American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

Chapter 174 (4,000 words) Have you heard of Eric?

It was late one night, and the sky was extremely gloomy and dark.

Young Eric climbed into his crib early. He also drank a cup of hot milk before going to bed. This was specially prepared for him by his mother. Because they were moving, Eric's parents would be waiting for him tomorrow. I was going to sell the cow.

Eric grew up in Iowa. His parents said that this place used to be a very peaceful place. Although it was not easy to make money, he could barely satisfy his needs.

Later, some mutants came here to settle down. Although the two sides were not in conflict with each other, life was not easy.

In this troubled world, no place is absolutely safe, but parents who have experienced the past generations understand that if you want to protect Eric's safety, it is best to stay away from these 'supernatural beings'.

Even if society is a little more stable now, there's no telling whether those freaks will cause trouble again.

Eric's whole family lives in the slums, and his parents are both dentists. This kind of craft might have made a lot of money in the past.

But in this era, it is not easy for them to ensure food and clothing. In order to pay the protection fee, Eric's parents have to spend a large amount of money every month.

Eric's father was the first to propose moving because during a medical visit, he saw with his own eyes a conflict between a mutant and a local gang member.

In just a few seconds, those powerful gang members were torn into pieces, which frightened him.

Although those gangs will ask for money from every household and even carry out robbery and extortion, they basically will not kill people. After all, they are just for money. Killing people will only make them earn less, and the gains outweigh the losses.

But those mutants are different. They don't seem to regard themselves as the same race as humans at all. Those who offend them almost only have death.

Eric's father is a good old man, and his normal character is also submissive. He feels that he will not offend those mutants, but he is worried that his family may be harmed.

Every time these people with superpowers appear, there will always be countless 'accidental victims' - Eric's grandparents are one of them.

So for the sake of the safety of his family, Eric's father just wanted to take the whole family and leave this place quickly.

Eric was lying on the bed. He felt like he was surrounded by huge warmth. This was the place where he felt most comfortable and safe. Every time he was bullied by other children outside, he would hide under his quilt. This feeling made him feel at ease.

His parents promised him that as long as he slept well tonight, they would buy him a Daredevil toy that he had always wanted when they moved tomorrow. This made Eric very happy. He closed his eyes early, I just hope tomorrow can come quickly.


Late at night, Eric was awakened by his parents' screams.

His eyes were full of fear. Although Eric was much more sensible than his peers, he had never experienced anything like this.

Quickly climbing out of bed, Eric walked barefoot to the bedroom door step by step. He didn't know what was happening outside, but he heard his father's hoarse scream and his mother's cry.

This struck great fear into his young mind.

Slowly opening the door a crack, Eric trembled and looked outside.

The sound came from the first floor, which is where parents usually live. The second floor only has Eric's own room and a small attic warehouse. With the light on the first floor, Eric walked slowly towards the stairs. go.

He didn't know where he got the courage.

The room door was only two meters away from the stairs. Eric didn't even know how long he had been walking. He only knew that his ears were occupied by wailing, and his body had long since stopped obeying.

When he came to the stairs, Eric didn't dare to go down directly, so he slowly lay down and stretched his head out.

What Eric saw next became a lifelong nightmare.

I saw a monster covered with long hair pressing his father under him, with razor-like fangs tearing at his father's flesh and blood, while Eric's mother fell to the side, her right arm It was ripped off directly, and it looked like he wouldn't live long.

At this moment, Eric forgot to breathe for a moment. His eyes were filled with mist, and tears flowed down unconsciously. He wanted to shout, but he could not make any sound. The fear was at this moment Filled his heart.

He forgot how he got back to the room, and he also forgot how long he cried in the quilt.

All he knew was that after what seemed like a hundred years, the local mounted police found him and took him out of bed.

The mounted police still sympathized with the little boy Eric, but this was the way it was in this era. No one was absolutely safe. Eric's life experience was, in a sense, very common.

