American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 021 Does that mean I have to pay for it? !

Steal? !

Mage? !

After extracting a few key words, the woman asked hurriedly: "So you are not sent by the Mutant Association to arrest me?! You are the owner of this villa?!"

Luo Bai did not answer, but asked back: "Do you think you are qualified to ask me any questions now?!"

Breaking into someone else's house without the owner's consent, and not being able to beat the owner of the room.

From the current situation, the woman is indeed not qualified to ask questions.

Seeming to have finally seen the current situation clearly, the woman hurriedly apologized and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, just ask anything you want to ask."

Luo Bai put his hands behind his back, looked at the woman and asked: "You just mentioned the 'Mutant Association', so you are a mutant?!"

The woman nodded and answered sincerely: "Yes."

"What's your name and why are you in my house?" Luo Bai asked again.

The woman was finally able to explain at this time.

"My name is Lorna Dane. I'm really not a thief. I think you must have misunderstood."

"I know it's wrong for me to break into your house, but I really have no choice. I hid in your house to avoid being hunted."

"I just want to hide in your house for two days and then leave. I really didn't steal anything. You can check the room, really!"

Lorna Dane explained with sincerity in her eyes.

Hearing her name and combining her appearance, Luo Bai knew she was not lying.

Lorna Dane, a mutant.

Nickname, North Star.

She is the daughter of Magneto and inherited her father's ability to control magnetic fields and create magnetic fields.

The most iconic thing is the long green hair.

Mutant, long green hair.

Luo Bai has roughly confirmed in his heart that the woman in front of him is indeed North Star.

Combined with her explanation just now, it is not difficult to guess what happened.

In the Marvel world, the social status of mutants has always been very low.

Mainly because mutants have very powerful abilities, and such abilities threaten humans, so governments everywhere are very repulsive to mutants.

The government has no way to kill powerful mutants, so it can only manage them, so the [Mutant Association] appeared.

[Mutant Association] is an organization specifically responsible for managing mutants.

They will capture mutants and then control them. The so-called control is actually surveillance and research.

So once they are captured by the [Mutant Association], the mutants will inevitably face torture worse than death.

Because of this, most mutants are unwilling to be captured.

After all, who wants to be tortured?

Polaris must be the same.

In order to avoid being arrested, Polaris accidentally broke into her villa.

Seeing that there was no one in the villa, she wanted to stay for two days and leave when it was safe.

Unexpectedly, by chance, she ran into Luo Bai coming back.

Reasonable, but unforgivable.

"Although you may have broken in unintentionally, it is wrong to break into someone else's house without permission. And you actually took a shower in my house?! You are really not polite!" Luo Bai couldn't help complaining.

Polaris felt a little embarrassed and said hurriedly: "In order to avoid being caught, I haven't taken a shower for a long time... So I borrowed the bathroom for a while, I'm really sorry."

"If apologies are useful, what do we need the police for?!" Luo Bai frowned and continued to question.

Hearing him say the word "police", Polaris became a little anxious.

"You can punish me, you can do whatever you want me to do. But please don't hand me over to the police!! Once they find out that I am a mutant, I will be handed over to the Mutant Association!" Polaris said anxiously.

Seeing her like this, Luo Bai said in a deep voice: "You still made a request?! You know, your current behavior, even if I shoot you, is legitimate defense!"

According to the laws of the United States.

The homeowner can indeed shoot criminals who break into the house for robbery, which is reasonable and legal.

Polaris obviously understands it too.

"If you really want to kill me, I can accept it. But please don't hand me over to the Mutant Association." Polaris said.

From her words, we can see how scared she is of the "Mutant Association". She would rather die than be captured by the "Mutant Association".

But think about it, it's better to die directly than to be tortured to death.

There has always been a saying: A gentleman can be killed, but not humiliated.

Luo Bai can understand what she means.

Her apology attitude is sincere, and she is a girl.

Although Luo Bai was annoyed that she broke into his villa without permission, he didn't hate her enough to kill her.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai took back the crimson chain and cancelled the mirror space.

The surroundings quickly returned to normal.

Seeing that he didn't continue to attack, Polaris asked with some surprise: " won't kill me?"

"Your behavior is hateful, but considering that you are a first-time offender and have excusable circumstances, I won't be cruel." Luo Bai said.

"Thank you." Polaris thanked him quickly.

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Bai continued: "But I don't plan to let you go just like that."

Polaris was stunned, and her expression instantly became nervous.

"Are you still going to hand me over to the police?" Polaris asked.

Without waiting for Luo Bai to speak, she continued: "Please don't do this. In fact, we mutants are not as bad as advertised!"

"Since I can remember, I have been hunted down. But I have never used my ability to harm anyone. I just want to survive."

"You don't know how they treat us mutants. Almost all the mutants in the Mutants Association suffered inhuman torture. Many of my friends never even came out again..."

Polaris said.

From her words, Luo Bai could tell something was wrong.

In his memory, Polaris' personality should be similar to that of her father, and he tried to resist the "Mutants Association" and established the "Mutants Underground Organization" for this purpose.

Why does it feel like she has no intention of resisting now?

Is it because we haven’t reached that timeline yet? !

Thinking of this, Luo Bai asked: "How old are you?"

"18 years old." Polaris replied.

18 years old, no wonder.

Polaris is just coming of age.

However, he was still a little confused and asked: "I remember that Professor X was not trying to negotiate with the government to let mutants and humans live in peace. You could have gone to Professor

Polaris sighed and said: "I wanted to save my friend, but failed."

Luo Bai suddenly realized that he had nothing to ask at this point.

But Polaris was still a little nervous.

"So, how are you going to punish me?" Polaris asked.

"I'm in need of a housekeeper. Since you came to my door yourself, you can be my housekeeper. For three months, you will be responsible for helping me clean the room, look after the house, and cook," Luo Bai said.

Polaris was obviously stunned after hearing this.

She thought about all the punishments Luo Bai might give him, but never thought that Luo Bai would let him... work as a cleaner? !

"Ah?" Polaris was confused, and it took a long time before a word came out of his mouth.

"What, you don't want to?!" Luo Bai asked back.

Polaris quickly shook his head and said, "No."

"Then it's settled. Oh, by the way, from now on, your scope of action is only on the first floor. You can't go to the second floor. If you are discovered by me, you know the consequences. Also, you will have no salary for these three months." Luo Bai said.

Polaris was stunned again.

No salary, still have to cook! ?

Do I still have to lose money to subsidize my co-authorship? ! ! !

Thinking of this, Polaris couldn't help but ask: "The money to buy groceries..."

"You have to figure it out yourself. After all, this is punishment, and I didn't invite you here." Luo Bai shrugged and complained helplessly.

Polaris: "...Okay."

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