American Comics: Let You Fish, You Fish Big Super Template?

Chapter 83 Avengers: Age Of Ultron Signs? Vision Was Born! [Please Subscribe! ! 】

Ultron's power is beyond anyone's expectation.

The Avengers have countless foes, but little to no Ultron.

That integrates the combat power of Sentry's steel armor, which is stronger than Tony Stark's steel armor.

They cost half of the Avengers.

Just snatched Ultron's new body from among Ultron.

Fortunately, the medical technology in this world is very advanced.

Tony · Stark a few people to avoid the fate of death.

Even after regaining his health, Tony· Stark was still very silent.

Ultron is too strong!" It doesn't make sense at all."

"How can Ultron have such a powerful combat power."

Dr. Banner is puzzled.

As the designer of Ultron, he also participated in the design of Tony Stark's Iron Legion.

But in their hands, the Iron Legion has not been able to exert such a powerful combat effectiveness.

Changeable body, powerful adaptability, and various strange abilities.

After being attacked, it is very scary to adapt immediately! "Our computing power is not enough."

"Sentry's potential is beyond our expectations, only with a powerful calculation ability can he truly display his combat effectiveness.

"The Ultron157 fits the bill exactly."

Tony Stark said something in a deep voice.

The potential of Sentinel is extraordinary.

we can even say.

The potential of Sentinel is unlimited, as long as the ability of its special cells can be brought into play.


Sentinel, each cell, is equivalent to an independent change unit, and there is no human being able to exert its strongest performance.

Ultron is different.

As long as the hardware is sufficient, he can achieve it.

This is what makes Ultron so powerful.

So Tony · Stark confirms that there is only another AI capable of defeating Ultron.

He remembered J.A.R.V.I.S, half destroyed by Ultron.

Everything seems to have room for redemption.

"We have to find a way, we have to stop this."

Dr. Banner said in pain.

Although Dr. Banner has Hulk in his body, he is really kind.

Many times it was very painful because of my loss of control.

Now the creation he made by himself has problems again.

Dr. Banner was naturally in great pain.

Tony Stark shot him a look.

We (agci) still have time to redeem our mistakes.


The phone in Tony Stark's hand flicked.

A spherical golden structure projection appeared in front of them.

This spherical golden structure seems to be composed of various codes, which are still flowing, but its structure is somewhat defective.

It should have been a sphere, but now there is only a semicircle left, and the structure inside can be seen as defective with the naked eye.

"Is this J.A.R.V.I.S?"

Banner said suspiciously.

"Yes, this is J.A.R.V.I.S.

"I found out earlier that someone in the network has been blocking Ultron from getting the code for the nuclear weapons.

"I suspect this person is none other than J.A.R.V.I.S."

"If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have thought of anyone else." Tony Stark looked at the structure and said in a daze.

"You mean, J.A.R.V.I.S might still be alive?"

Dr. Banner looked a little excited.

"Yes, I suspect that J.A.R.V.I.S is not only alive, but also evolved.

"If we can use J.A.R.V.I.S, create an artificial intelligence again"

"Maybe we can use it against Thanos."

Tony Stark said very excitedly.

"But we don't have a corresponding processor,"

"You should know that your company's hardware is already broken and cannot afford a second AI.

"Without the support of sufficient computing power, even artificial intelligence cannot be the opponent of Ultron.

Banner shook his head directly.

No matter how powerful artificial intelligence is, it cannot do without the support of computing power.

If all kinds of servers and networks around the world disappear, Ultron is useless and can only be slaughtered.

But the world can no longer afford a second AI.

The battle between two artificial intelligences in the network is enough to destroy the world's Internet by fluctuations.


Tony Stark nods

"You know it, and you still plan to do it."

"Have you been prepared?"

Banner asked curiously.

"That's right."

"I have long discovered that this body has an amazing computing ability, which can be used to support the calculation of new artificial intelligence."

Tony Stark patted a coffin-like device and spoke.

This thing is nothing but the body that Ultron created for himself.

"Mind Gem?"

Banner immediately realized the core of everything.

"That's right."

"Mind Gem has an extremely powerful calculation ability, which is more terrifying than any supercomputer in the world."

"We can create artificial intelligence around him to fight Ultron.

"Only artificial intelligence can fight against Ultron." Tony Stark said very carefully.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's get started.

Banner's mood lifted a little, and he spoke.

The two started research on artificial intelligence.

Relying on the framework of J.A.R.V.I.S and the experience of studying Ultron, they quickly completed the manufacture of a new type of artificial intelligence.

Everything is much simpler than Ultron.

Tony· Stark thought everything would be fine.

It wasn't until they wanted to activate it that something was wrong.

This thing is like a dead thing, there is no sign of activation at all.

"It shouldn't be, Mind Gem should be some kind of energy source."

"Why is it not activated yet?"

Tony Stark scratched his head a bit.

It's just that before he had time to think for too long, the door opened.

Thor walked in with a group of people in the lead.

"Stark! What are you doing!"

"Have you forgotten Ultron's painful lesson?"

Thor yelled angrily.

Tony Stark was about to explain.

But Thor is still a fool now.

Thor didn't grow up without experiencing everything later, and he is still a violent Viking god now.

As soon as he came up, he directly grabbed Tony Stark's neck.

Everyone tried to dissuade him, so he kept Tony Stark aside.

"This thing must be destroyed!"

"This is another Ultron!"

As soon as Thor reached out his hand, a kind blue lightning appeared on Mjolnir.

He swung his hammer at the coffin-like device on the ground and hit it.

Tony Stark was too late to organize.

Sigh! The dazzling blue lightning directly hit the coffin-like device.

The dazzling energy torrent exploded.

However, the scene where the equipment was destroyed as imagined by everyone did not appear.

Instead, a white light flashed, a circle of energy fluctuations erupted, and Thor was directly ejected.

A red figure stood up from the coffin. .

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