Chapter 165: A look broke his will.

In the main hall of Asgard.

Odin, the father of the gods, who had been sleeping for nearly two years, woke up. He sat on his throne, wearing luxurious armor, holding the eternal spear Gungnir, wearing an eye mask, and exuding a strong majesty in his one eye.

Although his hair and beard had turned white, and he even looked a little weak, neither Thor, Loki, nor other warriors would underestimate this king who brought glory and splendor to Asgard.

As long as Odin has not fallen, he will still be the peerless king who leads Asgard to conquer the universe.

Even if he only has one breath left, no one can be presumptuous in front of him.

Odin quietly listened to Thor and Loki reporting some things in the past two years, such as the recent turmoil in the nine realms. However, when he heard that there seemed to be an abnormality in the underworld of Helm, his one eye flickered slightly, and his emotions changed a little.

But he still showed no emotion, and even a smart person like Loki could not see it.

Odin waited until the two finished their reports before nodding with satisfaction.

“You have grown more than I thought, Thor, Loki.”

Loki looked up at his father. He had rarely heard such praise, even when Thor was involved. It was very rare.

Sif, the three warriors of Asgard, and the Queen Frigga all had their faces full of approval. During this period, both Thor and Loki, especially the latter, had changed so much that they all felt like they had become a different person.

As playmates since childhood, both Sif and the three warriors of Asgard had always had doubts about Loki, because no matter how Loki disguised himself, there would always be some flaws, which could easily be noticed by those around him.

However, Loki was a prince and Thor’s brother, so they could not express their doubts directly, and Loki had not done anything to harm Thor.

So they could only keep these doubts in their hearts..

But ever since Loki followed Thor to the atrium, they noticed the changes in Loki. Like Thor, his temperament became more stable, and he was often reading quietly. Yes, reading.

Loki was considered by the others in Asgard to be the smartest person, and the one who was best at thinking.

That was because Loki studied more and read more books than all of them.

But after the conquest, Loki rarely appeared in such a state. What they felt now was his settling down. The frivolous feeling in Loki disappeared, and the whole person became more real, instead of being like a mirage that made it impossible to grasp his true side.

In addition, when they went to the Nine Realms Flattop Rebellion not long ago, they also saw the changes in Loki’s strength.

He became stronger, and the endless magic was extremely powerful. He has killed countless enemies, and his efficiency in killing enemies is only slightly inferior to Thor. Of course, this is a change from his previous style of rushing up to fight the enemy.

However, strong is strong, and they will not think that Loki has lost his bravery due to the change in his fighting style.

They ask themselves how long they can survive facing Loki, so how can they question the other party?

The three warriors of Sif Asgard can feel it clearly, and of course Odin can also see it. He sees it on a more microscopic level. Whether it is the temperament or the strength of the Thor brothers, the two brothers have greatly improved their recklessness, frivolity, and arrogance compared to before.

Instead, they have become calm, and this kind of calmness is not surprised by honor or disgrace when encountering things, and has a cool head.

This is what Odin hopes to see, because the king cannot lack a clear and calm mind. As for kindness, Odin It is clear that kindness is always established under an iron-fisted regime. Only after consolidating the rule will the so-called kindness and mercy be considered.

Otherwise, the so-called kindness is just cowardice, which will ruin Asgard.

Without this change, Odin will also lay the original established route for the two brothers in the future. Only by following that route can the two brothers grow.

As for now, the two brothers have embarked on this correct path in advance.

It also makes Odin very pleased.

At the same time, he also knows that this is the goodwill released by the person who changed the sacred timeline in the courtyard. Odin understands that since the other party has paid, Odin must not be stingy with the chips in his hand.

Otherwise, it is tantamount to digging his own grave.

Let Asgard and that person become enemies.

Asgard does not lack enemies, but lacks friends who are trustworthy and have the same skills and strength. This is even more true after his”fall”.

The timeline has been in chaos, and Odin himself cannot change the fact at this time. Of course, he must consider and plan for the future of Asgard.

Training Thor and Loki was originally his plan, and he was willing to follow the original path even after”seeing” the tragic sacrifice.

But now there is a better choice.

Odin is not crazy. If he can keep Asgard and let Thor and Loki, the two future kings, grow up, then he is still obsessed with the original script.


Thor was about to open his mouth to express his humility, but he didn’t expect that Odin’s sharp eye flashed, as if the whole luxurious hall was lit up for a moment. He stood up and walked down the steps of the throne, looking behind Thor.

