American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

Chapter 556 The ruined Asgard!

Miss Time was right. The location of Zhang Yi and others at this time was much closer to the Asgard realm than they imagined.

Although in the real world, most people think that Asgard is a planet, and the Asa clan led by Odin are a group of extremely powerful aliens.

But in fact, they are indeed real 'gods', but the only difference is that compared with those gods that are naturally born from faith, these Nordic gods are more 'human'.

This point can be seen in obvious differences when comparing the gods of Olympus or Egypt and other gods in earth legends.

Be it Egyptian gods, Zeus and other gods, they are all aloof and rarely appear in front of people. Even in modern society, it is difficult to find temples dedicated to them on the earth.

Perhaps this is the difference between the gods. Since Odin and his ancestors fought in the universe and unified the nine realms, they are determined to move their own dimension to the real universe to better create civilizations in the universe. connect.

It is precisely because of the connection of the nine realms that Asgard has a much closer connection with the earth. Not only Thor, but even Loki would often sneak to the earth through the space rift between dimensions when he was young. play.

Slowly, as Asgardians established connections with many civilizations in the real world and universe, the gods who looked down on mortals also gave birth to human compassion and kindness.

Although Asgard still claims to be gods, their interactions with civilizations are no longer between superiors facing inferiors. They even sometimes go to other planets to buy supplies, and live like an ordinary advanced civilization. Same.

The Asgard Divine Realm has also become the most coveted place in the eyes of most civilizations in the universe.


In the past battle, the Asgard Divine Realm and the Nine Realms were all exiled to the back of reality. They smashed the mirror dimension and were lost in the turbulence of space. Even the border of hell was greatly affected.

When a divine realm suffered a devastating blow, it was too late for the other gods to hide. None of the divine realms such as Egypt, Greece, etc. could escape. They were all expelled by the black magic that gathered several of the most powerful wizards and villains.

The power from the ancient God of Darkness is far beyond what these 'young' gods can contend with. With the help of the Book of Darkness, Red Skull and others made many jaw-dropping operations back then.

Based on the data detected by Miss Time through the remaining Rainbow Bridge energy around them, Zhang Yi and others quickly found a route to the Asgard Divine Realm.

It is surprising to say that Odin, who drives the Rainbow Bridge, only sent these two escape ships out of the dimension. Maybe his goal is to help these refugees pass through the turbulence of space and then return to the real world.

But unfortunately, it failed, and it failed completely. The two escape ships ran aground before they left the Asgard domain. The energy of the Rainbow Bridge did not last long before it was directly torn to pieces by the turbulence of space.

Perhaps even Odin can't determine how far away Asgard is from the real world.

Zhang Yi didn't know the hidden secrets and the truth. He only knew that when the Hogwarts Express crashed into the space barrier and plunged into the Asgard domain, everyone on the car was stunned by the sight before them. .

Passing through layers of thick invisible clouds, the dilapidated scene of God's Realm gradually became clear.

The twilight of the gods has long enveloped Asgard.

The fragments of the sun chariot and the moon chariot were suspended in the sky, and the wreckage was covered with golden blood. It was the blood of the gods, but at this time the blood was no longer fresh, and there was not even half of the divine power on it.

The endless cold winter has lasted for who knows how long, and the biting north wind has blown up goose-like snow that fills this small world.

Asgard's splendid Asgard has collapsed, and a terrifying and ferocious crack spread from the gate of the Asgard to the end of the line of sight, as if the Asgard realm was divided into two halves.

"Gods above."

Billy Batson shuddered. He had obtained the power of the Olympus gods. I am afraid that no one among the people present could understand the cruelty here better than him.

It was hard to imagine what kind of disaster had happened here. Even he, who had experienced the Apokolips War, was shocked and speechless by this scene.

You know, this is the realm of gods. Unlike the earth, where most of the people are weak and ordinary people, this is a world where gods live.

If even Odin, known as the god of war, kingship and death, could not stop the opponent, it was difficult for Billy to imagine what would happen to the Olympus gods in this universe.

After swallowing hard, Billy lay on the window and looked at the scene under his feet, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"It seems that our speculation is correct. Asgard is now a piece of history." Coming to Billy's side, Zhang Yi patted his shoulder.