Due to the existence of supernatural creatures, the case could not be solved. The mounted police were unwilling to cause trouble, so they had no choice but to close the case hastily.

But Eric was lucky, there was an old mounted policeman who was about to retire who was willing to adopt him.

Eric didn't remember what happened that day. He only remembered that when the old Mountie took him home, he took out a Daredevil doll stained with blood from his arms.

It turned out that the parents had already prepared the gifts.

Since that day, Eric seemed to have become a different person. He no longer communicated with anyone or smiled at anyone. He closed his heart and engaged in high-intensity exercise every day - revenge. , became the motivation for him to live.

Eric learned information from the old mounted policeman about the murderer who brutally killed his parents. It was a werewolf, one of the filthiest dark creatures. Legend has it that they had been eliminated by the heroes, but everyone knew that this You can never finish planting things.

This kind of monster comes from the purest black magic. Although we don't know what they looked like before, but now, they can no longer be regarded as 'human' at all.

Those monsters have superhuman strength, speed and endurance, their teeth are extremely sharp, and their claws can even cut metal. Ordinary people have no way to deal with them, and even the mounted police are unwilling to provoke them.

But Eric didn't care, he had only one purpose, and that was to avenge his parents.

The cowardly, timid, ignorant, crybaby Eric was dead.

He died that day and that night.

The old Mountie was also a master of fighting when he was young. He knew that Eric was destined to embark on the road of revenge, so he prevented Eric from dying. In order to give Eric a certain ability to protect himself, he began to train and give guidance to Eric. Rick fighting skills.

During this period of time, Eric also learned about some of the old mounted policeman's past. For example, he once had a daughter, but she was sacrificed in the battle between heroes and villains. Both of them lost their families. Maybe it was because of this. After a while, the old mounted policeman would adopt him and teach him how to fight.

time flies.

Nineteen-year-old Eric is already an extremely strong young man. He has been honing his fighting skills all the time for more than ten years. At the same time, he also dreams of cutting off the heads of those dark monsters with his own hands.

Eric made himself a black suit, which he modeled after the Blade Warriors. He hung the Daredevil doll around his waist and chose to take revenge on all the dark creatures in the wasteland.

That day was the old mounted policeman's funeral. Perhaps he knew that he didn't have much time left, so the old mounted policeman called Eric to his side one day in advance.

He told Eric that he couldn't remember his age. He had lived long enough. Now it was time for him to find his daughter. The road ahead would be difficult, but he believed in Eric. Will overcome everything.

After saying that, the old mounted policeman smiled and fell into sleep, but he never woke up from his sleep.

On this day, Eric once again experienced the pain of the death of his family.

He stood silently in front of the old mounted policeman's grave for a long time. When the sun was about to sink into the horizon, he made a move. He put on his package and mask, and Eric escaped into the darkness.

From today on, there will be no Eric in the world, only Super Killer who is born for revenge!

Wandering in the wasteland, Eric left his hometown for the first time. He knew that the road ahead would be full of difficulties and thorns, but he was fearless and embarked on the road of revenge without hesitation.

His first kill came from a small town in the west. He heard from a drunk mercenary that a lone werewolf had appeared here. Late at night, in this land of yellow sand, he could always hear the shrill scream. Howling wolf.

The local rangers and mercenaries had arranged for manpower to hunt down the werewolf, but the other party seemed to be very vigilant, and several large numbers of people had been hunted by the other party. As time went by, there was nothing they could do against him.

After learning this rumor, Eric's calm heart couldn't help but become restless. You know, his parents were eaten by a lone wolf. It would be great if he could find the murderer here.

After half a month of visits, investigations and crouching, Eric finally figured out the whereabouts of the lone wolf. In order to make the victory more likely, Eric even brought a highly destructive firearm.

But even so, Eric found that he still underestimated these dark creatures. The opponent's resilience was terrifying. Bullets hitting the opponent's body could only make the opponent's actions pause, and could not even cause damage to them.

