Mirror world.

In a dilapidated warehouse.

Natasha was hiding in a dark corner, avoiding the pursuit of the monster snake girl from the Gurongi clan, hoping to buy more time to recover from the frostbite on her left shoulder.

But what Natasha didn't expect was that the frostbite on her left shoulder not only did not get better with the passage of time.

On the contrary, the frost that was solidifying on her left shoulder began to spread to other parts of her body little by little as time went by.

Slowly, Natasha's left half of her body began to lose consciousness.

Natasha looked at her increasingly serious injuries with a gloomy face, and couldn't help thinking in her heart

"I can't delay any longer, or I'll be defeated by this icy force before Tony can rescue me."

"The rest can only rely on the power of the new card."

Thinking of this, Natasha reached for her card case with her only intact right hand and pulled out a card.

This card was the new card that Natasha had awakened after she killed the owl monster and reached level 20.

Just when Natasha pulled out this card, the snake girl on the other side also followed the trail left by Natasha and came to this dilapidated warehouse, grinning and saying

"It's useless. You can't hide from our Gurongi clan by hiding blindly. Kamen Rider Hanamu, I'm afraid the frostbite on your shoulder is not good now. You'd better come out and die."

While speaking, the snake girl had already entered the dilapidated warehouse full of goods and patrolled back and forth. It was obvious that she wanted to find Natasha's trace as soon as possible and get rid of Natasha quickly.

After all, the snake girl's game time is limited. If Natasha is delayed too long, it may affect the subsequent game process.

Thinking of this, the snake girl began to wave the whip in her hand constantly, attacking the goods around, in order to quickly clear the obstacles in the warehouse and force Natasha out. At this time, Natasha, who was hiding in the dark corner, saw it and knew that it was a life-and-death moment. Hiding blindly was not enough.

Thinking of this, Natasha inserted the new card in her hand into the snow-white summoning sword.

"Sound waves are coming."

As this electronic sound sounded, the snake girl on the other side also found Natasha's trail, and said with a sinister smile on her face

"So it's hiding here!"

As she said that, the snake girl swung the whip in her hand and attacked Natasha's hiding place, but fortunately, at this critical moment, Natasha's contracted beast, the white-winged swan, arrived in time to support her.

At this time, the white-winged swan was flying above the warehouse. After seeing the snake girl attacking her contractor, she opened her mouth and let out a piercing scream.


This made the snake girl feel a headache instantly, and she screamed unbearably. Even the whip that was swinging towards Natasha stopped attacking at this moment.

This was the opportunity Natasha had been waiting for for a long time. When she saw the snake girl stop attacking and cover her head, Natasha quickly turned around and jumped, appearing in front of the snake girl.

Then, while the snake girl was not paying attention, she directly slashed the snow-white summoning sword in her hand towards the snake girl's wrist.


As the Snow White Summoning Sword cut the snake girl's wrist, the snake girl felt her arm go numb, and then the hand that was tightly holding the whip couldn't help but loosen a little.

Seeing this, Natasha quickly kicked the snake girl's whip away with another high kick.

But the snake girl in front of her was obviously not so easy to deal with. After watching her whip being kicked away by Natasha, the snake girl actually endured the attack of the white-winged swan and used her other hand that was not injured to attack Natasha's frostbitten shoulder at the same time.


As the attacks from both sides fell, Natasha and the snake girl retreated at the same time, one covering her bleeding wrist, and the other covering her shoulder that was attacked again, and the two looked at each other.

In just a moment, Natasha and the snake girl attacked each other again.

Looking at the snake girl getting closer and closer to her, Natasha directly waved the snow-white summoning sword in her hand and stabbed the snake girl's throat joint.

But the snake girl, who had been hit by Natasha's snow-white summoning sword before, how could she not be impressed by this sword.

Looking at the snow-white summoning sword stabbing at her, the snake girl turned around and successfully avoided Natasha's attack. Then the snake girl took this opportunity to grab Natasha's wrist directly.

