American comics: Level 5 mutants start with Gojo Satoru

Chapter 196 The Magical World of Harry Potter

In addition to the Tianshi Mansion, Lu Family, and Quan Xing, the other Lu Family, Gao Family, and other major foreign forces have received the news that the Wang Family has been destroyed, but they have no reaction to it, and they can’t even communicate anywhere. No exceptions.

The power Su Mu showed in this incident was beyond their imagination, comparable to a humanoid nuclear bomb. Not even the country dared to mess with this kind of power, so the matter ended up being settled.

On this day, in a hotel in a small town at the foot of Longhu Mountain, Su Mu kept opening portals one after another to increase the experience value of portal skills.

Information is constantly refreshed on the system panel:

[Portal experience +1]

[Portal experience +1]

[Portal experience +1]

Suddenly, behind the dense experience prompts, there is a distinctive prompt:

[Congratulations, your skill portal has been upgraded! 】

A large amount of information poured into Su Mu's mind. His brain, which was comparable to a quantum computer, quickly received a large amount of information and integrated it.

After a while, Su Mu learned about the changes after the upgrade of the portal:

[Portal lv6 (1/50000): Consume energy to open a portal to any world, and can maintain portals connecting different worlds for a long time. As long as the energy is not exhausted, they can be maintained forever! 】

Unlike lv5, which can only open portals in random worlds, lv6 portals allow Su Mu to specify a portal to open in a certain world, and can maintain portals between different worlds.

In this way, Su Mu can connect the worlds he has visited before and form an alliance of multiverse travelers!

After the portal was upgraded, Su Mu checked out of the hotel and came to Tianshi Mansion. Then with the help of Tianshi Mansion, he held a job fair in Longhu Mountain.

Including the three major families, almost all alien organizations came to participate in the interview, even employees who knew everything were no exception.

There were too many people coming to the job fair, including many powerful people from various forces, and even some leaders with extraordinary strength came for interviews. However, Su Mu only admitted a few people, and most of these people had good character in the original plot. People who pass.

After the job fair, Su Mu began to use the portal to build a multiverse network.

First, he used portals to connect all the worlds he had visited before. Each world had portals to all other worlds.

Then, a multiverse alliance of travelers with the latitude universe as the center and a large number of different worlds as the skeleton was completed!

After the multiverse traveler alliance was established, Luffy and others were able to return to the pirate world at any time and meet their friends in the pirate world. Zhang Chulan and others also went to other worlds to enjoy the scenery.

In a short period of time, people from various worlds went to different worlds to communicate, and various civilizations and power systems continued to collide, creating dazzling sparks!

After doing all this, Su Mu opened the portal again and disappeared from the world under one person. He will go to other worlds for a new journey.

When choosing the world, Su Mu was a little hesitant. There were many worlds he wanted to go to, and some of them were difficult to choose. But in the end, after thinking about it, he finally chose the Harry Potter world.

Although the world of Harry Potter is a magical world, the magic in this world is different from the magic in other worlds. It does not have strong lethality. Instead, it performs extremely well in other places, like some kind of force against one's will.

This kind of power against one's will is quite familiar to Su Mu. There is a similar power in the Marvel Universe, and that is the Scarlet Witch's chaos magic!

Chaos magic has no other fixed and unique effects. It has only one effect, and that is to modify reality!

The Scarlet Witch's most famous use of chaos magic was when she said that there were no more mutants, causing the X-gene of mutants in the universe to disappear, and there were no more mutants in the world.

Su Mu wants to analyze Chaos Magic in the Harry Potter world, and use Chaos Magic as the basis to integrate his many abilities.

Although he is extremely powerful now, he still has too many abilities, which also makes his skills mixed and his strength somewhat unstable.

So he planned to merge some similar skills into one to form a more powerful skill.

In this way, it will not only increase the upper limit of his power, but also improve the purity of his power!

