"What? Let me rule Osborne City?!"

The Blood Baron's eyes widened. He originally thought that he would become a chess piece that Zhang Yi could discard at any time and charge into the battle, but he never expected that Zhang Yi would actually hand over a city to him to manage.


Zhang Yi said calmly. "I need power and manpower, and you have experience in this area. I believe you can do better. In addition, I have more important things to deal with now and cannot stay here."

The Blood Baron has not yet recovered from the result of becoming the city lord overnight. He only feels that everything that happened today is like a dream. He was originally going to leave the headquarters area, but now, not only did he not leave, but he also took over osborne

Thinking of this, the Blood Baron shuddered violently.

"Wait, this, this doesn't seem to be in compliance with the procedures. The Red Skull will not agree. Moreover, the battle that just happened here has a great impact. Doctor Doom will never stand idly by. Do you want me to die?"

"Are you scared?"

Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows, walked up to the Blood Baron, patted his shoulder with a smile, and continued.

"Don't get excited, buddy, I still need you to be my scout, so you won't die. You don't have to worry about Red Skull and Doom. Over the years, all the unclaimed lands in the wasteland have been inhabited by capable people. In short, the Red Skull didn’t intervene when the gangs were dividing their territory.”

"But..." Blood Baron was still a little worried.

"There is no but, whether it is a city or land, as long as you still follow the Red Skull's lead, Hydra will not touch you. As for the battle here, if they want to investigate, let them go and investigate. You only need to Just control this city in a short time."

Listening to Zhang Yi's words, Blood Baron's originally trembling heart gradually calmed down a lot.

After all, the Blood Baron is still afraid of these years. He has been driven away by countless evil people and their tribe is not allowed to enter any city. This has also made the Blood Baron live a wandering life. Deep in his heart, he has developed the habit of staying away from others. Busy habits.

Now that he was suddenly put on the bright side, he was at a loss for a moment, fearing that the Red Skull and Doom would attack him because of his status as a vampire.

Seeing what the Blood Baron was thinking, Zhang Yi calmly persuaded him.

"Think about Connors, that bad lizard can occupy a large area of ​​land, and no one has taken care of him. You just own a city, and nothing will happen. Besides, when you are in awe, Red Skull is still playing with the eggs, don’t worry.”

"Well, what you said makes sense." The Blood Baron nodded heavily and raised his head again, with only fire in his eyes.

It can be seen that the current Blood Baron has rekindled his career ambitions.

"But I still have to remind you."

Zhang Yi's expression became serious. Upon seeing this, the Blood Baron immediately lowered his head slightly, as if he was listening carefully.

"In order to better rule here, you transform some humans into vampires. I can understand this, but I hope you will target those who can't survive, or humans who have such intentions, instead of just casually Take action and stir up meaningless trouble."

"I understand." Blood Baron nodded.

"One more thing." Zhang Yi admired the Blood Baron's attitude and continued to speak.

"You have to control your relatives well. I hope that in the future, humans and vampires will live together in the city, instead of alternating between day and night, with clear distinctions. You can suck blood, but not kill people. Do you understand?"

"Understood, I understand." Zhang Ye's calm words made the Blood Baron feel more and more stressed.

However, he obviously understood what Zhang Yi meant. At this time, the Blood Baron also began to truly conceive of how humans and vampires could coexist peacefully.

After seeing Zhang Yi's power, the Blood Baron was not surprised at how terrifying the storm would be in the wasteland in the future. If he wanted to occupy a place in the "new world" in the future, he would have to take the outside of the blood clan into consideration. Internal troubles will be dealt with cleanly.

Otherwise, the Blood Baron believed that Zhang Yi would not be able to keep their tribe alive in this world. By then, he would probably even be homeless.

"You should think about this yourself, and it will give you a chance. If you do it well, I will forget about the past. If you don't do it well, I will throw your soul to the limbo of hell."

Zhang Yi tilted his head slightly, showing both kindness and power, and then took out a low-quality camera memory board from his hand and handed it to the Blood Baron.

"In addition, there is one more thing you need to do. After taking control of the city, I want you to spread this video as quickly as possible. No matter what method you use, I hope more and more people know about this scene."

The Blood Baron took the camera and memory board and turned on the playback. Soon, the screen turned, and a man with an S logo on his chest appeared on the screen, and started an extremely fierce battle with the Absorbing Man and the Wild Child.

In addition to him, there is also a weirdo dressed like a bat and a very heroic lady. The three of them work together to fight Osborn's alliance of villains. However, because the camera is not clear enough, it is impossible to capture the three people clearly. Face.

"this is?"

The Blood Baron looked surprised and didn't understand what this thing was used for.

"This is the 'real' battle that took place here. These three people call themselves the Justice League. I have already dealt with the battlefield outside. I am not afraid of the Red Skull and others coming to investigate. What you have to do is to take away these three people's Heroic deeds' spread."

The Blood Baron was stunned. After a few seconds, his eyes moved and he understood the purpose of Zhang Yi's move. He then smiled and nodded quickly.

"I know, just leave it to me."

Then the Blood Baron thought of something else and added more excitedly.

"And I can also divide this video into several segments for dissemination. It is best to upload it to Hydra's information network and let them help disseminate it. In addition, I will keep some videos with a lot of information and wait for Red Skull and Du I'll hand it over to them when M sends people over to investigate."

Listening to the blood baron's action steps, Zhang Yi couldn't help but look at him in surprise.

Zhang Yi immediately turned his head, looked at Pietro and Carla behind him, and waved to introduce them.

"Well, this is called professionalism."


The Blood Baron matter has come to an end.

Osborne City is of little help to Zhang Yi for the time being.

For the sake of safety, Zhang Yi was not prepared to stay here for a long time. At this time, the outside world did not know how many people were rushing here. If he stayed for a minute longer, the identity of himself and others would be exposed more easily.

So, after Zhang Yi and others processed all the scenes without missing anything, Zhang Yi set his sights on Ashley.

"You come with me and find your dad."

Perhaps it was because he saw that there were people outside the world, or perhaps because he knew how terrifying Zhang Yi's fighting power was. After the battle, Ashley stayed quiet and behaved like a little lamb.

She didn't even dare to raise her head and look Zhang Yi and others in the eyes. Even after hearing Zhang Yi's commanding words, she just nodded obediently without any objection.

You know, earlier, she did not admit that Barton was her father.

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