Odin’s sudden action startled everyone, and they turned around and looked in the direction of Odin’s sight.

They saw that a figure had stood behind them at some point.

He was wearing a brown coat and a white shirt inside. He had an upright figure and a handsome face. His temperament was as unique as Odin’s divinity. Just one look at him made people lose the courage to look directly at him. And the person who came was Bixiao

“King of Asgard”

The two peerless warriors met for the first time in the Asgard Palace, but there was no tension, only peace. However, under this peace, a terrible storm seemed to be brewing.

Once the storm came, it would be a disaster.

No one would be spared. The others looked at each other. At this time, no matter who it was, even Thor kept silent, watching the two peerless warriors stare at each other in silence.

But this atmosphere did not last long. Odin was the first to smile.

He took a step forward to greet him, and Frigga, his wife and the Queen of Asgard, followed her husband’s footsteps.

“Welcome, Xiao.”

Odin protected his chest with his right hand and made an Asgard-specific courtesy gesture, and Bixiao also returned one.

Thor and Loki were fine with the appearance of Bixiao, but people like Sif and the three warriors of Asgard were very curious. After all, their originally backward civilized country gave birth to a strong man who could compare with Odin, which was an incredible thing in itself.

What’s more, everyone knew that this strong man had a brilliant record. Even if he just broke into hell and killed a demon lord, it would be very luxurious.

Their curiosity did not last long, because Odin drove all of them out of Asgard, even Frigga left, leaving only Odin and Bixiao, and no one knew what they were talking about.

Leaving the Asgard Hall, everyone walked shoulder to shoulder in the corridor of Asgard.

Thor was a little curious:”I don’t know what Xiao and my father are talking about”

“I think no matter what chaos is, it is beyond our reach, Thor, we are still too far away from their level.”

Loki answered calmly. If it was before, he would use his brain to think about what will happen between Odin and Bisho.

Why did Bisho suddenly come to Asgard?

But now, Loki doesn’t care about these meaningless things. He knows that before reaching that level, Odin and Bisho just treat them as children. They are not qualified to know these things at all.

In contrast, after Loki felt his strength improve with his naked eyes, he was very happy to continue to learn magic knowledge and catch up with this brainless brother beside him as soon as possible.

“That’s true.”

Thor thought about it, nodded in agreement, then looked at Loki and asked:”Do you want to go find Pietro and Wanda today?”

“I am learning a very powerful magic. After I master this magic, I will”


Thor was not disappointed. If Loki didn’t go, then he would go. Both Pietro and Wanda were rare opponents, and their growth rate was even faster than his and Loki’s. After all this time, he still hasn’t really defeated Pietro and Wanda.

The latter doesn’t need a box. Wanda’s growth is too exaggerated, not only in magical attainments, but also in physical fitness. She is about to catch up with him and Pietro, but she is not inferior to them in speed, strength, and explosive power.

For this reason, Wanda once deliberately blocked Thor’s approach and had a unique close combat.

Let Thor also enjoy the terribleness of the melee mage.

Thinking about the scene at that time, Thor felt a lot of black lines. The seemingly weak little witch, in real close combat, was also very capable. For a short time, it was a draw in pure close combat with him. Then after using magic, Thor was the same as usual. He was completely at a loss.

His good brother and Pietro even mocked him afterwards, saying that it was a humiliation that he was useless even though he had given him the chance.

For this reason, Thor was unwilling to accept this. No matter whether it was his competitive spirit or his desire for battle, he would not let himself down and must defeat Pietro and Wanda head-on one day in the future.

Otherwise, he would never give up. Seeing

Thor’s eyes that were almost burning with fire, his good brother Loki rolled his eyes. This battle maniac knew only fighting, fighting, and fighting all day long, and never thought about exercising.

Look at Wanda and Pietro. When they are not fighting, they will not relax themselves. They either learn magic or persist in high-intensity training to improve their strength and potential.

This guy is good. He just fights and improves purely in battle.

Even if he is beaten, he can increase his strength. This shameless talent makes Loki unable to complain.

“Is he Xiao?”

Sif was very curious. She had heard of Bi Xiao’s name before, but had never met him. Today, she was finally enlightened.

His temperament and appearance did not disappoint her. Although he looked a little young, his aura was as deep as the abyss. She shuddered instinctively at the sight of him. This was enough to prove how terrifying he was.

