Putting on a new work uniform, the lamplighter looked at his hands curiously.

Looking at the flames jumping on his palms, he felt for the first time in his life what a real sense of power was. This powerful energy that could destroy everything was many times more powerful than he had been before.

Although he was a little unhappy with Zhang Yi's behavior of directly strengthening his superpower without his consent, the lamplighter had to admit that this power did help him greatly.

The lamplighter still remembers that there was a new student at Godokin University named "Golden Boy". He was called by the media and the school as the person among the younger generation who was most likely to surpass the people of the motherland.

Not to mention the water content of these comments, so many people can support and be willing to brag about this awesomeness. At least it can prove that the other party's superpowers are indeed stronger than ordinary extraordinary people.

And that golden boy's super power is that his whole body bursts into flames like his own now. Although he has never seen him with his own eyes, the lamplighter believes that the other party's fighting ability is far less powerful than his own.

"Your abilities now are much more powerful than before, but it is worth noting that although you are not afraid of fire, the clothes on your body are not made of fire-resistant material." Zhang Yi said casually.

Hearing this, the lamplighter looked at his clothes and nodded silently. "I will pay attention, but I can't guarantee it."

"I don't want to fight side by side with a guy who bursts out of his clothes every time he fights. I will find a way to help him put together a set of high-temperature-resistant suits, but that thing is worth hundreds of millions, so it will be a bit difficult to get it for a while."

Lamplighter is now like a high-level Human Torch, but the problem is that Zhang Yi is not Mr. Fantastic who can find such suitable materials to make high-tech suits.

It would be okay if Zhang Yi came to this universe in person. There are many high-end materials in his magic space, whether it is Asgard's armor or Black Panther's vibranium suit, he can use it at will.

If that doesn't work, Zhang Yi could even lend the Fantastic Four's Human Torch's suit to the Lamplighter. Since the Human Torch has been killed in battle, no one can use his suit.

But it is a pity that due to the special nature of this universe, it was difficult to send those things into this universe before. This also makes it difficult for Zhang Yi to come up with a good way and can only look for materials in this universe.

"What should we do now?" The lamplighter looked at Zhang Yi and asked in a low voice.

"You can find a way to make a backup copy of the information here, and then get me some No. 5 compounds. This kind of thing shouldn't be too difficult for you." Zhang Ye thought for a while and said.

"These are all small things. It has been almost a month since I took up my second job. The people here are very trustworthy of me, but there is one person you should pay attention to."

"Who?" Zhang Yi raised his head.

"Stormfront." The lamplighter said seriously. "You have also seen the woman I sent out before. She is the person in charge of this institute, or in other words, she is the person in charge of the entire Walter."

"I have the impression that she is the wife of the founder of the Vought Group, and she should also be the first person to successfully test superpowers. During the battle, the Vought Group was originally the main force of Germany. They found that the defeat was set and they turned to the other side. America has transformed into a hero-making enterprise."

Zhang Ye thought about the history of Stormfront and Vought Group and continued.

"They helped create the first superhero team in the United States, the 'Blood Debt'. Soldier Boy, Psychic, Bomb Twin, Bugman, Crimson Countess and Black are all their handiwork."

Looking at Zhang Yi in surprise, the lamplighter was surprised that the other party actually knew so many inside stories. You know, some of these things even he couldn't be sure of.

But if you think about it carefully, Zhang Yi has so many superpowers, so it doesn't seem to be a surprise that he can get these inside information.

After a pause, the lamplighter nodded and said. "I also investigated Stormfront behind the scenes. She was active as a free woman in the last century. During the same period as Soldier Boy, the two also created a so-called party of heroes."

"Oh Fake, don't mention that to me." Zhang Yi rubbed his eyebrows, he just felt disgusting.

"Well, at least what I learned is that the Free Girl at that time was only famous for her strong physical fitness and did not reveal her ability to control lightning. This was the main reason why she was ranked as a second- and third-tier hero at the time."

Recalling what Stormfront had just said to himself, the lamplighter continued.

"But now she has changed her name to Storm and is preparing to join the Super Seven. I guess she is ready to stop hiding her superpowers, or she may have some deeper conspiracy."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi also fell into deep thought.

Regarding this Stormfront, Zhang Yi felt that she was quite capable. Although she was a bastard worthy of being cut into pieces, she did have a way of controlling people's hearts.

After the other party joined the Super Seven, it took less than a week for her voice to surpass that of the people of her motherland, and she became the most famous person among the Seven. She also mobilized countless people's reactions and even influenced the general election.

