American comics: Level 5 mutants start with Gojo Satoru

Chapter 86 Energy absorption level 5, qualitative improvement, finally becoming the Father-level! (P

Chapter 86 Energy absorption lv5, qualitative improvement, finally become the father-level!

[Energy absorption lv5 (1/20000): can absorb almost all forms of energy within a range of 20 meters, with extremely high absorption speed and energy storage limit, and can even manipulate almost all forms of energy within a range of 10 meters! ]

The energy from the dark constantly strengthens Su Mu's body. Under the reinforcement of endless energy, all the cells in his body undergo transformation and can accommodate more and stronger energy!

In this process, Su Mu's physical fitness continues to improve, as if there is no end!

At first, Su Mu's physical fitness benefited from the continuous strengthening of Gojo Satoru's panel and energy absorption. Without the use of spell power manipulation and energy strengthening, it did achieve a significant improvement, but it was still not enough compared to the strong men like the Hulk Eternal Clan.

But now, after the energy absorption has been upgraded to lv5, even if no means are used to improve physical fitness, his physical fitness can already be comparable to the normal Hulk, or even stronger!

And the rapid improvement of the body is only a small part of the improvement!

A large amount of information gathered in Su Mu's mind. Such a large amount of information constantly impacted his will and could even cause some damage to his spirit!

Compared with lv4 energy absorption, the information content of lv5 energy absorption is more than several times higher!

This is a qualitative improvement!

Even the six eyes could not absorb this part of the memory quickly, and could only protect Su Mu from the harm of this huge amount of information. I don't know how long it took for Su Mu to completely digest the memory information brought by energy absorption lv5!

Mind slightly turned...


With him as the center, everything within a radius of 20 meters stopped moving, the energy between molecules was absorbed by Su Mu, and the movement of molecules immediately slowed down, and finally even approached stagnation!

Therefore, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, and finally approached absolute zero!

This is absolute control at the molecular level!

Moreover, because Su Mu can manipulate energy at the molecular level, he can directly absorb bioenergy or magic that could not be absorbed in the past!

Now, except for extremely special high-dimensional energy such as the power of the phoenix, or the ability to directly act on the decomposition of matter at the atomic level, no energy can cause harm to Su Mu!

In addition, he has also undergone transformation in other places!

Three infinite gems kept rotating around him, and the endless energy released by them was quickly absorbed by Su Mu!

In the past, the infinite gems that could not be absorbed could now be absorbed for a long time while controlling the absorption speed!

With the support of a large amount of energy, the template fusion degree increased rapidly!

[Template fusion degree: 14%]

[Template fusion degree: 15%]

[Template fusion degree: 16%]


As time passed, the template fusion degree finally broke through and reached 20%!

After the template fusion degree reached 20%, Su Mu unlocked a new skill!

[Template fusion degree: 20%]

[You unlocked a new skill: Unknown Wings·White! ]

[Unknown Wings·White lv1 (1/100): Manipulate the phase power in space to form perfect white wings, greatly enhancing the user's strength! ]

A large amount of information continued to pour out of his mind again, but Su Mu could easily bear this information!

After a moment, Su Mu completely absorbed this information, and then the white holy wings opened behind him, and a glowing ring like an angel appeared above his head!

Feel the increase given by the unknown wings·white, which is probably several times that of the unknown wings·black.

But for him now, that's all. The lv1 unknown wings have limited enhancement for him. I'm afraid that at least it needs to reach lv3 and reach the strength of Accelerator to have a significant increase for him!

However, Su Mu is very much looking forward to the future of the unknown wings. I wonder what level the unknown wings that surpass Accelerator can reach?

Just as Su Mu was constantly adapting to the surging energy in his body through the six eyes, a portal suddenly formed rapidly in front of him, and then a bald woman walked out of the portal. The person who came was the Supreme Mage!

Now energy absorption can ignore most magic, and according to the current skills, Su Mu has completely entered the realm of the father-level!

At this time, even if he is not the opponent of the Supreme Mage, he can definitely escape calmly. The strong confidence from his own strength makes Su Mu no longer feel uncomfortable when facing the Supreme Mage!

Now they are equal!

In absolute zero, the Supreme Sorcerer was still not injured. There was a faint energy shield on her body to protect her from Su Mu's power!

Her eyes looking at Su Mu were intertwined with complexity, shock and confusion. Even though she had the Time Stone and could peek into multiple timelines, she didn't know what happened to Su Mu?

His strength had just been fully improved, but after the battle, his strength was improved again, and the improvement was even greater than the first time!

Facing Su Mu, who had been continuously improved, even she had to treat him with caution!

However, hundreds of years of cultivation still made her hold back from asking Su Mu questions, but slowly told Su Mu her purpose:

"Su Mu, you killed all the Eternals, which will definitely attract the attention of the Celestials!

Even if your strength has been greatly improved, even to the level of a father-in-the-sky, I still suggest that you leave this planet as soon as possible, or even leave this universe, and go to other dimensions!

Because even a father-in-the-sky strongman is still no match in front of the God Group. The strength of each God in the God Group is at least a powerful existence at the level of a single universe.

After catching you, the God Group will judge you. If you are judged to die, then you will be killed by them without any resistance! "

Gu Yi said to Su Mu with a serious face that what she said was indeed true, but she was more worried about Su Mu's encounter with the God Group!

After all, there were too many uncertainties in Su Mu, and his strength increased so quickly that Gu Yi even thought that Su Mu was the incarnation of a multiverse-level latitude lord!

Even if it wasn't, there would be too many uncertainties in Su Mu's encounter with the God Group, because Su Mu's timeline was extremely special, and Gu Yi couldn't observe his future, but Gu Yi was sure that when the two interacted, something shocking to the multiverse would happen!

Either the God Group subdued Su Mu and killed him!

Or Su Mu killed all the God Group, and then slaughtered all the people in the multiverse in the near future. There are Celestials!

For some reason, Ancient One instinctively thinks that the second possibility is higher!

Even if this future is no longer possible, the sixth sense developed by traveling through timelines many times tells Ancient One that the future will definitely develop in this direction!

Although the Celestials have drawbacks, they are an important factor in maintaining the stability of the universe, so they are indispensable!

It is also because they have predicted the future in which the Celestials in the multiverse are slaughtered, so now in addition to sorting out the aftermath of the battle and avoiding the death of too many mortals, Ancient One has only one most important goal:

That is to send this scourge to other parallel universes as soon as possible!

Just harm other parallel universes, let this universe go!

Please read on!

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