American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 001 I have traveled through time, but there is still no system? !

(Brain storage - lost -)


Dong, dong, dong, dong...

The crisp sound of hammering rang out in the small and dim cave.

At this time, Tony Stark was staring at the steel helmet he was hammering with a serious look, his eyes were firm as if he was ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

"Hurry up, they will get suspicious if you delay too long." Dr. Ethan reminded in a low voice.

Tony Stark didn't answer but just accelerated the hammering speed.

Just as the two were racing against time, a voice suddenly sounded behind them: "Excuse me, where is this?"

The moment the voice sounded, Tony Stark and Dr. Ethan were stunned.

The two of them froze and stopped their actions at the same time.

For a while, the cave was so quiet that you could even hear the sound of rapid breathing.

It was unknown how long it took for Tony Stark to turn around stiffly, and then he realized that the person who spoke was actually a teenager who looked like he had just reached adulthood.

Tony Stark looked at the boy warily and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you?!"

The boy answered politely: "Hello, my name is Luo Bai."

Tony Stark did not let down his guard, but continued to ask: "Are you in the same group with them?!"

Luo Bai showed a little confusion on his face, and couldn't help asking: "Who are they?!"

"Those terrorists outside." Tony Stark said, his eyes sharper.

Luo Bai was stunned and denied immediately: "Of course not, do I look like a terrorist?!"

"Then how did you get in?!" Tony Stark continued to ask.

Luo Bai was silent for a while.

After a moment, he asked with a little hesitation: "I want to say...I appeared out of thin air like this...Do you believe it?"

Tony Stark: "???"

Ethan: "???"


Luo Bai did not lie, he really appeared out of thin air.

It's just that he didn't appear out of thin air with any magic or other abilities, but...traveled through time.

Can you believe that he traveled through time when he just went downstairs to pick up a package, and he didn't get into a car accident or fall into the sewer? !

In fact, Luo Bai didn't believe that he traveled through time at first.

After all, as a top student of Peking University and Tsinghua University, he has always believed in science.

It wasn't until he found that the sloppy uncle standing opposite him looked like the actor who played "Iron Man" Tony Stark in the Marvel movie, and said something about "terrorists" that Luo Bai had to doubt that he traveled through time.

As a loyal audience of Marvel movies, he was too familiar with this scene. This is clearly the plot of "Iron Man 1"!

Tony Stark was attacked by terrorists and captured in a cave, and finally created the steel armor...

At this time, wasn't the sloppy uncle holding the steel helmet? !

Realizing that he really traveled to the Marvel world, Luo Bai was so depressed.

Anyone who knows a little about the Marvel world knows that this is not a normal urban world.

What terrorist attacks and gangster robberies are just small scenes in this world. After all, there are many disasters like alien invasions here.

Luo Bai is a fragile college student who has never touched a gun. How to live here is secondary.

What he needs to consider now is... how should he escape from the cave! !



"Don't they say that time travelers have plug-ins?! Where is my plug-in?!"

Luo Bai was shouting in his heart.

It seems that seeing that he has been silent and his expression is still very ferocious, Tony Stark finally couldn't help asking: "Are you, are you okay?!"

Fortunately, Luo Bai's English is good, so it is not too difficult to communicate.

"I don't feel very good." Luo Bai replied frustratedly.

"No one will feel good after being caught here." Tony Stark smiled bitterly.

Without waiting for Luo Bai to speak, he continued to ask: "You just said that you appeared out of thin air, what does that mean?!"

Luo Bai didn't know how to explain his time travel, so he could only answer helplessly: "This matter is very complicated, and I can't explain it."

"Can't explain it?!" Tony Stark asked back, with a bit of doubt in his tone.

In fact, Luo Bai had already felt his hostility and knew the reason.

Tony Stark was captured by terrorists and brought to the cave. It was normal for him to doubt Luo Bai's identity after experiencing inhuman treatment.

But if he wanted to leave here, Luo Bai needed Tony Stark's help.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai hurriedly explained: "Although my identity is a little suspicious, I am definitely not in the same group with those terrorists."

"How do you prove it?" Tony Stark asked.

"No need to prove it. If I were a terrorist, you would be dead now, right?" Luo Bai asked back.

Tony Stark didn't say anything, but it was not difficult to see from the expression on his face that he had relaxed his vigilance.

"Okay, you convinced me. If you are not a terrorist, why are you here? This is not a good place." Tony Stark asked again.

Luo Bai replied helplessly: "Actually, I don't really want to come here."

He came here directly after crossing over, and he had no choice.


"Tony, we are running out of time."

Tony Stark seemed to want to say something, but Dr. Ethan interrupted him.

Considering that they really didn't have much time now, Tony Stark didn't ask any more questions. After suppressing many doubts in his heart, he continued to knock on the steel helmet in his hand.

Seeing that Tony Stark didn't doubt him anymore, Luo Bai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But he didn't completely relax at this time, because he knew that he still had a "tough battle" to fight next.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai complained in his heart again: "Please, I am a time traveler, I don't really have a system?! No way, no way??!"

He called in his heart for about a minute.

It wasn't until Tony Stark finished the system and the sound didn't sound that Luo Bai finally confirmed that he really didn't have a system.

This made him a little desperate, but what made him even more desperate was.

At this time, the terrorists seemed to have noticed the abnormality in the cave.

The cave, which was originally quite quiet, was filled with heavy door banging and cursing, and from time to time, even the warning sound of guns and cannons could be heard.

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