Black Robe, this work was released from a subsidiary of DC when it was first released.

Perhaps because there is nothing more interesting than spoofing an old club, the author of the original work directly used the Super Seven to compete with DC's Justice League, and added the bad qualities of human nature into it.

All the evils of human nature that you can imagine are interpreted exceptionally well here, even to the point of making readers feel uncomfortable. As a result, the response to this work was not good, and it was canceled after six issues.

Later, the author changed to another platform and directly extended his black hands to Marvel. He created a blood-debt alliance based on the Avengers, as well as G-Men, which corresponded to the X-Men.

The characters in it are still mainly glamorous on the surface but vicious and ugly behind the scenes. Here, it seems that what superpowers bring is not light and hope, but awakens the darkness of human nature.

The theory of the harmfulness of superhuman beings and the distortion of human nature are the main themes of this film.

The TV series adapted for this purpose focus on alluding to reality and satirizing the ugly performance of the Eagle Country environment.

This is Zhang Yi's first impression of the world.

In his previous life, he wasn't particularly interested in this, so he didn't learn much about it.

What Zhang Yi wants to explore at this moment is just the specific connection between this place and the so-called pollution, and how to solve the hidden dangers hidden in the world.

The only gain so far is that this world was born from 'pollution', and pollution is deeply connected with the collective thoughts of high-dimensional existence. Although Zhang Ye has some speculations about this, he still needs to find evidence for the specifics. Just fine.

In addition, there are also IP addresses obtained when contacting Zombie Sentinel for the first time. As Tony Stark said, these virtual addresses may exist in any universe.

Judging from the current state, the probability of this universe should be the highest. This is where Zhang Yi decided to investigate next.

As for now.

Zhang Yi decided to go with the flow first, at least not to let people around him find anything wrong when using this body.

At half past six in the evening, it was already dark.

At the door of Aniya's house, Zhang Yi silently handed over the money and got out of the taxi.

"Zhang Yi, I'm here!"

Just as he stood firm, an enthusiastic voice came into Zhang Yi's mind. Hearing this voice, Zhang Yi smiled, then turned around and said hello.

"You're here quite early, Emma."

As early as the afternoon, Zhang Yi had already used Professor X's power.

The powerful telepathy ability instantly swept the entire country. Now, the name 'Zhang Yi' has been deeply engraved in everyone's spiritual world. Anyone who sees this body will subconsciously shout this name, and Not Zhang Wei or David.

This is not a change in cognition, because Charles' ability affects the mind, not reality. In reality, the identity information of this body is still registered to Zhang Wei, and this cannot be modified.

However, Zhang Yi played a careful trick and changed most people's impressions of this word. Of course, this was only limited to him. From that moment on, anyone who saw this word would change their name. It will all be Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi's purpose for doing this was not just to change a name. What he mainly wanted to test was the use of his superpowers in this world.

Although he now combines the extraordinary abilities of all mutants and countless superheroes, how much power he can exert in this world still depends on the actual application effect.

From the current point of view, the effect is not bad. Except for some extraordinary people with strong combat power or relatively high mental resistance who are not affected, the remaining people basically cannot block Professor X's telepathy at all.

At least judging from Emma's greeting without any sense of violation, her plan was successfully implemented.

Listening to Zhang Ye's response, Emma jumped up to Zhang Ye and said with a smile.

"I just arrived not long ago. By the way, you know, as soon as I called you, I found out that I gained followers again. Now I have completely broken the record of followers gained in a week!"

"Congratulations, I knew you must be in this business." Zhang Yi smiled softly.

"No, I feel like the star of tomorrow is just around the corner. If I become popular in the future, you can come over and be my assistant. I will definitely give you the highest salary."

Emma patted Zhang Yi's shoulder heavily with an expression that said, "I will definitely protect you." Then she looked Zhang Yi up and down, and couldn't help but say.

"Wait a minute, today is a party day, why did you come here dressed like this?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi lowered his head and looked at his clothes. Since he was not a good dresser, he didn't have many clothes in his wardrobe. After changing out of his work clothes, he randomly found a pair of sportswear. .