After opening the portal, Su Mu was about to enter the world of Harry Potter when she suddenly felt a huge repulsive force.

This is the instinctive rejection of the world’s will.

He was stunned for a moment, then used his six eyes to analyze the repulsion, and then he discovered the difference in the Harry Potter universe.

If worlds such as Under One Man and One Piece are in a fully developed state, then the world of Harry Potter is still growing rapidly.

The world of Harry Potter is like a world seed, floating on the sea of ​​chaos. It has sprouted slightly at this time and still has great potential.

Based on the quality of the seeds of the Harry Potter world, Su Mu even suspected that if the Harry Potter world fully grew up, it would even be able to compete with the Marvel world!

This made Su Mu's eyes light up and he suddenly became excited.

You must know that with his current state, there is almost nothing that can make his heart move, but in front of him is a world that has not yet grown up!

With his current strength, if he improves a little more, he already has the power to devour the world. If he can devour the Harry Potter world in its larval form, then he will not only be able to master chaos magic, but also gain all the energy of a world!

As long as the world of Harry Potter continues to grow and improve its world level, his strength will increase endlessly, at least until he reaches the level of OAA, there will be no obstacle!

However, there is an obstacle now, and that is that the Harry Potter world now instinctively refuses the entry of powerful people above the level of a single universe. If a creature at the level of a single universe enters the Harry Potter world, it will be weakened by the rules of the world. , losing power from other worlds.

It's not that Su Mu can't force his way into the Harry Potter world, but as said before, the world can't bear his full power.

The reason why the world under one person can bear his power is because he sealed himself and deceived the world.

The current world level of the Harry Potter world is similar to that of Under One Person, but the potential of the world is higher, so Su Mu's hidden power can be detected, so that he cannot sneak into the world of Under One Person by means of self-sealing.

However, Su Mu soon found a new method, which was to create an external avatar and cut off part of his soul to enter the world of Harry Potter.

As long as he can integrate into the Harry Potter world, modify the original plot of the Harry Potter world, and disrupt the rules of the world, he can gradually engulf the Harry Potter world!

As soon as he said it, Su Mu immediately returned to his own latitude universe and informed everyone that he needed to retreat for a period of time. Then he returned to his sea view villa, cut off a part of his soul and put it into the Harry Potter world, while the main body was mechanized to train various skills. , improve strength!

A soul of extremely high rank crossed the Sea of ​​Chaos, deceived the rules of the Harry Potter world, and came to the Harry Potter world.

When Su Mu opened his eyes again, he was surrounded by a dilapidated courtyard, and he was in the courtyard.

Because it is just a ray of soul that has sneaked into the world of Harry Potter, Su Mu's body now looks very small, only eleven years old, which is also the youngest age to enter Hogwarts.

Because Su Mu has mastered space and time, even if the body cannot enter the Harry Potter world, Su Mu can still control the time of entering Harry Potter, and can even make up a complete identity record for the soul that has sneaked in. .

At this time, a gentle female voice sounded from the side:

"Su Mu, are you there? Don't run around. There is your letter here!"

Su Mu trotted to a middle-aged woman, then smiled and said:

"Thank you Aunt Luo Li."

At this time, other orphans who noticed the movement ran over and surrounded Su Mu. One of the orphans shouted:

"Su Mu, open it quickly and let us see what is written in the letter?"

Su Mu opened the envelope and took out the letter paper, only to see it written:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

[Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(President of the International Federation of Wizards, First Class of the Order of Merlin, Archmage, and Chief Magician of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Su Mu:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Attached is a list of required secretaries and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to begin on September 1st. We will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before July 31st.

Vice Principal (Female)

Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall]

Seeing the content on the letter, an older orphan who was already literate shook his head and said:

"This must be a lie. I have never heard of Hogwarts or a magic school."

The other orphans also didn't believe in the existence of the magic school. Seeing that there was no fun, they dispersed and stopped paying attention to Su Mu.