The tragic scene clearly awakened Billy's sadness of losing his family. Zhang Yi comforted him, but at the same time he didn't feel any better.

It's one thing to speculate in your mind, but another thing to actually happen.

Seeing Asgard's current state, Zhang Yi felt very uncomfortable, as if something was blocking him, making him feel very uncomfortable.

The atmosphere inside the locomotive suddenly fell silent. Although they did not understand these things very well, Zhiduoxing and Jushentong did not speak to break the silence. They just slowly controlled the train towards the ground.

The ground in Asgard was covered with solid ice and covered with a thick layer of snow. The train sank directly into it when it tried to touch the ground. The snow layer was more than two meters deep.

The green flames ignited from the void, and with their tyrannical power, the snowfield was instantly cleared of a vacuum. After finishing this, Zhang Ye slowly opened the car door.

"Although this place looks dilapidated, it is God's Domain after all, and it is a battlefield. I cannot guarantee that there is no danger here, so you must be careful when moving."

Zhang Yi turned around and looked at Billy Batson seriously.

"Billy, the three of you work together to protect Franklin and Valeria."

"Leave it to me." Billy patted his chest. Although ten Billys tied together would not be Franklin's opponent in terms of combat power alone, Billy's heroic career of several years was no joke.

He has much more experience than the two young geniuses in front of him. With his care, Zhang Yi can feel a little more at ease.

With a slight nod, Zhang Yi turned around and floated up, flying above the snowfield, looking far away, trying to find some familiar existence.

It has obviously been a long time since Ragnarok, and most of the traces of the battle are shrouded in ice and snow, but there are still many clues that are still vaguely visible.

Half of the remains of the Asgard battleship leaked out of the ice. The huge aircraft was in tatters, and there were dark traces on the outside of the metal, as if it had been corroded by some kind of energy.

Silently walking to the side of the battleship, looking at the ice-covered exterior, Zhang Yi raised his hand and wiped it on the glass of the battleship's console, clearing away the frozen snow and revealing the situation inside.

Looking inside through the transparent window, I saw an Asgardian soldier with a frightened face on the bridge, staring out the window intently, and happened to make eye contact with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi frowned and subconsciously took two steps away.

"It has been devoured of all its divine power and vitality again. What kind of monster would do such a thing?"

(My lord, I must remind you that you have always relied on this method to improve your combat effectiveness)

"But I still have reason and control. I will not slaughter those supernatural beings just because I want to devour power, let alone harm these gods." Zhang Yi said slowly.

Hearing this, Miss Time also quite agreed.

(You are right. It seems that our monster has a really big appetite. You must know that the power of the Asa clan increases with age. Although Odin is very weak, the huge divine power in his body is It’s the real deal.)

"Have you found Odin's location?" Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows.

Upon hearing Zhang Ye's question, Miss Time immediately answered.

(In the center of the Immortal Palace, you can find Him by following the crack. He is at the source of the crack.)

After getting the answer, Zhang Yi didn't dwell on this place, and took action directly, flying towards his target position.

Flying along the cracks, more and more wreckage and corpses came into Zhang Yi's field of vision. They were scattered throughout the fairy palace, wrapped in white snow like embellishments.

One of the corpses caught Zhang Yi's attention. It was a god who was crucified on the cliff of the Immortal Palace. Although the corpse was dead, he still held a broken sword tightly in his hand. Unfortunately, his eyes had been damaged. Poached away.

"Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard, not only possesses divine power, but even his eyes are spared by that thing."

Zhang Yi gritted his teeth. These gods were originally able to protect the wasteland universe, but now, they died inexplicably at the end of the dimension.

Even if it weren't for themselves, no one would be able to discover their bodies.

(Although I don’t know who the murderer is, what I am sure of is that that guy came for Asgard’s divine power.)

Slowly landing at the end of the crack, Zhang Yi finally saw Odin, the king of gods in the wasteland universe.

It was an old man who had been dead for a long time but still maintained his ruddy complexion.

At this moment, Odin was like an old man taking a lunch break. He closed his eyes kindly, as if he would wake up at any time, and then made a cup of hot tea with a smile.

But Zhang Ye understood that Odin was not an old man, nor was he that kind.

Moreover, He will never have a chance to wake up again

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