American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 018: Vishandi comes personally to bless you?

Although Luo Bai understood the theory and had a certain foundation.

However, because he had practiced for too short a time, the magic energy in his body was not too strong.

Most of the white magic in "The Book of Vishandi" requires strong magic energy to control, which adds a lot of difficulty to his practice.

The first magic that Luo Bai learned was called "The Journey of Akern".

Its function is to split into countless selves and release magic at the same time, and each clone has the same strength as the original body.

The stronger the magic energy contained in the body, the more clones there will be.

After several days of practice, Luo Bai was barely able to split into 2 clones.

Although he learned fast enough, energy storage is really a thing that can't be rushed.

Unless he can get the blessing of Vishandi or those ancient gods.

The so-called blessing, in simple terms, is to give power.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to get a blessing.

There is a description on the last page of the book.

In simple terms.

You must at least have the ability to enter the Supreme Dimension, and then those ancient gods will notice you.

Otherwise, why would someone bless you for no reason?

But with Luo Bai's current strength, it is impossible to enter the Supreme Dimension.

There is no way, I can only do it slowly.

Luo Bai sighed and was about to practice magic again.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly lit up between his pupils and covered his eyes.

Before he could react, he felt as if he had fallen into a chaos.

At the end of the chaos was a golden light.

In the golden light, three huge heads appeared in front of him.

The three heads were like a mountain, so big that Luo Bai couldn't even see their full appearance.

The sudden change made Luo Bai a little at a loss.

Although he didn't know what was in front of him... but Luo Bai could still feel the oppression... a strong sense of oppression.

For a moment, Luo Bai even forgot to think.

Until a voice sounded in his ears: "Extraordinary talent, rare to see."

Another voice sounded immediately: "Child, you have an extraordinary future."

Another voice echoed: "You deserve to be blessed."

Three heads, said three different sentences.

In the moment when he finished speaking and even before Luo Bai came to his senses, the golden light became brighter and brighter, so bright that it hurt his eyes.

Luo Bai subconsciously closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the three heads disappeared, and the strange space disappeared with them.

He returned to the dormitory, the simple dormitory of Kamar-Taj.

Everything seemed like a dream, but Luo Bai clearly felt that he was much more unobstructed, as if someone had forcibly transmitted a wave of magic energy, and the magic energy in his body was greatly increased.

This is... blessing! !

Good guy! !

He was actually blessed by Vishandi? !

Vishandi is not an ancient god, but a collective name for three ancient gods.

The three ancient gods are the almighty Osit, the all-seeing Agamotto, and the old Hogs.

The three of them form the trinity of gods, Vishanti.

So in Luo Bai's memory, the image of Vishanti is three human heads.

The three heads combined with what they said.

Luo Bai can be 100% sure that he is blessed! ! !

He originally thought that to get the blessing of Vishanti, at least he had to wait until he had the ability to enter the "Supreme Dimension".

Unexpectedly, he was chased by Vishanti and blessed? !

Luo Bai was so excited.

Feeling the powerful energy in his body, he couldn't wait to start training.

At the same time.

In the main hall, the Ancient One, who was sitting in meditation and wandering in the multiverse, suddenly opened his eyes.

Kamar-Taj was created by the Ancient One, or it can be said that Kamar-Taj is her dimensional space.

This also means that anything that happens in Kamar-Taj, she can be aware of it at the first time.

Even if others didn't notice the abnormality of Kamar-Taj just now, she could feel it, because she was too familiar with it.

That was a blessing, a blessing from Vishanti.

The blessing was on Kamar-Taj.

And Vishanti came here specially.

Even without asking specifically, Gu Yi could guess that the object of the blessing could only be Luo Bai.

"It's incredible that Vishanti came here specially to bless." Gu Yi couldn't help but sigh.

In her impression, such ancient gods have never taken the initiative to bless.

Not to mention taking the initiative to bless.

Those who can get the blessing of Vishanti are usually those who have gone through trials, that is, those who have entered the "Supreme Dimension".

But this time Vishanti actually came here on his own initiative? !

"It seems that his talent alarmed Vishanti." Gu Yi muttered again.

Vishanti is in charge of all white magic. Once someone learns white magic, they will know it, after all, the power is "borrowed" from them.

I guess they must have noticed that Luo Bai's talent was too strong, so they came to bless him.

It makes sense, but it was unexpected.

But it's okay.

With the blessing of Vishandi, Luo Bai can grow faster, and she can leave with peace of mind soon.

Just thinking about it, Mordo came over.

"Supreme Mage." Mordo shouted as soon as he entered the door.

"Is there anything?!" Gu Yi asked

Modo nodded and answered very seriously: "A group of people dressed very strangely came to Kathmandu, and now they are asking everywhere about the location of Kamar-Taj. They seem to have bad intentions."

Ancient One didn't say anything, but he already understood in his heart.

It should be Thor who came.

It is said that the god of thunder has a bad temper, just like Odin in the past.

It is normal that he came after Luo Bai took his hammer.

"Supreme Sorcerer, do you need me to deal with it?" Seeing that she didn't speak, Mordo asked again.

Ancient One shook his head and said, "Don't worry, they will go back if they can't find it. If they don't go back, I will go and see."

It is not easy to find Kamar-Taj.

If Ancient One doesn't want to, it will be even more difficult.

So Thor searched for three full days in Kathmandu, but couldn't even find a door.

"Thor, are we wrong?!"

"I feel like we have asked all the people in the city, but no one knows where Kamar-Taj is. Could it be that this place does not exist at all?!"

"Heimdall should not be wrong!"

"But didn't he also say that he couldn't see who took the hammer, and could only roughly guess that it came from Kamar-Taj?!"

"It's really strange. Heimdall has an eye that can perceive everything, so how could there be a place that he can't see?!"

Thor's friends were talking about it, but Thor was very annoyed at this time.

"I've been looking for three days! Three whole days! I didn't even find a door?! Is there really such a ghost place?!" Thor complained loudly.

For an earth, there is actually a place they can't find? !

Why does he feel that this place doesn't exist at all.

"In the nine realms, the earth is already the weakest existence. I don't think there is any so-called magic holy land in this place. I think we should go back, Thor." One of the friends complained.

Although unwilling.

But after searching for so long and still not finding it, Thor believes that there should be no "magic holy land" on earth at all.

There was no choice but for Thor to go back cursing.

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