"What's wrong with this body? It's quite normal."

"Normal?! Normal is wrong brother!" Emma rolled her eyes speechlessly. "You know today is Aniya's birthday, right? Look around, how everyone else is dressed up, and look at you, my God."

Party? Zhang Ye hadn't heard this word in a long time.

Looking around, the young people around are basically wearing high-end casual suits, and there are also some gorgeously dressed girls, who are like social butterflies, exuding hormones.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yi shook his head slightly.

"You know I don't like to participate in such activities, and I haven't even saved next year's tuition yet. I don't have the spare money to do this."

After hearing this, Emma wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to speak.

The two of them had been neighbors for a while when the original person went to live with relatives. Although Zhang Yi later had to move out because of school, this did not affect the relationship between the two.

Emma knew the original person very well. His relatives did take him in at first because they would get subsidies for taking him in. But when he became an adult and had no money, his relatives didn't treat him very well. So done.

Nowadays, the original tuition fees for school are earned by working part-time, so at this point, Emma can also feel the helplessness of the other party.

After a pause, Emma asked softly. "What about Aniya? Isn't she your goddess? If you can get close to her and have some intimate contact with her, you may only have this chance today."

"Forget it, there is still a big difference between dreams and reality. We are not children anymore."

Zhang Yi spread his hands and pointed at himself first.

"A poor boy like me, someone who has nothing to eat but is always worried about how he will survive in the future."

Then Zhang Yi pointed to the huge villa in the manor opposite and continued.

".How can I be worthy of a girl of Aniya's level?"

Looking in the direction of Zhang Yi's finger, Emma also saw the extremely luxurious mansion.

Before, they only knew that Aniya's family was very rich, but they didn't expect that the other party was so rich that he could even free up a villa to hold a birthday party for Aniya.

Listening to Zhang Yi's words, Emma fell silent for a while. Regarding this, she really didn't know how to comfort him.

At this time, Zhang Yi bumped into her slightly. "Don't think about it. The party is about to start. Let's go in. At least we can have a good meal tonight, right?"

Hearing this, Emma laughed. "What you said makes sense. I didn't eat for two days just for this meal."

Following the crowd, Zhang Yi and Emma walked into the villa while talking and laughing.

Along the way, Zhang Yi's attire did attract the attention of many people. After all, for people on this occasion, a sportswear popping out among a group of high-end suits did seem a bit eye-catching.

However, those people just looked at it and looked away, and no one took the initiative to look for trouble.

The reason is not difficult to guess. Firstly, it is because they do not know the details of Zhang Yi, and secondly, the people who can receive the invitation are Aniya's friends, so there is no need for them to be unhappy at this time.

When they were looking at Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi was also looking at them. Perhaps he had a stronger ability to sense extraordinary people. Zhang Yi was surprised to find that there seemed to be many guys with super powers hidden here.

Although there are a lot of extraordinary people in this world, there are not many of them given the large population base. Now that he sees so many here, Zhang Yi can't help but feel a little curious.

After entering the villa, the first thing you hear is the dynamic but not noisy music. This music makes people shake their bodies to the beat, but it is not noisy.

It seems that Aniya's background is definitely not as simple as the original person imagined. In the original person's memory, Aniya is just a young and beautiful school beauty, but judging from the current situation, the energy of her family is probably not low.

At least along the way, Zhang Yi saw a lot of "familiar" people. They were basically guys who often appeared on TV in his memory.

Because young girls can invite so many big names to their birthday parties, it can be seen that this Aniya is far from being as simple as imagined.

As soon as the two entered the door, the greeter at the door noticed the two and immediately came over with a plate.

There were various glasses of champagne on the plate and some napkins.


Emma was not polite, raised her hand and took two glasses, took a sip to taste the taste, and then handed the other glass to Zhang Yi.

"It's not bad, try it."

After silently taking the cup, Zhang Yi did not drink it in a hurry. His eyes looked directly in one direction of the villa after entering.

In other words, he was looking at a person.

A middle-aged man with a full beard and gloomy eyes full of murderous intent.

William Butcher.

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