In that battle, the heroes lost too much.

Ant-Man Hank Pym was the last superhero to fall. In fact, most of the heroes had already died when they went to the war zone to support them.

Moonlight Knight was hit head-on by Electro's lightning, and Kongsu was also exiled to a different world by magic. The entire New York battlefield was isolated and helpless, leaving only a group of street heroes and super criminals fighting to the death.

Daredevil, who has sensitive hearing, was almost deafened by the sound wave. After Punisher shot Electro in the head, he was seriously injured by Kraven the hunter who had been hiding for a long time. She-Hulk and Spider-Man fought to the death to bring the battlefield to a close. A neighborhood with less traffic, but the arrival of the Hulk added fire to the entire battlefield.

Hulk, who was fully involved in the explosion, had no distinction between good and evil. He began to destroy without distinguishing between friend and foe. The terrifying power directly defeated all the superheroes and super criminals present. But by that time, nothing mattered anymore. In this era, The end has become inevitable.

In Washington, when the White House was shattered and collapsed under the fire of Hydra, the hero's failure was doomed. Captain America lay helpless in the ruins. He knew that the Avengers could no longer assemble.

The relics of the war have become a microcosm of that year. Just looking at the scenes left behind, Zhang Yi can imagine how tragic that battle was.

Zhang Yi and the others drove slowly along the road, and the Pim Cross was getting closer and closer.

"God, is this a giant from mythology?" Pietro looked at the huge skeleton from a distance and couldn't help but sigh.

"His name is Hank Pym, a real human scientist. He once developed something called Pym particles. This element can make his body mass larger or smaller. What you see now is him. The remains after getting bigger." Zhang Yi explained casually.

"Hank Pym? Is he the Hank Pym from the Avengers, the one who was killed by the Patriot missile?" Pietro was stunned for a moment. There was such a person in his memory, and he still had some impressions.

"That's him." Zhang Yi said. "But the difference between the two is so huge that there is no comparison at all. The Hank Pym of your world has not studied the Pym particles at all, and he does not even understand the quantum field."

Withdrawing his gaze, Zhang Yi spoke while recalling the plot about the heroes' annihilation.

"In fact, the behavior of super criminals is predictable. Magneto and Absorbing Man are a good example. It is not a simple matter to design to kill those powerful heroes. The villains must get other help. For this, they He even formed an alliance with Dormammu, Loki and others.

If Doctor Strange could be less arrogant and ignore this immediate crisis, if Hawkeye was willing to listen to the words of the songbird before setting off, if Wolverine could be less reckless, if Loki could successfully break through the Fantastic Four The defense goes back in time and space.

Unfortunately, there is no if. "

Zhang Ye shook his head, his expression a little solemn.

The motorcycle drove through Pym's Cross. At this time, Dr. Pym's bones were completely oxidized. They were even covered with some unknown plants. Countless birds built nests on them, seeming to regard this place as a place. 'Natural' nature paradise.

Looking deeply at this scene, both Carla and Pietro were very shocked. For Pietro, he was born in a world without heroes since he was a child. He longed for the emergence of heroes and also longed to become a hero himself. .

But he never imagined that becoming a hero could be so dangerous. Everything that happened in this world shattered his beautiful dream of heroes defeating bad guys into pieces.

Kara, on the other hand, was worried about her younger brother. She knew that the Kryptonians were very powerful. Logically speaking, there was no existence on earth that could be more powerful than the Kryptonians. But when she saw this When she saw the tragic situation, her heart was shaken.

Since his cousin will become Superman, it means that he will also have his old enemies, as well as the so-called Justice League. If the enemies of the Justice League unite, then will the Earth where the Justice League and the others live will also? Become the next wasteland.

When she thought of this, Kara felt her heartbeat skip a beat. When she imagined Superman lying in the ruins with serious injuries, she couldn't help but breathe quickly.

"Kara, are you okay?" Pietro asked concernedly upon seeing this.

"I'm fine, I just thought of something." Kara took a deep breath and slowly calmed herself down.

Zhang Yi tilted his head. He knew what Kara was thinking, but he was rational enough not to answer the question, because in his memory, the Justice League had been wiped out not once or twice.

Sometimes there is no need for super criminals to unite, as long as a few come out to cause trouble, it is enough to cause chaos in the world.

"Don't think about it. After passing Pym's Cross, New Babylon is not far away. We have now arrived at the jurisdiction of the leader Red Skull. We must be very careful in every move we make next."

Zhang Yi and others have only one goal for this trip, and that is Osborne City, which is located on the border of the Red Skull's jurisdiction.

You can also tell from the name of the city that this is the area under Osborne's jurisdiction. In that battle, compared with ordinary criminals who had no money or strength, Osborne could be said to have spent both money and effort, and was wiped out in the group. After a group of superheroes, Osborn naturally also received the attention of the Red Skull.

At this time, Osborn had an entire city in his hands, and after winning over a group of super criminals, he managed the city in an orderly manner, and even once surpassed Washington, where the Red Skull was, and became an important economic place.

However, the ordinary people living here are not as happy as they imagined. Osborne's crazy rule has almost made the residents here miserable, and the harsh lynching laws have deprived everyone of their freedom.

It can be said that Osborne did not treat them as human beings from the beginning, but as beasts who only knew how to work, eat and sleep. Perhaps compared with the outside world, life safety here can be guaranteed to a certain extent, but in fact, here There is no difference from the outside world.

And after a long period of emptiness, Osborn fell into a more violent madness. He opened the door to the city and welcomed all kinds of 'superheroes' to challenge him at any time. At the same time, he oppressed the people even more, Trying to attract the attention of someone with a hero complex.

During this period, countless people tried to challenge Osborne's rule, but without exception, they were pierced by wooden pole holes on the ground outside the city to promote Osborne's power.

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