American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 015: Got the Time Stone already? !

Luo Bai knew that it was difficult to defeat an opponent when there was a huge difference in strength, but this did not mean that there was no way at all.

Although the mages of Kamar-Taj liked to use melee magic very much...

But please, why would he fight melee when he was already a mage? !

Magic should look like magic, thinking of this, Luo Bai stopped attacking.

Seeing him suddenly stop attacking, Mordo asked in surprise: "Why did you stop?! You can't have only mastered this one magic?!"

Luo Bai shook his head and said: "Of course not."

After that, he cast the magic again, and Mordo finally understood that he was using the magic of fetching.

The magic of fetching includes some basic principles of space magic, which is similar to the portal but slightly different.

Mordo did not stop him.

After all, in his opinion, even if Luo Bai really fetched something, it would be difficult to beat him.

Moreover, this competition was to see whether Luo Bai really mastered all the basic magic, and the magic of fetching was also one of the basic magic.

At this time, Mordo was even more curious about how far Luo Bai could use the magic of fetching.

"Retrieval magic?! For a mage, a good magic weapon can help the mage win the battle, which is a very smart approach. But with your current ability, you can't control many magic weapons." Mordo said with a smile.

This is not a mockery, but the truth.

There are indeed many treasures in the Marvel world.

Some powerful treasures can even instantly improve a person's strength.

But the more powerful the treasure, the more powerful it usually requires to master it.

Let alone whether the magic weapon Luo Bai took is really powerful, whether he can control it is the key to the problem.

Luo Bai naturally knows this.

So even he himself doesn't know what he will take, it's all up to fate.

If he wants to defeat Mordo, he can only use the magic weapon.

He actually has some understanding of the magic weapons in the Marvel world.

For example, the Infinity Stones are very powerful magic weapons.

But it is very difficult to control the power of the Infinity Stones.

Even Thanos had a hard time using the Power Stone, not to mention Luo Bai's small body now, it is estimated that he can't use it well.

There was really no need to risk one's life for a small competition. After realizing this, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​getting the Infinity Stones.

The magic of taking objects requires imagining the location of the artifact in the mind, so that the space door can be opened to accurately get the treasures that one wants.

However, due to the short time, Luo Bai could not think of any other artifacts besides the Infinity Stones that could help him turn the tide of the battle, so he could only obey the arrangement of the goddess of luck.

The magic unfolded, and Luo Bai put his hand into the space door.

At this time, Mordo did not realize that the next situation would exceed his expectations.

"In fact, there are many very good magic weapons in Kamar-Taj, I can... Shit...??!"

Mordo originally wanted to say that there were many magic weapons in the magic weapon room of Kamar-Taj.

If Luo Bai really needed it, he could take some out for him to use temporarily without so much trouble.

As a result, a hammer appeared in Luo Bai's hand the next second. It was... Thor's Hammer? !

In an instant, Mordo was stunned.

He, who has always been rigorous, couldn't help but swear.

It's not his fault, it's because he was too speechless.

Thor's hammer is the weapon of Thor, the son of Odin!

How did Luo Bai get it? !

"How did you get Thor's hammer?!" Mordo exclaimed, and his square face was instantly frightened into a melon-seed face.

Kamar-Taj detects all the movements of the earth, and there are many books in the library that record the knowledge of the earth and even the multiverse.

Mordo couldn't have been unaware of what Thor's hammer is.

That's a hammer made of a star, and it is also endowed with the power of Odin, the father of the gods! !

How can Luo Bai fight with this thing? !

What's the difference between asking him to fight Odin? !

Mordo was stunned.

Luo Bai was also stunned.

He was a little surprised, but more surprised.

Yes, how could he forget that there was Thor's hammer!

This thing has the bonus of Odin's spell, and no one who is not recognized by Thor's hammer can lift it.

This means that as long as it is recognized, it is easy to pick up Thor's hammer.

The most important thing is that this thing is quite powerful!

With the power of Odin, Mordo can control the little wizards one by one!

Looking at the Thor's hammer in his hand, Luo Bai has confidence.

"You can continue." Luo Bai said with a smile.


Mordo was silent, and the silence was deafening.

After a moment, Mordo complained: "This thing is made of stars. It's just a competition. There is no need to be so serious, right?!"

"I just want to prove that I have mastered basic magic." Luo Bai shrugged and spoke helplessly.

Mordo smiled and responded with a slightly embarrassed tone: "You are indeed very skilled in mastering it."

My Vishanti.

Thor's hammer is Thor's exclusive weapon!

Thor is in Asgard, which is completely different from the earth!

Not to mention how Luo Bai got Thor's hammer, if he wants to get this thing, Luo Bai must master cross-dimensional space magic!

That's not elementary magic, it's advanced space magic.

Many mages in Kamar-Taj who have practiced for four or five years may not succeed, but this guy has only practiced for such a short time and he has reached Asgard? !

"How did you do it? You have mastered the cross-dimensional acquisition in such a short time?!" Mordo couldn't help asking.

He was not the only one who was surprised at this time, Gu Yi was also surprised.

The two made such a big noise outside the main hall, and Gu Yi was not deaf, so he naturally knew it.

She didn't show up because she wanted to see how much Luo Bai had mastered magic.

But she didn't expect that Luo Bai could do so in such a short time.

"It seems that the future is not wrong, he is really the Supreme Mage." Gu Yi opened his eyes wide, with surprise in his eyes.

It was incredible, but Gu Yi believed it.

The future was not wrong, she was wrong.

Thinking of this, Gu Yi walked out and interrupted the two people's discussion: "Luo Bai, come in. Mordo, you wait outside the door."

Gu Yi's sudden arrival surprised both of them.

Luo Bai was a little puzzled, but Mordo was more fortunate.

Fortunately, the Supreme Mage saved him and saved his face.

Otherwise, if he, a great wizard, was defeated by a novice wizard, how would he teach the newcomers in the future?

Mordo immediately responded gratefully: "Yes, Supreme Wizard."

Then he stood aside and waited obediently.

Luo Bai walked into the temple again, with a puzzled expression.

"What's the matter, Supreme Wizard?!" Luo Bai asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Yi took off the magic weapon from his neck and handed it to him, saying: "This is the Eye of Agamotto. You must promise me that from now on, you will protect it with your life."


Luo Bai was very puzzled.

Isn't this the Time Stone? !

Gu Yi actually gave it to him? !

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