American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

Chapter 476 Trends from all parties

It has the same origin as the universe of evil forces. After Zhang Yi projected his soul into this universe, he knew that this skin was not his best choice.

Although Mr. Zhang Wei can withstand his own soul, it does not mean that this body can adapt to his huge energy.

This can be proven in the battle experiment with the heroes of the Super Seven. After freely switching the abilities of various superheroes, the endurance of this skin has almost reached its limit.

Stretching out his hand, Zhang Yi looked at the scarlet cracks that spread from his palm to his arm with a complicated expression.

Although there had been speculation before, when things actually happened, it was still a bit beyond Zhang Yi's expectations.

Now he finally understood why Lucifer had been fighting hand-to-hand with fists since he was possessed.

It's not that Lucifer doesn't want to flap his wings, but if he moves even slightly, the body will have irreparable cracks, and eventually it will explode into pieces when it reaches its limit.

If this skin is regarded as equipment, then its durability is obviously about to reach its minimum at this time. In order to continue to stay here, Zhang Yi must change to a body that is more suitable for him.

If your guess is correct, similar to the exclusive skins of Lucifer and Michael, Sam and Dean, this world should also have its own exclusive skins.

The problem is, how should I find this skin, and most importantly, even if I find it, how can I convince the other person to let him possess me?

On the other side, the Walter Group has become an ant on the hot pot at this time.

The people of the motherland followed Edgar to attend various press conferences and events. In the face of countless cameras and spotlights, he kept smiling and recited the same script.

In order to reduce the people's malice and panic, the people of the motherland continued to express their theories on the benefits of superhuman beings in front of the camera, and together with Edgar, they blamed Madeleine for the human experiments and the Compound No. 5 incident.

"I really don't want to believe that Madeleine would do such an anti-human thing in private."

Facing the camera, the corners of the motherland's smiling mouth are constantly trembling.

"This is an extreme incident, and even I can't accept it. I can understand all people's actions, because this is what you should do. She did something outrageous, and she deserves this end."

The pupils were a little frozen, and the motherland stared blankly at the spotlight without blinking, while his mouth continued to talk.

"I had always thought Madeleine was my role model and the future of Vought Group, but the fact is, she deceived me."

"Regarding Compound No. 5, after we discovered what Madeleine had done, we took immediate measures to prevent the situation from becoming more serious. Please believe us."

"Finally, I want to say..."

After a pause, the motherland took a deep breath.

"Madeline has been taken into custody, and Congress will give an answer to the detailed results."

After speaking, the motherland man staggered, took two steps back, and walked off the stage.

At this time, the reporters below all rushed forward and kept asking their own questions, hoping that the people of the motherland would respond.

"Is Madeleine really the mastermind behind everything?"

"Excuse me, why is Madeleine able to secretly carry out so many crimes? Is there anyone else behind her?"

"Is there anyone else like Madeleine in the Walter Group?"

"Excuse me. Madeleine."

"Please Madeleine."



The flash of the camera kept flashing in the sight of the motherland, and his whole mind froze. Looking at the face staring at him tensely, the motherland suddenly felt suffocated.

As a life poured out of a test tube at an early age, the people of the motherland have no father or mother. The only things that have accompanied him since childhood are cold machines and white coats.

Those experimenters would not care too much for him. For the scientists of the Watt Group, the people of the motherland were not their 'children', but their most perfect 'works'.

But equally, the people of the motherland are also their worst failures.

Precisely because he did not receive enough care in childhood, scientists suddenly discovered that this superhuman who came out of the laboratory obviously had invincible fighting power, but he had lost his most basic humanity.

The people of the motherland are highly individualistic and extremist. He does not care about human life or other people, because his character is twisted and extremely violent. This may also prove a saying - children without parents can do anything.

For a native of the motherland, when he grows up, the only person who can bring him mother-like care may be Ms. Madeleine.

Although the people of the motherland do things recklessly, no matter how big a mess he makes, Madeleine will always care for him and protect him, and use the most caring love to influence him, making him feel like home for the first time.

but now.

Everything has changed.

In order to keep the Vought Group, to keep the Super Seven, and at the same time to keep his current status.

The motherland must stand in front of the stage, cut off the relationship between himself and Madeleine, recite the manuscript Edgar prepared for him, and use the most ruthless words to read out Madeleine's 'crimes' one by one. .

He even had to watch Madeleine being investigated for unfounded charges, while he himself could do nothing because he knew that once he took action, everything would be catastrophic.

The surrounding voices became quieter and quieter, and the smiles on the faces of the motherland also faded, and finally turned into insincere bitterness.

Looking at the reporters who rushed forward one by one to continue asking questions, the people of the motherland felt a surge of anger and murderous intent in their hearts for no reason.

Fortunately, Edgar stood up to the speaking table in time and spoke calmly.

"The people of the motherland are also human beings. Madeleine's betrayal has deeply hurt him. I hope everyone can give the people of the motherland some trust and time. I will respond to the next questions."

One thing I have to admit is that Edgar's aura is really incredible. From the moment he came on stage and spoke, the entire audience's attention was attracted to him.

When the reporters below saw this, they also shifted their focus. They all got in front of Edgar and kept repeating the questions they just posted, indicating that Edgar could give some responses.

The people of the motherland no longer knew what happened next. He walked out of the press room in confusion and left here step by step.

The motherland man didn't even remember how he returned to the Watt Building. He came to Madeleine's office and slowly sat down at the desk where Madeleine was sitting before.

The clenched fists trembled slightly, and the expression of the motherland gradually became ferocious. His facial features gathered together, and the whole person roared silently, and two lines of hot tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

He doesn't understand what's going on with this world.

Why did everything change in an instant.

Every time, every time when he thought the world would get better and better, all kinds of bad things would happen that would make him exhausted mentally and physically.

But this time, without any warning, the people who loved him collectively protested against him. Even if he was not careful, he would fall from his position as the most outstanding hero in the world.

He was not sure how long he could hold on. Without Madeleine, the people of the motherland were once again confused. For the first time, he tasted the feeling of losing his family. This indescribable feeling tortured his heart all the time.

at the same time.

At the secret airport prepared by Colonel Mallory for Butcher and others, Butcher also met the 'teammates' recommended to him by Zhang Yi as he wished.

"oi, I believe you must be the Cindy Zhang Yi mentioned."

Seeing the short-haired woman in the lead, Bucher smiled and greeted her, but his vigilance did not lower at all.

"it's me."

Cindy nodded silently. Behind him, a group of superpowers who escaped from the Sage Grove Lunatic Asylum were here.

"You can also call me Master of Thoughts."

In addition to Lamplighter, Cash, Rancher, Alex and Su are all on this list. In order to better act, Lamplighter gave each of them a code name, which allows them to hide their information and at the same time, Also allows others to quickly discern their abilities.

After being strengthened by Zhang Yi, these people's super powers have been greatly improved.

Cash's code name is Jet, which represents his ability to fly and levitate. Rancher's code name is Poison Dart Frog. All the liquids he sprays now have a corrosive effect.

Alex's code name is Shaker, and his strength and physical fitness have been greatly enhanced. Su's code name is Electromagnetic Girl, but her abilities have not changed much.

"Master of Tsk Thoughts"

Nodding silently, Butcher looked back at his teammates. From their eyes, Butcher could feel the deep speechlessness.

It is rare for people in their profession to be synonymous with such a "hero".

Looking back, Butcher grinned.

"Then just call me butcher."

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