As terrifying as Odin.……

“It’s incredible that such a strong man could be born in the courtyard. I really want to fight him.”

The fat man Volstagg grinned, his eyes surging with fighting spirit.

“Forget it, Tag, Xiao Ke is a true father of heaven, a strong man in the same echelon as the God King. I saw your performance just now. I am afraid that if he looks at you, you will probably fall to the ground on the spot.”

Fandal insulted Volstagg.

Hogan nodded in agreement and patted the mocked Volstagg on the shoulder as if to comfort him:”Believe me, man, this is not a shame. You know, it is good enough that we can still keep our courage against such a strong man.”

“Ha, are you kidding me?”

The fat man Volstagg was immediately unhappy, waving his hands angrily with an angry expression:”I am the bravest warrior in Asgard, except Thor.”

Having said this, he glanced at Loki hesitantly and added:”The bravest warrior except Loki.”

“The glory of the Asgardian warriors makes me, Volstagg, never lose courage, no matter who I face.”

Volstagg vowed.

But Thor gave a direct blow, patted Volstagg’s chest, with a comforting tone;”Yes, Volstagg, I will never question your courage”

“But you should know that no matter how brave a warrior is, it is enough to maintain his courage in the face of a truly powerful god.”

In fact, Thor seemed to say that Volstagg’s words were pure bragging. Not to mention Volstagg, even Thor himself once proposed to compete with Bishop because he was really curious, but the result was tragic. His good brother Loki has remembered it until now and regards that incident as a black history.

For this reason, Thor also signed a number of unequal treaties, hoping that Loki would not publicize this matter.

The reason is very simple, because when he made this request, Thor did not care about Pietro and Wanda. Loki and the other two looked at Bishop as an idiot, staring at him leisurely sitting on the sofa drinking a cocktail and looking at a laptop.

The latter did not change his expression, nor did he say no, he just gave him a look.

The moment the two looked at each other, Thor felt that the world had suddenly changed. It was just a very simple eye contact. Bixiao’s eyes did not show any change. His deep eyes just looked at him quietly. But

Thor felt a kind of silent oppression.

It was a terrible oppression that could not be described in words. Thor felt as if the whole world was squeezing his body, and the weight of carrying a country on his back was almost crushing his body.

He even seemed to hear the crisp sound of his bones at that time.

And his will, which he thought was as strong as steel, was also crushed by the terrible oppression.

It was a real crushing, which directly extinguished his originally burning fighting spirit. Later, when Thor was about to give up, Bixiao retracted his gaze, so that he did not embarrass himself. Of course, at that time, Pietrowanda and Loki had seen it all a long time ago.

Thor’s legs were shaking as if he had Parkinson’s disease.

Otherwise, there would not have been an unequal treaty signed with Loki. At that time, Thor realized that the iron will of a warrior is indeed in desperate situations, and he will not lose the courage to fight in the face of powerful enemies.

But we must first distinguish the strong.

For someone as strong as Bixiao, there is no hope at all.

Thor himself is like this, let alone Volstagg, who will most likely fall to the ground on the spot or faint directly.

He did not say it clearly, and ignored Loki’s teasing eyes. He comforted his good brother Volstagg with all his heart, but Volstagg did not seem to understand what he said. Instead, he was excited, and his expression showed that he wanted to rush to the Asgard Hall immediately and perform a brave Asgardian warrior challenging Bixiao in front of everyone. Xiao’s drama.

Seeing this, Thor could only cover his forehead and shake his head helplessly.

He realized at this time that he was once like Volstagg, truly ignorant and fearless.


I miss my former self.

Thor sighed secretly, the more he understood and the more mature he became, the more he realized how… retarded his fearless character was in the past.

He really doubted how he had survived all these years.

Fortunately, he did not encounter an enemy of the same level as Bi Xiao, otherwise, the other party might have killed him as a success.

Sif is a brave warrior. In terms of bravery, she is not inferior to the three brothers beside her. However, sometimes, she still has some brains, at least she can detect the strange looks of Thor and Loki.

Thinking about the conversation and eye contact between the two brothers and Volstagg just now.

Sif seemed to have guessed something, raised her eyebrows, and pondered secretly in her heart.

What on earth did Thor and Loki experience that caused the two brothers to change so much? Could it be that they have been beaten by the guardian of the courtyard named Xiao?

“Well, my friends, before my battle today comes, let’s enjoy this wonderful time and wish me victory today.”



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