American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 023 S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury!

Can’t survive? !

"What do you mean?" Luo Bai asked confused.

Why don't you want to live even though you are so good?

Polaris on the side was also frightened by these words, and couldn't help but ask: "You have appeared frequently in the news and newspapers recently. You are rich and famous. Why do you suddenly say such things?"

Stark sighed and said: "A lot of things happened during your absence. I just look happy, but in fact I am not happy for long. There is a problem with my Ark reactor."

Ark reactor?

Luo Bai remembered it when he mentioned it.

"Are you poisoned by palladium?" Luo Bai asked.

Hearing what he said, Stark's eyes lit up as he was still very depressed.

"You know what's going on with me?!" Stark asked.

"Looking at your symptoms, they look quite similar." Luo Bai pointed at the veins on Stark's neck. It was obvious that they were different from ordinary people.

Seemingly seeing that Luo Bai knew about "palladium poisoning", Stark asked happily: "Then do you know how to deal with it? To be honest, I can't think of how to deal with it. I have tried many methods, but nothing works. ideal."

Stark could clearly feel that his health was getting worse and worse, and his smart butler Jarvis kept reminding him that his physical condition was very bad, but there was nothing he could do.

Although he has been working hard on research, he has never been able to solve the problem of "palladium poisoning".

There are only some ways to alleviate such symptoms.

"Did you see this?" Stark asked.

He took out a huge kettle filled with a green and inexplicable liquid.

"Have you seen this, chlorophyll juice? I eat this stuff every day. To be honest, this stuff is really unpalatable!" Stark sighed, turning into a bitter look with aggrieved face.

Luo Bai understood and said: "I am very sympathetic to your experience."

"Do I need sympathy? No, I need to solve it!! Do you have any good ideas? Luo Bai, I want to hear your opinion. There is nothing Ethan can do." Stark complained.

Since the "Terror Incident", the only people Stark can trust are Ethan and Lobai.

But he was right to ask Luo Bai.

After all, after understanding the plot, Luo Bai really knows how to solve the problem of "palladium poisoning".

"Are there still some missile fragments in your heart that haven't been taken out?" Luo Bai asked.

Tony nodded and replied, "Yes."

"I should be able to help you solve this problem." Luo Bai replied, and then opened the Eye of Agamotto.

Aiming at Stark's heart, Luo Bai tried to use reverse flow.

Since Luo Bai just got the Time Stone and hasn't used it much yet, his hands will inevitably shake a little when he uses it for the first time.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly, and Stark's heart was quickly restored to its original state.

The moment his heart recovered, Stark felt a difference. He seemed to be alive again! ! !

Feeling the changes in his body, Stark asked in surprise: "Oh my god, Luo Bai, how did you do that??"

"It's just a little bit of magic." Luo Bai responded with a smile.

"Cool~~" Stark became excited.

But soon he remembered something again, so he couldn't help but said: "Luo Bai, I am very grateful to you for saving my life again. But I am worried about the materials for the Ark reactor."

Stark used "palladium" as the core material of the Ark reactor, which caused him to be poisoned.

Although his heart has returned to normal now, he still has to replace the core material of the Ark reactor.


"My suit has been being upgraded and requires powerful energy to drive it. With the current technology, I really can't think of what materials should be used to rebuild an Ark reactor." Stark replied with a sigh.

Luo Bai thought for a while and asked, "Tony, is your relationship with your father not so good?"

"Why do you suddenly ask this?" Stark asked confused.

Luo Bai explained: "Don't you want to replace the materials of the Ark reactor? Your father may have a solution."

"My father?!" Stark complained in confusion: "But he has been dead for a long time!"

"What I mean is that your father once researched a new technology that can solve the material problem of the reactor." Luo Bai explained.

New technology? ! His father? !

"Why don't even I know that my father has researched new technology, but you know?" Stark asked, his face full of confusion.

"This question. I am a mage after is normal to be able to predict the future." Luo Bai replied with a smile.

Although this explanation may be far-fetched in other places, it is reasonable for Luo Bai to explain it as a mage.

"Predict the future? Are you mages so awesome?" Stark complained in shock.

After complaining, Stark looked hesitant, as if he was thinking about something.

"I remembered this when I mentioned it. I recently met an organization called SHIELD. They seem to have some of my father's things. I heard that SHIELD is also related to my father." Tucker said.

The full name of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency. It is a special force of the International Security Council specially designed to deal with various bizarre incidents.

To put it simply, it was founded by the government of Country M and was specially used to manage people with "super powers".

Although the original intention and purpose of its creation are good, it is still managed by humans, and it is still managed by agents.

So Luo Bai doesn't particularly like her in terms of actions and handling style.

Especially the director of SHIELD, Nick Fury.

Luo Bai was even more disgusted.

Although some of his actions were good, and his starting point was to benefit mankind.

But his "thoughts" were very wrong in Luo Bai's opinion.

What's more, the combat power of SHIELD was very poor.

Such a poor organization... could not manage superpowers at all.

According to Luo Bai's understanding, the top management of SHIELD has basically been eroded by hostile forces, so it's better not to mention it.

However, SHIELD can really help Stark in this matter.

"SHIELD can really help you in this matter." Luo Bai explained.

"By the way, they also want me to join the Avengers. There is a big head who said that the Avengers was founded by my father." Stark complained.

"Then do you plan to join?" Although he already knew the answer, Luo Bai still asked symbolically.

Sure enough, he heard Stark's affirmative answer: "I have this idea. To be exact, I have joined now. They said that the Avengers was created to save the earth... This is very consistent with my idea. By the way, they seem to have plans to let you join."

"Why do they know me?" Luo Bai asked puzzled.

Stark explained: "Do you remember that we dealt with Obadiah together before? SHIELD used the Sky Eye to observe the situation at that time and knew of your existence. They asked me about you. I said you are a wizard."

"Is that so, but I have no interest in joining the Avengers." Luo Bai simply refused.

"Actually, I guessed that you would refuse, because in my opinion, you are very low-key in your dealings with others. In fact, I also refused them for you before, but they said they wanted to see you and stood outside the door. Do you want to see them?" Stark asked.

His words made Luo Bai hesitate.

If it was according to what he thought in his heart, Luo Bai would definitely not want to see him.

But considering Nick Fury's character, he would definitely try his best to see himself.

In order to avoid subsequent trouble, Luo Bai thought it would be a good thing to make it clear now.

"Since they are here, let them in." Luo Bai was relieved.

Stark said nothing, but took out his mobile phone and sent a text message.

Soon there was a knock on the door, and Polaris immediately ran to open the door.

The door opened, and a sexy short-haired beauty appeared outside the door.

There was also a bald head standing next to the beauty.

Yes, another big bald head!

But this time it was a "boiled egg head".

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