American Comics: Let You Fish, You Fish Big Super Template?

Chapter 47 Naboo Divine Power! The Power Of Order! [Ask For Flower Evaluation Votes! ! 】

The earth is undercurrent and turbulent.

Mutant has been secretly confronting unknown forces for a long time.

It's just that all of this has nothing to do with Xu Fu.

He still sat quietly by the lake, like a handsome man.

The scenery of Alkali Lake is very beautiful, and it is very comfortable to stay here.

Too bad Xu Fu didn't catch any fish here.

In the past few days, he has found nothing.

It really made Xu Fu very uncomfortable.

"Why haven't you harvested it for so long?"

"What's the use of signing in alone?"

Xu Fu looked at the calm level and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

After killing Stryker, he's left alone.

Every day he fishes here.

But not once huge amounts of harvest.

Just relying on stable sign-in, although his attributes increased rapidly, and his three-dimensional attributes even broke through the 200 level, it was useless!

There is no qualitative improvement to his Ability.

Under such circumstances, Xu Fu was naturally very dissatisfied, dreaming of catching some powerful ability.


He is a senior fisherman who has been in the air force many times, so where does he put his face?

If he didn't know that there are all kinds of powerful gods and demons in this world, he might have to burn incense and chant Buddha's name to pray for the blessing of Buddha.

Get rid of the messy thoughts in your heart.

Holding the fishing rod in his hand, Xu Fu waited slowly.


Suddenly, there was a burst of force in his hand.

His fishing rod was almost taken out of his hand.

Fortunately, Xu Fu's reaction was extremely fast, and he grabbed his fishing rod forcefully.

"What a powerful force!"

"Okay, okay."

Xu Fu was not surprised but delighted.

With a happy face, he stood up and began to fight with the things in the water.

All his muscular muscles were fully displayed, showing his enormous strength.

The fishing line that was not in his hand was collapsed tightly, like a steel bar. If this was not the strengthening of the system rewards, this thing would have broken long ago.

It is precisely because of this that Xu Fu is happy.

The stronger the resistance, the better the quality of the fish caught!

Things in the water can even wrestle with him!

"Want to wrestle with me, think beautifully."

"Come up to me, you!"

Xu Fu stamped his feet.

All the strength of the whole body was concentrated on his arms.


Xu Fu gave a loud shout, and a powerful force burst out in an instant.


The sound of water flow sounded, and a golden carp was caught out of the water by him.

Xu Fu's eyes lit up.

It turned out to be golden! This is the best high level stuff with amazing potential.

Xu Fu couldn't wait to pull the thing, and the golden carp fell directly into Xu Fu's hands.

The golden carp immediately turned into a golden light and entered Xu Fu's body.

【Naboo Divine Power】

[Naboo Divine Power: One of the Lords of Order in the DC universe, representing the power of order, possessing infinite power]

Seeing the description of the system, Xu Fu was a little excited.

Unbelievable, it turned out to be the power of Naboo, that is, the power of Doctor Fate.

This is the power of the DC universe to represent the order of the universe!

It is real divine power!

The DC world and the Marvel world also have gods, but in terms of expressiveness, DC's gods are much more powerful.

For example, the power mastered by Shazam is divine power, and the highest existence in the DC world is also God.

The gold content of Naboo's divine power is naturally much stronger than that of Marvel.

Even in terms of upper limit, it is not as good as Marvel's Superman, but it is definitely worthy of this golden color.

After all, Dr. Fate, who only inherited part of Naboo's divine power, is enough to be called the Sorcerer Supreme of the DC world.

What Xu Fu inherited was the complete Naboo divine power!

He can master all the abilities that Dr. Fate has mastered, including those powerful magics that belong to the DC world!

It can be said that this is a very powerful force.

It also makes up for the shortcomings of Superman's body and the green light ring, which can control magic!

In the DC world, Dr. Fate even helped Superman erase his shortcoming of being afraid of magic, making Superman perfect.

It can be seen that Naboo's divine power is incredible.

When he has fully mastered this power, he can even go up again and master the power of order.

In the DC universe, there are a group of Lords of Order, but in the Marvel world, there is only one, which is a symbol of the concept of order.

It is the existence of the five gods!

If he grows high enough, Xu Fu can also reach this level!

This is definitely a power with amazing potential!

"If you don't open for three years, you will eat for three years after opening."

"This time, I will make up for the air force during this period."

Xu Fu couldn't help laughing out loud, his teeth were showing.

Before he could be happy for a long time, the system sound rang again.

【Ding! 】

[The quality of the retrieved catch reaches the standard, you get critical strike rewards, and your strength is strengthened]

Xu Fu felt that in the void, a kind of energy poured directly into his body.

His whole body was enveloped in a warm feeling.

This feeling made him feel a little erratic.

Soon this feeling goes away.

Xu Fu quickly opened his system panel.

【Host: Xu Fu】

【Age: 17】

[Strength: Tier 2]

[Physique: 285]

【Spirit: 197】

【Energy: 274】

[Fish pond: Alkali Lake]

[Items: VIX fishing rod (extraordinary fishing rod), X gene inhibitor, sealed green light ring (three layers)]

[Skills: Body of Superman (mid-Bronze Age), Pupils of the Nine Realms, Joker Thought Network (3rd Tier), Portal (Galaxy), Frozen Breath, Flight, Perspective, Heat Ray, Naboo Divine Power (2nd Tier) 】

【Naboo divine power: Super strength, Super Speed, Telepathy, object levitation, danger prediction, immune disease (to be unlocked)】


Xu Fu took a deep breath.

Good guy, this wave has doubled its strength several times!

Not only has his three attributes directly doubled, but various abilities have also been greatly strengthened.

According to the division of the system, Tier 2 belongs to the city-level destructive power, and a full-strength attack can easily destroy the city.

The third level above is equivalent to Odin, Ancient One and other Level God Fathers, and can even destroy a planet.

Now he can definitely be said to be a humanoid nuclear weapon.

"Naboo's divine power is too comprehensive, and it completely makes up for my shortcomings."

Xu Fu shook his head.

Naboo has divine power, possesses various magical abilities, and can even travel through time and learn various magics.

It can be said that it is an Ability with many patterns, just like the green light ring.

With this powerful ability, Xu Fu is becoming more and more omnipotent.

Ordinary people can become superheroes when they acquire one of their abilities.

He has countless abilities, terrifying!

It took only a few minutes for Xu Fu to reaccustom himself to his great strength.

At this moment, he had a mysterious feeling.

That feeling, as if someone was staring at him from behind, like a light on his back.

"It seems that someone is watching me again."

"Interesting, let me see who it is."

"Just trying out my new Ability."

Xu Fu smiled lightly, and sat down on his stool leisurely.

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