American comics: Level 5 mutants start with Gojo Satoru

Chapter 27 I am too kind and cannot stand seeing the tragedy in the world!

Seeing the white-haired devil breaking into the club, many gang members with guns hesitated to shoot, as if it was not them who were armed at this time, but the young man with a bright smile in front of him.

They naturally knew the terror of the white-haired devil. Whether it was from the three news articles that shocked the world before, or from the two security guards who had just flown into the club at high speed and killed several unlucky people, and now only the broken bodies of the two security guards were left. Show the power of the white-haired devil with absolute facts!

Seeing no response from the many gang members in front of him, Su Mu sighed and lowered his head slightly. His face was covered by the shadow of the light, and he could only see the corners of his mouth gradually showing a cold smile.

"Then I'll find him myself!"

Hearing this, one of the gang members could no longer bear the pressure, pressed the trigger, and started shooting wildly.

Others heard the sudden piercing sound of gunfire and were so stimulated in their tense state that they subconsciously shot at Su Mu as well.

Countless ammunition flew towards Su Mu like a curtain of rain, but stopped within ten centimeters of him, unable to get any closer to him.

After this strange phenomenon appeared, a gang member immediately recognized this as the white-haired devil's signature ability.

"No lower limit technique!

No, the white-haired demon cannot be defeated at all. I don’t want to die! "

He could no longer face the white-haired devil. Faced with the fear of death, he dropped his rifle and tried to escape!

Since the first gang member threw his gun and ran away, other gang members immediately followed. They knew to some extent the terror of the white-haired devil from the news, and naturally knew that in the eyes of the white-haired devil, they were no different from ants!

Regardless of the quantity, it can be easily crushed to death!

Seeing the many gang members fleeing in all directions, Su Mu grinned. A huge repulsive force suddenly erupted from around his body, and the yellow bullets floating around returned faster than when they came!

Countless bullets exceeded the speed of sound, hitting each body with a harsh sound of breaking through the air.

In just an instant, most of the gang members were killed by random bullets, while the remaining gang members lay on the bright, glowing floor and kept howling.

Su Mu couldn't hear these screams, so she held her hand forward slightly.

"The technique reverses "Cang"! "

A blue black hole emerged out of thin air, attracting everything nearby. The black hole created by "Cang" at level 3 was once again enlarged several times compared to the one at level 2!

At this time, the size of the black hole seemed to have grown from the size of a basketball to the size of one meter, and the attraction it exuded was also several times stronger than before, sucking in all the surrounding gang members who were dead or incapacitated!

The screams all around stopped immediately!

Su Mu also couldn't bear to see the tragic scene full of blood in front of him, so a one-meter-sized blue black hole quickly rotated around him, attracting everything nearby!

The luxurious club that originally stood there disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a huge circular pit.

On the luminous floor that was still intact in the center of the circular pit, the white-haired demon straightened his back, put his right hand in his pocket, and held his smooth white hair with his left hand and moved it upward, revealing his exquisite blue eyes!

But at this time, those eyes were full of coldness, and the customers who had luckily escaped in the distance could not stop trembling all over. They heard the white-haired devil in the ruins say with satisfaction:

"It's still so comfortable. Sure enough, I'm still too kind and don't want to see the tragedy in the world!"

Surviving customers: "..."

Do you want to listen to what you are saying!

Su Mu continued to move forward. According to the detection of six eyes, Jin Bing had already escaped for some distance, but it was not difficult to catch up with his current speed.

Taking one step forward, the figure disappeared from the spot and walked through hundreds of meters of ruins to the street.

He used the magic technique to reverse "H" to create a repulsive force equal to gravity, and walked in the void in the sky. Every step he took appeared dozens of meters away. After a moment, he saw a speeding armored car in the distance. .

The six eyes emitted a bright aura, which could be seen clearly even in the dazzling sunlight. Then he stretched out his palm to make a pistol gesture, pointed his index finger in the direction of the armored car, and whispered softly with the flash of black and red singularities:


Kingpin was sitting behind an armored car. Even an armored car made of special materials that could withstand rocket attacks could not give him any sense of security.

Facing an opponent who was like a god, if it weren't for his iron will that had been tempered for many years, he might have collapsed by now!

But he is not a mortal after all. Even if he knows it is almost impossible to escape, he will definitely try.

Moreover, they are not absolutely powerless to resist!

Jin Bin looked behind him with deep eyes,

"I just hope that the device that I spent billions of dollars on can work, otherwise..."

The armored car speeds up, with two rows of propellers extending from the rear of the car, driving forward at a faster speed!

Just when Su Mu was about to deal with Jin Bin directly, he suddenly heard the harsh sound of electricity coming from his ears, and then found that the energy in his body suddenly lost control and became chaotic, and he fell from a height of tens of meters. .

"what happened?!"

However, on the way down, with the exquisite control of the six eyes, he immediately regained control of the energy in his body. When he was about to stand in the void again, he suddenly found two figures rushing towards him from two different directions!

"Hahaha, white-haired devil, you are just an ordinary person after losing your mutant abilities!

I, the prowler, won the achievement of killing the white-haired demon! "

On the other side, a beautiful shadow flew over with spider silk and shouted loudly:


Seeing this scene, Su Mu immediately realized what had happened, and then showed a smile full of evil. He did not continue to use repulsion to stand in the air, but allowed his body to fall naturally.

And at the same time, he discovered that the armored car in the distance stopped at the same time, and looked at its appearance and wanted to return.

Then give them a surprise!

After Spider-Woman saw the white-haired demon, she quickly rushed in his direction. Just when she was about to get close, she suddenly found the Prowler in a black tights and suddenly pressed a button behind the white-haired demon. The sound of electric current immediately resounded throughout the surrounding area!

The body of the white-haired demon who looked like a god in the sky suddenly stopped, and the black-red singularity that was about to be launched also disappeared and fell rapidly downwards!

It was obvious that the harsh sound of electricity just did something to the white-haired demon to cause this situation.

Then she discovered that the prowler used sharp claws to rush towards the white-haired demon who had no resistance at this time, and his tone was full of cruelty!

So she sped up and stepped forward, kicking the prowler away when he was about to kill the white-haired demon. Then she held Su Mu in her arms while panting violently. Only then did she relax and say:

"Fortunately, I almost missed it!"

At the same time, Su Mu, who felt the two soft balls, also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Fortunately, the fun almost ended!"

Please read and collect! ! !

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