Obviously, the snake girl also knew Natasha's current situation. As long as Natasha's only intact hand was controlled, Natasha would definitely lose.

Seeing this, Natasha quickly turned the snow-white summoning sword in her hand and blocked the snake girl's arm to prevent the snake girl's plan from succeeding.

Then Natasha raised her right leg and kicked at the knee joints of Snake's legs.

But this move was a bad choice. Snake's legs turned and avoided Natasha's kick, and at the same time clamped Natasha's right leg.

Then Snake rolled over and threw Natasha to the ground, locking Natasha tightly in an extremely weird posture.

Looking at Natasha who was locked tightly by herself, Snake said proudly

"Humph, I have more than just whip skills, just die under my death coil."

As she said this, the snake girl increased her strength and used her own���The right arm of the snake girl kept squeezing Natasha's neck.

Natasha felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to breathe, and began to struggle.

But unfortunately, the snake girl's move was perfect, and Natasha's injury on her left shoulder was getting more and more serious.

It had begun to gradually affect the rest of her body. In this case, how could Natasha break free?

As time passed, Natasha only felt that her breathing was becoming more and more difficult, and her consciousness gradually became blurred. Even the snow-white summoning sword that was tightly held in her hand began to slowly loosen.

"It seems that this is the only way to go......."

Natasha thought of this vaguely, and slowly closed her eyes.

But at this critical moment, a burst of gunfire came to Natasha's ears, and then the snake woman who was tightly wrapped around her screamed.

Even the arm wrapped around her neck loosened. Natasha saw the opportunity and used her remaining consciousness to control her body to roll to the other side, successfully breaking free from the deathly coil of the snake woman.

Then Natasha lay on the ground gasping for breath, opened her eyes, looked at Tony and said

"Come......Come on, it seems......You're late again this time......."

After hearing Natasha's words, Tony, who was now slumped in the pilot's seat and holding the summoning machine gun tightly, also replied in his now hoarse voice

"put......Don't worry, next time......The speed will only be faster than this......Faster......"

The two sides just looked at each other in such a miserable state. After a while, Tony and Natasha started laughing at each other, one lying on the ground and the other slumped in the flying rocket.

"Ha ha......Hahahaha......"

The snake girl beside him also came to her senses under Tony's laser shooting. Looking at the two masked riders in front of her who were laughing non-stop, she couldn't help but said angrily

"Do you think you are safe now that your companions have arrived?"

""You are just two nearly useless Kamen Riders. Let me end your lives."

As she spoke, Snake picked up the whip that Natasha had previously knocked away and rushed towards Tony and Natasha.

Looking at the Snake rushing towards him, Tony had already stood up from the Flying Shot and said to Natasha.

"What's up? Can you still move?"

Natasha on the other side smiled and said after hearing this.

"Anytime, is that the same old thing?"

"Yeah, the same old trick."

After hearing Tony's answer, Natasha jumped up from the ground, and then rushed towards the snake girl with the snow-white summoning sword in hand.

Seeing that Natasha not only did not escape, but attacked her instead, the snake girl swung her frost whip directly at Natasha in anger.


But what the snake girl didn't expect was that her whip had just been swung out,���It was blocked by a direct shot from Tony in the distance, and bounced back.

Before the snake girl could swing for the next attack, Natasha had already arrived in front of the snake girl, and once again stabbed the snow-white summoning sword in her hand into the snake girl's throat joint.

Seeing this, the snake girl hurriedly wanted to turn around to avoid Natasha's attack, but Tony on the side continued to shoot at the snake girl, and the lasers made the snake girl painful.

For a moment, she was unable to dodge and was stabbed by Natasha's snow-white summoning sword.


The snow-white summoning sword accurately hit the snake girl's throat joint, and immediately knocked the snake girl out, and she fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

Natasha saw this and did not hesitate. She endured the pain on her left shoulder, pulled out a card from the card set on her waist, and inserted it into the snow-white summoning sword.

"Finally it comes."

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