American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

Chapter 121 Reality Collision!

"It's you!"

The Punisher whipped out his gun. He had emptied the magazine, but he still had one last bullet, which was originally reserved for himself.

"You are that guy's spy, and it changes your perception, just like it did to Deadpool!"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Moon Knight. They couldn't believe that Moon Knight's ability and his multiple personalities could be affected by that thing.

"I overestimated my abilities. We all overestimated our abilities." Moonlight Knight casually threw the broken cards on the ground with an almost crazy smile on his face.

I saw Moonlight Knight suddenly taking off his hood——

What’s horrifying is that under Moon Knight’s hood, there’s actually Deadpool’s mask!

"Be careful, cognitive pollution has begun!" Dr. Strange reminded.

Seeing this, everyone except the Punisher took a few steps back, trying to stay away from Moon Knight, who was in a bad state at this time, to ensure their own safety.

"Give it up, Frank," Moon Knight said. “Our sacrifice is critical, it’s meaningful, it’s looking at us, it’s celebrating us, it’s embracing us.”

"And you're crazy now Mark! Or someone else, I don't even know what was stuffed into your broken body!" The Punisher stared at Moon Knight without hesitation. the trigger.

The bullet penetrated Moon Knight's chest instantly, but surprisingly, not a drop of blood flowed out from Moon Knight's white uniform, and even the wound penetrated by the bullet disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"It's useless Frank, it's all over, no one can leave from here, no one"

Before Moonlight Knight finished speaking, suddenly, there was a violent shaking. This was not a vibration similar to an earthquake, but it seemed that the entire space was violently rubbing and colliding, and the huge roar was deafening.

"What did you do!?" The Punisher glared angrily while holding the wand. If Moon Knight wasn't in such a weird state, the Punisher would have pounced on him and tried to stab him to death.

Faced with the Punisher's questioning, Moonlight Knight was also stunned. He glanced at the Punisher blankly, and then kept looking around, as if he was also curious about how all this happened.

"It wasn't him, it was something else."

At this moment, Doctor Strange spoke. He made a gesture with his hands, and the Eye of Agamotto slowly opened at his call. At this time, he could see scenes that normal people could not observe at all.

In the countless complicated and distorted lights and shadows, everything on the border of reality is falling apart. Countless buildings are shaking unconsciously at high frequencies, as if something is shaking them violently, but this shaking does not cause any damage to those buildings. Just make their outlines blurry.

Slowly, a sense of tearing came over. With the help of the Eye of Agamotto, Doctor Strange could clearly see that everything in his sight was 'splitting'.

wrong! It's not accurate to say it's a split.

Just like the separation of light and shadow, under the spotlight, a photo of the entire New York City slowly separated at this moment. It separated left and right while vibrating at high speed, and gradually turned into two identical photos.

"I see."

At this moment, Doctor Strange finally understood Zhang Yi's purpose. He widened his eyes and looked at this unforgettable spectacular sight in disbelief.

"What, what's going on?" Carolina frowned, this apocalyptic scene of the sky and the earth collapsing made her very uneasy.

"Reality, reality is splitting. Someone has released powerful energy in the outside world. This energy has created another reality that overlaps with reality, and" Dr. Strange muttered to himself.

"And what?" Carolina asked anxiously.

"And the two overlapping realities are breaking away from each other!" Doctor Strange shouted. "Grab the things around you and stand still, something is coming!"

As if to prove Doctor Strange's words, as soon as he finished speaking, there was an even more violent shaking, and everyone present fell to the ground in the sudden weightlessness.

Immediately afterwards, thick fog-like light and shadow flickered in the mid-air. Under the stunned expressions of everyone, a huge cruise ship suddenly appeared in the air, and then fell downwards under the influence of gravity. The terrifying weight caused it to hit directly. Broke the New York Bridge.

Far away, everyone could clearly hear the desperate screams of the frightened people on the distant cruise ship - they had no idea what was happening and why they suffered such an unreasonable disaster.

The emergence of cruise ships is just a sign, or in other words, just the beginning.

Two glowing light balls came quickly, crossing the road with two long light tails streaking in mid-air, speeding past in front of everyone.

"What the hell is that!?" The Punisher climbed up. He was almost hit by the two light balls just now.

Judging from the appearance of that thing, the Punisher highly suspected that it was a ghost car whose 'real body' could not be seen, because the height, appearance, and movement trajectory of the two light balls looked too much like a car, but he didn't know Why, no one can see anything except the lights.

"That's a car light, most likely." Doctor Strange answered the Punisher's question. "Reality is falling apart, our dimension is being affected, and now everything from one of those realities is colliding with our dimension."

"What will be the consequences of that?" The Punisher's movements froze in place, and he turned back sharply to look at Doctor Strange.

But Doctor Strange didn't answer him at the moment. Four hands suddenly grew out of Doctor Strange's back, two hands covering his ears, two hands covering his eyes, and his own two With one hand, he accidentally hurt his mouth.

Don't hear, don't see, don't think.

Seeing Doctor Strange's actions, the Punisher turned to look at John on the other side. Among the people present, only Doctor Strange and John had an understanding of magic.

"The result is that we will die," Carolina said. Some of her former teammates also learned magic.

According to her understanding, if two realities collide, either one of them will be completely destroyed, or both worlds will be destroyed at the same time.

"No, technically speaking, we are still alive."

At this time, John spoke. He raised his head and looked at the sky that was about to collapse like a broken mirror. In the cracks of the broken sky, an indescribable, weird and twisted existence that looked like a chrysalis was stretching its tentacles.

"We live in an alternate reality."

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