left shoulder, and after seeing this scene, the snake girl couldn't help but say proudly

"Kamen Rider Hanamu, since you were hit by my move, you have already lost your only chance to win."

Said the snake girl, waving her whip and attacking Natasha.

"No, we can't fight this monster in a place with water. We have to move the battlefield first."

"Try to find a way to delay Tony's arrival."

Natasha gritted her teeth as she watched the snake girl continue to attack her, endured the pain in her left shoulder, and stood up again.

Then Natasha manipulated the swan cloak behind her to transform into a flying form, and flew directly out of the LaGuardia swimming pool.

Seeing this, the snake girl hurriedly chased after her, while she kept saying

"Give up your meaningless struggle, Kamen Rider Hanayu, you have no chance against me."

"Or are you waiting for the arrival of your other companion?"

"Haha, then you may not be able to wait any longer. I believe he is probably in trouble now."

It's a pity that Natasha had already flown far away and didn't hear what the snake girl said next.......

Time goes back to a few hours ago.

In Tony Stark's villa,

Tony is currently researching the latest iron man suit in the laboratory. Since the battle with the owl monster, many new ideas have emerged in Tony's mind.

In addition, every time a monster is defeated, there will be a few days of peace, so Tony has been in the laboratory every day during this period.

This is to be able to develop a more powerful iron man suit when facing the next monster, and then cooperate with the power of Kamen Rider Teppanyaki to defeat these monsters one by one.

But at this moment, a mechanical bracelet on Tony's hand suddenly emitted a red flash, which instantly changed Tony's face while he was doing the experiment.

Then he hurriedly checked the message sent by Natasha. After a moment, Tony raised his head and muttered

"LaGuardia Swimming Pool in Queens? I didn't expect the monster to appear again so soon."

Thinking of this, Tony's eyebrows knitted together instantly, and he was obviously worried about the monsters that appeared more and more frequently.

But now that things have come to this, no matter what difficulties we have to move forward firmly.

Thinking of this, Tony stood up, walked to the center of the laboratory, and said to Jarvis

"Jarvis, load the Iron Suit"

""Okay, sir." As Jarvis finished speaking, the machines in the laboratory started to move and loaded the Iron Man suit for Tony.

After a moment, the Iron Man suit was successfully loaded on Tony, and after the Iron Man suit was loaded, Tony said to Jarvis.

"Jarvis, when Pepper comes back, tell her that I went to have a drink with Rod, and say it was a celebration party. Didn't I give Rod a set of Iron Man suit a few days ago to celebrate Rod's getting the Iron Man suit?......"

But unfortunately, before Tony could finish his words, Jarvis interrupted him and said

"Sir, the gate has been damaged and an unknown enemy has broken into the villa."

As he spoke, Jarvis Bar projected a video for Tony to watch.

After watching it, Tony's face instantly turned ugly, and he said in disbelief

"How is this possible!"

It turned out that at this moment, there was a naked upper body man, waving two whips in his hands and constantly attacking Tony's villa.

But these were not the reasons that shocked Tony. The real reason was that the naked upper body man had an Ark reactor on his chest that was exactly the same as Tony's.���Tony's expression changed when he saw this. He obviously didn't expect that there was someone else in the world who could develop the Ark reactor besides him.

Just as Tony was shocked, Jarvis reminded him at the right time.

"Sir, if you don't stop him, it will be hard to explain when Miss Pepper comes back."

After hearing Jarvis's reminder, Tony shook his head and thought to himself

"Yes, we still have to deal with monsters next. Let's quickly deal with this whip man first, and then come back to interrogate him after we have dealt with the monsters of the Gurongi clan."

Thinking of this, Tony controlled the Iron Man suit and flew towards the whip man.

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