American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

Chapter 114 Overturning the table

"This method will work, right?"

Standing in the house, Zhang Yi spoke slowly, alone, as if talking to himself.

After the words fell, the room fell into an atmosphere of silence again, but this silence did not last long. In just a few breaths, Miss Time 'jumped' out of the air.

"There is no file record, so we can't be sure yet, but this is the best method so far, isn't it?" Miss Time stood on Zhang Yi's shoulder and said with a smile.

Perhaps because he was infected by Miss Time's smile, or perhaps because he had confidence in this plan, Zhang Ye also smiled lightly and nodded. "Yeah, this is the best way, at least for the multiverse."

One person fell silent for an hour, calmly looking at the sunset outside the window, just like when they first arrived in this universe, they were in the same position and the same sunset.

However, everything is different.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Yi asked. "Have you determined the specific timeline anchor point?"

"It has been determined. Although there is not enough time to record all the files of this timeline, I have determined the historical moment in this timeline that has not been contaminated."

Miss Time replied quickly.

"According to your plan, if we travel to that time and change history, we may be able to create a fulcrum to split this timeline, causing it to have a fork in the road at that moment, giving birth to two completely different parallel universes. One is contaminated, and one is not contaminated.”

Yes, this is the best solution that Zhang Yi came up with. Since the pollution in this universe cannot be eliminated, then he should do the opposite and tear the universe in half and keep one of the worlds that is not polluted!

It was the weird chrysalis that reminded Zhang Yi. Since the other party's purpose is to invade the reality and cover the reality of another main universe that has not yet been affected with a contaminated reality, then he can also use this to destroy the entire universe. The reality of what has happened is ripped away from this universe.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi asked Miss Time to secretly record this universe. Fortunately, Miss Time was of a higher class, and her records of this universe did not attract anyone's attention, even the parasitic existence on the timeline. , did not find this either.

After paying enough price, Miss Time finally found the absolute time anchor!

"It requires a lot of power, right?" Zhang Yi murmured.

"30%, it's not much, but we can't guarantee the safety of the parallel universe. It requires too much power. I can't help you in this matter." Miss Time shook her head, but she quickly said said. "Maybe magical energy can."

"Perhaps, but to complete such a grand magic, my ability alone is far from enough." Zhang Yi fixed his eyes on the sunset, silently watching it go down on the horizon little by little.

Splitting the timeline is by no means an easy task. After all, Zhang Yi had just experienced a split Flashpoint universe, so he was even more careful about modifying the timeline.

If you want to complete this plan, you must find uncontaminated history. Originally, Zhang Yi was worried that that thing was parasitic on the timeline and might contaminate the entire timeline.

But what surprised Zhang Yi was that instead of polluting history, that thing polluted the future!

Whether it is the cognitive pollution of reality or the killing of Spider-Man 2099 from the future, that indescribable existence has no intention of getting involved in the history that has already happened. It does not even cast its 'eyes' on history.

Zhang Yi was very confused about its behavior, but soon he understood the other party's purpose.

Because the ultimate goal of that thing is the main universe, and the layer of reality it wants to cover is also the future reality of the main universe, so in order to do this better, it will not modify any previous history at all. Make the integration of the realities of the two worlds more convenient.

Don’t forget, what is the history of the new and alien universe?

That's Secret Wars 2015!

The moment a new and completely different main universe is born, parallel universes based on it will be born one by one. This history is the 'foundation' and something that must not be affected, because once history is contaminated, then this history will be The timeline will not be accepted by the main universe.

And in this way, the purpose of the chrysalis would not be accomplished, so basically, if it weren't for that thing's big plan, it wouldn't have left such a big flaw for Zhang Yi to discover.

Therefore, as long as you can find a way to travel back to that unpolluted history, and then change the development of history to create a new timeline, then, in a sense, you can be considered to have 'saved' this path from destruction. The universe.

However, this move is easier said than done, but it is much more difficult to actually do it. Unlike The Flash's crude modification of the timeline, in order to make the new timeline relatively safer, Zhang Yi must use more powerful Power to control the stability of the timeline.

In other words, Zhang Yi does not want to change the development of this universe, because that can easily lead to the ‘Flashpoint Paradox’. If there are no heroes that should be there, it will also have a considerable impact on the future development of this universe.

Zhang Yi's goal is to copy and paste this universe, but the villains in this universe will not have the idea of ​​brainwashing Deadpool, that's all.

And the energy required for this is quite terrifying. Even if Zhang Yi holds an entire ruined universe, it is far from enough. Therefore, this is also a difficult point for Zhang Yi.

Perhaps, if the great powers existing in this universe, such as the Cosmic Cube, Infinity Stones and other transcendent cosmic treasures, are used, Zhang Yi may be able to accomplish this ambitious goal.

But things are not that easy. After all, the chrysalis parasitizing the timeline is still there. The other party may not bother to carefully look at the ants in this universe, but the other party is not a fool either.

Its eyes at the moment should be on Kara, Doctor Strange and others, but! Once Zhang Yi takes the initiative to touch those powerful affairs in this universe, it will definitely attract the attention of that thing. At that time, all Zhang Yi's plans will be ruined.

When things have developed to this point, it can be considered that Zhang Yi hid it well and was not noticed. But if Zhang Yi is discovered by that entity, then his plan will naturally be known to the other party. At that time, if that thing gives up Invade the main universe and in turn pollute the history of this universe.

Then, in this situation where both the jade and the stone are destroyed, Zhang Yi no longer has any hope of saving the universe.

"Have you thought of a good idea?" Miss Time blinked.

Zhang Yi was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked. "Can the two anchor points of Limbo still be observed?"

"Of course. Although these dimensions are separated, as long as the anchor point is recorded, it will always be under the observation of the time controller."

"That's great." Zhang Yi raised the corner of his mouth.

"Open the portal

I'm going to flip the table! "

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