This method, how should I put it, is worthy of an old monster who has lived for more than a hundred years.

After a pause, Zhang Yi narrowed his eyes.

"No matter what conspiracy she has, even if she wants to poke a hole in the sky, as long as she is dead, it won't matter."

Stormfront is a great threat, and her influence on the people of the motherland is even more serious than Madeleine. After her death, the mental state of the people of the motherland became crazy and was always in an unstable state. .

If you want to cut off this connection, then you can't let the two have any contact.

"You want to kill her?" The lamplighter didn't expect Zhang Yi's execution ability to be so strong.

"It's you who wants to kill her." Zhang Yi corrected. "I will help you, but in the end she must die in your hands. After that, I will find a place for you to hide for a while."

"Okay." The lamplighter licked his lips.

When he decided to stand in the same camp as Zhang Yi, he was already ready to fight.

He could not even think about going against the Walter Group before, but it was different now. After seeing the life of his own variant in other universes, he finally made up his mind.

Even if it was just a dream, it didn't matter, at least he had fought for it.

At least, he is living for himself now

Late night, New York Harbor.

The newly joined starlight once again stands together with the deep sea. According to the intelligence of the Walter Group, criminals are about to appear here.

Feeling the night breeze blowing against her face, Xingguang made no secret of her disgust for the deep sea. She didn't even look at the other person.

Deep Sea also noticed Starlight's expression, he smiled and shook his head.

"You're not still thinking about what happened before. Please, it's not even a robe. What's more, you said you admired me, so this is just a normal thing."

"Shut up!" Starlight turned her head angrily. "You forced me to do that, and I asked. You are not the second in command at all, not even the third in command. No one cares about you. You are just a loser who can talk to fish."

Shen Hai's expression froze, a little embarrassed.

No one understands his situation better than him. The reason why the Super Seven let him join is simply because they want to form a "sea, land and air" combination.

There are many people with water-type abilities, but none of them can breathe underwater like him, and can also communicate with underwater creatures, and have eyes all over the ocean.

In a sense, the role of Deep Sea is really not small, but in fact, only Deep Sea knows that what Walter values ​​himself is nothing more than the traffic he can bring. Compared with those powerful ability users, he is nothing. .

"But I'm still your senior, right?" Shenhai said dryly.

"After this operation is over, I hope you can tell Walter to cancel our combination, otherwise, I will burn your eyes out." Starlight looked at this man and felt disgusted. "God knows how I believed your nonsense!"

Deep Sea was startled for a moment, but he quickly reacted and a smile appeared on his face again.

"It's time to act."

After saying that, Shenhai jumped deep into the water, his whole body directly entered the water in a perfect posture, and then disappeared into the sea water.

When Xingguang saw this, she immediately came to her senses and heard the voice behind her. She quickly turned around and waved, suddenly releasing a beam of light from her palm, instantly blasting away the criminal who was about to attack.

The criminal hit the wall hard and fell down. Without paying attention to his situation, Starlight mobilized her superpower again. In an instant, the surrounding lights began to flash rapidly, and her eyes also lit up.

Compared with Xingguang, a superpower, it is basically difficult for ordinary people to resist at all, and they were knocked unconscious by Xingguang in three times.

Several criminals tried to escape, but were blocked by the deep sea that had been waiting here. After a few simple moves, they were all knocked to the ground.

Later, when Xingguang was preparing to continue to fight the enemy, a group of people holding cameras quickly ran over.

A flash of panic and confusion suddenly flashed in Xingguang's eyes, because she had recognized the identities of those people, who were the news team of the Watt Group.

The leader, Ashley, quickly came to Xingguang's side and whispered. "Smile for the camera, and quickly, put your foot on this person and say, 'This feels good.'"

"What?" Xingguang froze on the spot, she still hadn't figured out the current situation.

As for the deep sea not far behind her, he had long been used to it. He even greeted these people and happily asked the photographer if he had taken a picture of his handsome appearance in the water.

Staring at this scene in a daze, Xingguang felt for the first time in his life a sense of personal insult and frustration.

Originally, she really thought she was going to have a superhero action, but she never expected that she would be greeted by another pre-arranged 'script'.

She was not surprised that this operation would be on tomorrow's morning news, but the question was, how many people knew that these so-called criminals were all actors.

Starlight doesn't understand how many people have been deceived by the Walter Group, and she doesn't know how many others have been kept in the dark.

All she knows is that she is getting further and further away from her goal of becoming a superhero.

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