Su Mu naturally didn't care about their reactions. Just when he was about to write a letter, Aunt Luo Li, the director of the orphanage, suddenly came to him, took out a paper and pen and handed them to him with a smile:

"Are Su Mu ready to reply? You don't have to care about what they think. This letter is undoubtedly true. I remember that a child named Tom also received the same letter decades ago. I was the dean at that time. My mother, I am not the director of Wu’s Orphanage yet, she once mentioned this matter to me.

Originally I thought it was just a story told by my mother, but I didn't expect it to be true. Su Mu, seize this opportunity and you will become an excellent wizard. "

That's right, Su Mu is currently in Wu's Orphanage, the Muggle orphanage where Voldemort spent his childhood. This was also deliberately arranged by him.

Presumably Wu's Orphanage will attract Dumbledore's attention more and give him more opportunities to change the plot!

After handing the written reply to the owl and feeding it some dried meat so that it could reply, Su Mu showed the same smile as Voldemort when he was young:

"Of course, Aunt Luo Li, I will become an excellent magician!"

Time passed quickly, and several days passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, when Su Mu was absorbing the chaotic magic power floating in the space and enhancing his own magic power, there was a knock on the door.

He stopped absorbing magic power and turned to look at the door. Minerva McGonagall had arrived!

She was looking at Su Mu with a frown, her eyes full of scrutiny.

Su Mu knew what she was thinking. She undoubtedly thought of Voldemort when she came to Wu's Orphanage. This is what Su Mu wanted.

Su Mu pretended to be a child and asked Minerva McGonagall like an ordinary child:

"Are you Professor Minerva McGonagall?"

Seeing Su Mu's reaction, Minerva McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief and blamed herself for being too sensitive.

There are only two Dark Lords, but not just anyone can become the Dark Lord.

Although she was serious, she showed a gentle smile at this time:

"Mr. Su Mu, I am Professor Minerva McGonagall, the vice-president of Hogwarts. Next, you need to go to Diagon Alley to buy some items, and I will be responsible for leading you to complete this task."

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall."

Soon, after Aunt Luo Li agreed, Su Mu and his partner came to Diagon Alley and bought the items needed for the start of school.

During the purchase process, there were no problems that other time travelers often encountered, no emergencies, and even when buying a wand, it took two times to choose the right wand.

In the process of accompanying Su Mu to buy, Minerva McGonagall found that he was just an ordinary child, and he did not show any special talents, nor was he chosen by a special wand like Voldemort. This made her completely relaxed and thought that Su Mu was just an ordinary child.

After accompanying Su Mu to buy all the items, Professor McGonagall left immediately. She still had many children to take care of.

After she left, Su Mu walked into the orphanage in a place she couldn't see. He waved his hand gently and the iron gate of the orphanage slowly closed. He didn't even use a wand or recite any spells!

Wandless and silent spells were easy for Su Mu to cast, and he was even more familiar with it than the Aurors who had studied for many years.


Two months later, Su Mu said goodbye to Aunt Luo Li and left the orphanage.

Before leaving, he left one million pounds in Aunt Luo Li's room, which was a huge fortune in this era.

Although he didn't have the experience of living in Wu's Orphanage for many years, and the impression of Su Mu in the orphanage was also forged by him, Aunt Luo Li's care during this period could not be faked, which reminded Su Mu of his mother in his previous life.

So, he left a small part of the wealth he earned from using chaos magic during this period in Wu's Orphanage. After all, he would probably not come back...

Taking the bus of this era, Su Mu soon arrived at the train station.

When he arrived at platform 9 3/4, he found a middle-aged couple and a little girl with fluffy hair standing there confused. It was obvious that they couldn't find the location of platform 9 3/4.

He immediately recognized that the little girl with fluffy hair was Hermione.

Because the plot needed to be changed, it was destined to contact the original plot mission, so Su Mu walked over and said with a very friendly smile...

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