American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

Chapter 422 The unknown future!

"Although all this is indeed a bit too incredible for us, thank you."

On the deserted shore, facing the rising sun, Dean stood beside Zhang Yi, smiling and extending his hand.

"Being able to kill those two birdmen with my own hands is considered worthwhile for me. From the beginning of our family's demon hunting until now, too many things have happened, and now, at least all of them have come to an end."

After nodding, Zhang Yi also stretched out his hand to shake Dean's hand and said. "We're friends, aren't we, so saying thank you is a bit too much."

In Zhang Yi's eyes, this is just a matter of each party's needs.

Zhang Yi himself needs the powerful angelic power of Lucifer and Michael, while Dean and Sam want to personally prevent the apocalypse. The current result is good for both parties, and the battle has not had much impact or ripples. .

After all, who cares if a small island disappears in the Pacific Ocean.

"Zhang Yi, you don't know how crucial this matter is to us. Our parents, our brothers, our friends, and anyone related to us did not end up well in the end.

Seriously, we can't thank you and, of course, the heroes of the Justice League for being able to finally put this to rest now. "

Sam also said seriously on the sidelines. Once Lucifer died, the demonic power in him was relieved. Although he didn't know what would happen in the future, he could at least act like a normal person now.

"Although I don't really want to hit you, I still want to remind you that this matter is not really 'over' yet."

After a pause, Zhang Yi spoke seriously again.

"You should also know the existence of that God now. As long as he exists for one day, your life cannot be said to be completely over. For him, he only needs to tap the keyboard, and your life will continue forever."


After hearing Zhang Yi's words, Dean and Sam also looked a little unhappy.

They also understood that Zhang Yi's words were not alarmist. As God's creation, all creatures in this world are under God's control.

Not only the two of them, but also the gods, those beings with powerful power, will all be restricted by God. No life can escape from this, and it is the same even after death.

Seemingly sensing what they were thinking, Zhang Yi sighed lightly and patted their shoulders.

"But you don't have to worry too much. Since he didn't show up even when Lucifer and Michael were killed, it means that that guy will most likely not get involved in this universe."

The reason why Zhang Yi never took action before was that even if it was to kill the two archangels, he relied on Dean and Sam to do it for him, in order to prevent God from suddenly taking action.

Others don't know Chuck's power, but Zhang Yi still understands it very well. As long as he wants, he can mobilize the energy in the universe to attack at will.

Although Zhang Yi and others are not from this universe and do not belong to his creations, so he cannot blow Zhang Yi and the heroes into ashes in one breath, but this guy who uses meteorites as an equal is not a good person. .

If the other party is really prepared to fight with people like himself, then this battle will destroy more than just an island. It is estimated that the entire universe will not be spared.

Maybe Chuck didn't want to destroy the world, or maybe he wasn't 100% sure that he could defeat so many people in his heart. No matter what the reason was, Chuck didn't show up, and everything was settled.

"How are you sure Chuck won't get involved in this world?" Dean was a little curious.

"This one"

Zhang Yi smiled and looked at Dean and Sam up and down, not knowing what to say.

The two brothers were made uncomfortable by Zhang Yi's sight. Finally, Dean couldn't bear it any longer. He gave Zhang Yi a gentle push and spoke.

"Stop playing riddles, brother, tell me quickly."

Zhang Yi touched his chin and considered his words.

"You know that this world is made of the purest energy. Everything can be traded through appropriate methods."

"I know, soul trading is the devil's favorite thing to do, but what does this have to do with us?"

"The soul is just something you can see. There are also some things that are energy that ordinary people cannot see. Although they are invisible, they are very crucial." Zhang Yi explained.

"Like?" Dean and Sam both pricked up their ears.

"Luck, guys."


Dean and Sam looked at each other, both confused.

Seeing this, Zhang Yi sighed deeply and said.

"Aren't you two curious about one thing? Why have you never been bothered by 'little things' all this time?

Your stolen credit cards always have money. No matter how much trouble you cause, it will be over in two days. Even if you are on TV, there is no real FBI to investigate you. You have never been sick in all these years. "

After hearing the examples given by Zhang Yi, Dean and Sam leaned back at the same time, staring with clear eyes as if they were awakening from a dream, recalling the previous scenes in amazement.

Recalling the past, the past events flashed through their minds like a revolving lantern. At this time, the two finally understood that there were traces that led them to where they are today.

"You, you mean, Chuck gave us, what's the word, good luck rabbit's foot, yes, that's it, Chuck, put the good luck rabbit's foot on us?" Dean asked dryly.

"It can be said that heroes always need some good luck, so that their stories will be more twists and turns and more people will like them." Zhang Yi spread his hands.

Luck is actually very difficult to identify, but it is really difficult for normal people to survive without it.

In the original work, Chuck once showed Sam some images of the future. After the brothers were not protected by Chuck, the two of them experienced various fancy deaths.

The most realistic one is that both of them were infected into vampires during the demon hunting operation, and then were killed by their demon hunter friends who came later.

You know, Dean has not been infected by vampires before. At that time, they relied on the ancestral secret medicine formula to turn Dean back into a human being. If they could do this before, why can't they do it now.

This is 'luck' at work.

"Well, originally I thought those signs would be a little weirder, but I didn't expect that after all this time, I'd never paid attention to such an obvious little thing."

Sam was also a little annoyed. Unlike Dean, he had lived a normal life for a while. If he had paid more attention to this problem at that time, maybe he would have discovered something was wrong.

But there were no ifs. From the moment Dean came to the door, things completely changed. All kinds of troubles came one after another, making him overwhelmed and had no time to think about things that would happen to ordinary people.

"Wait, let me hear what you mean, we are now..." Dean pointed at himself and Sam. He didn't finish what he said, but he believed that Zhang Yi understood what he meant.

"Yes, I can clearly feel that just when I gave you the buff before, your luck has completely disappeared. Of course, what disappeared is additional, and your own luck is still there, but..."

Zhang Yi stretched out his hand and made a gesture.

".a little too little."

Hearing this, both Dean and Sam felt a little chill on their backs.

It's not like they haven't experienced the difference good or bad luck can make. Among the collections kept by their father, John Winchester, is a cursed good-luck rabbit's foot.

That thing can bring great good luck to the person who carries it, and then take it back together with the person's own good luck, using various accidents to take away the user's life.

Dean never wants to experience this kind of experience of drinking cold water that makes his teeth choke again.

So he asked quickly.

"Isn't there a way to solve all this? I'm not saying you have to be very lucky, but at least you can't fall very fast."

"You can rest assured that in your world, there are many ways to increase luck. For example, the Goddess of Luck or the Goddess of Good Luck can give you the luck of an ancient hero."

Zhang Ye murmured thoughtfully, but he changed the topic and smiled slightly.

"However, there is no need to be so troublesome. Like I said, we are friends. As early as when Michael and Lucifer died, I shared their luck with you."

"Really!?" Dean and Sam were overjoyed.

"Of course it's true, and this is what they owe you, isn't it?"

Zhang Yi crossed his arms and said with a chuckle.

Without Chuck's intervention, without the pressure of Michael and Lucifer, the universe is about to embark on an unknown path, and no one knows what will happen next.

However, this is also a good thing for Dean and Sam. Without Chuck staring at them in this parallel universe, the brothers can at least live a good life for a while.

Looking at the two brothers, Zhang Yi took a deep breath and was filled with emotion.

Moreover, even if they encounter any dangerous things in the future, with the two brothers supporting each other, they will definitely be able to overcome it.

As for myself, now it’s time to concentrate on the zombie universe.

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