As a last resort, Eric started a hand-to-hand fight with the werewolf with his bare hands, but how could a human body compare to a werewolf? Eric soon fell behind.

But I don’t know if it’s the blessing of the goddess of luck or what.

When the werewolf was about to bite Eric to death, he accidentally swallowed a concentrated explosive. The violent explosion directly blew the werewolf's body into pieces. Countless flesh and blood flew into the sky, as well as the sticky blood. fur.

Eric's whole body was covered in blood. He lay helplessly on the ground. There was only endless scarlet in his field of vision. He knew that he had succeeded. He had finally taken an important step on the road of revenge.

But at the same time, he also discovered his shortcomings. Although his physical strength and fighting skills were considered very strong among humans, he was still too weak compared to dark creatures.

If he wants to kill those powerful beings, he must acquire more knowledge and find the weaknesses of the opponent. Only in this way can his actions become more efficient.

However, it is not easy to do this. After the Red Skull burned all the magical products, it became extremely difficult to understand these magical things. Eric also did not have the ability to steal the information about witchcraft from Dr. Doom. books, so he could only read one step at a time.

After spending several years, Eric wrote a notebook based on his own experiences, which densely recorded the dark creatures and monsters he had personally killed over the years.

Eric not only summarized the behaviors and habits of those creatures, but also described in detail the means of dealing with them and their weaknesses. All of this was information he had constantly explored through his own insights between life and death.

At the same time, because of his continuous killings in the wasteland, his name as a super killer is becoming more and more famous.

People began to praise this hero who slaughtered monsters, and many mercenaries who licked blood on the tip of their swords also became familiar with him, because for those mercenaries, they only faced their employers and targets, but Eric faced Yes, it's those terrifying monsters.

In the dark ages, people with big fists will always be treated with courtesy, and this is absolutely true for Eric.

After gaining huge fame, Eric also gained his own love.

That was after an operation to hunt ghouls ended. Eric dragged his tired body to the Lasia Tavern, which was a tavern that specifically provided services to mercenaries. Eric was a frequent visitor here.

As soon as he entered, he was applauded by everyone in the tavern. Eric took the wine glass handed to him by the tavern owner, and soon mingled lively with the others.

It was also on that day that he saw a woman with red hair among the mercenaries.

Eric once thought that he lived only for revenge in his life, and a person like him was not worthy of love, but he had to admit that after he saw that woman, his heart suddenly felt a little throbbing.

He fell in love with her.

The woman's name was Wei Ya, the leader of a small mercenary group. Although she had just arrived here, she had already heard about Eric's bravery. Correspondingly, she also fell in love with this evil-killing hero. .

But the dull Eric doesn't know how to face this relationship. He has never been in contact with a woman, let alone developed a relationship with anyone.

So facing Weiya's love, Eric could only bury it deeply in his heart.

Everyone knows that when a woman falls in love with someone, her actions are crazy.

Eric did not dare to accept such a heavy amount of love casually, let alone make a promise to Weiya. After that, Eric did not even dare to appear in front of Weiya again.

It's hard to imagine that a hero who has hunted countless monsters and monsters would be 'afraid' of a woman.

The matter between Eric and Weiya has always been the most pleasant drunken chat among the mercenaries. They like to see the paralyzed Eric's face turn red when talking about Weiya. They also like to see Weiya. Because Eric can't be found drunkenly in the pub.

For them, these things are undoubtedly the happiest time every day.

A brother with a good relationship also advised Eric that just hiding will not solve the problem. If he wants to make the relationship clear, he must face the relationship.

And Eric also understood this. He decided to explain everything clearly to Wei Ya after he solved the matter at hand.

In Osborne City, the remaining light of the setting sun slowly casts down.

The shadow of the wall gradually shifted, passing over one slender and tall wooden pole after another.

Eric faced the direction of the setting sun.

Die without peace of mind

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