American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

Chapter 161 Death in the hands of a ‘hero’

Walking in front of Count Nefara, Zhang Yi immediately started to devour. For these superpowers, he had to absorb the energy before the activity in the opponent's body disappeared, otherwise it would be a waste.

Magical energy came out wantonly, and Zhang Yi's surroundings gradually became brighter. The dark green light was like the branches of a willow tree, absorbing the energy from Count Nefara's body bit by bit.

However, unlike the previous swallowing pests, these pure ion energy are easier to come by, and they are also more bland and controllable than the biological energy.

When devouring creatures, they are often affected by the other party's soul and information fragments, but pure energy is different. The difference between them is more like the difference between water flow and ice.

But it is worth noting that not all energy is so easy to control. If Zhang Yi is facing the Phoenix Force or the Force of Chaos, then the violent secret energy of the universe will still be very troublesome.

Compared with those, Count Nefara's ion energy is relatively easier to absorb.

This time, Zhang Yi did not choose to take the energy as his own, but injected it all into the time controller. He wanted to know how much power this energy could replenish the time controller.

Kara did not disturb Zhang Yi's movements. She just stared blankly at the long-dead Count Nefara on the ground. For some reason, Kara felt that this old man was different from the criminals she had faced before.

The same was true for Pietro on the side. I don't know why, but from a macro perspective, even if they were not proactive, it was clear that they were "heroic" and killed a villain, but there was no joy in their hearts.

In other words, as of now, everything is in chaos.

"I know you have a lot to say, so don't hold it back." Zhang Yi said calmly while running his magic.


Pietro immediately opened his mouth, but he kept talking for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything. ".There is so much I want to say, but for a moment, I don't know where to start."

In fact, Zhang Yi understands Pietro's thoughts very well. There is no fixed justice and evil in this world, and everything is not black and white. If Zhang Yi really wants to explain these things, he I don’t know what to say either.

Because it covers so many areas, it will even rise to the level of philosophy.

That kind of field is too unpredictable and illusory. Everyone has their own opinions, and no one can be sure that they are 100% correct, so those things have no meaning at all.

What Zhang Yi wants to do is to state the facts. As for what kind of insights Pietro and Carla can get, it still depends on them.

"Pietro, you're curious why I didn't take action directly, but chose to sit back and watch with him in such a 'circus performance', right?" Zhang Yi turned his head and looked at Pietro.

Hearing this, Pietro nodded silently. He had wanted to ask earlier, but he knew that Zhang Yi had his own reasons for doing this, so he was not too surprised. Since Zhang Yi seemed to play with him, then he would He plays.

"As you can see, Count Nefara has been crippled a long time ago. He died on the day he fought with the heroes. Like most other villains around the world, they have long lost their goals in life. , and can’t find the meaning of living, and for decades, I have been like a walking corpse.”

Zhang Yi spoke slowly and spoke plainly about what was happening in these wastelands.

"As he said, he has been waiting for the hero to open the door of the bar and have the same great battle with him as before, because for him, that is the only way he can get back to his former self. , he has been brilliant."

"But he is a super criminal, isn't he? There are countless ordinary people who have died at his hands. Why should we pity him?" Kara asked curiously as she was confused.

Zhang Yi stopped what he was doing, and the last trace of energy from Count Nefara's body was absorbed. At this time, he had corrupted into a mummy, just like the ordinary people he had sucked into mummies before.

"You think I'm pitying him?"

Looking at the remains of Count Nefara, Zhang Yi pondered for a moment, then spoke as if he was answering or talking to himself.

"This is just a deal. Count Nefara knows that he will die. In fact, he has been waiting for this day to come. He is looking forward to his own death and also fearing his own death. I am just talking to him. A dispensable deal was made.”

"These super criminals are proud in their hearts. They won that war back then, and they did. For these people who can't find the meaning of life in the wasteland, the best death is like It was as vigorous as before, instead of dying in the gutter in obscurity."

Hearing this, Pietro lowered his head, remembering his former self.

"They want to die heroically and not be forgotten, just like Count Nefara. He is like a microcosm of the dark ages. Now he has only one dream, and that is to be killed by heroes."

Zhang Yi paused for a moment when he said this, and then he waved his hand and covered the entire bar that had been turned into ruins.

At this time, the bar was already covered with corpses, and the flowing blood gathered in the collapsed pit and even formed a puddle. All kinds of fishy smells and alcohol filled the surroundings, making it difficult to breathe.

The worst thing was at the door. At that time, the crowd in the bar swarmed and wanted to run out, but the door of the bar was so big that a group of people were so crowded that they couldn't rush out. And Count Nefara's laser beam , directly turning the accumulated crowd into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"Look here, look at the scene here. Count Nefara knew from the beginning that he would die. From the beginning, he knew that no one in this bar would be able to walk out alive."

Zhang Yi picked up the unfinished bottle of wine again. I don't know if he was lucky, but the bottle of wine was not destroyed in the fierce battle just now. It was well preserved.

"So, Count Nefara decided to take action himself. Although this has no deviation from our plan, since he is willing to help, I naturally choose to respect his choice."

The red wine poured out from the mouth of the bottle and dropped into the glass with a crisp sound.

"Count Nefara's purpose is simple. He wants to die in the hands of a hero!"

Pietro and Carla looked at Zhang Yi together.

"And in the hands of a hero"

Zhang Yi picked up the wine glass.

"It cannot be stained with the blood of innocent people."

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