Stark's agreement to join the Avengers does not mean that he approves of SHIELD, but simply because the Avengers are related to his father.

He really didn't like Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D., not to mention that his "palladium element" matter had not been resolved yet, so he was very upset.

"Honestly, there's never a time when you can't find me without trouble." Stark responded coldly.

After speaking, he looked at Luo Bai and complained: "To be honest, I don't really like SHIELD's handling style. I was recruiting bodyguards before, and Natasha came to apply. I only found out later that she It was actually sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. to get close to me, don’t you think it’s annoying?”

Stark said while rolling his eyes at Nick Fury.

Nick Fury quickly retorted: "Tony, I think you should understand that we are here to help you."

Stark snorted and replied: "You can come to me directly, but it is difficult for me to accept this method. What's more, since you are here to help me, you should know that my current situation is very bad."

Nick Fury didn't seem to want to continue talking about this with him, so he changed the topic: "Let's not talk about the past, but we really need your help this time. The Hulk is out of control."

Hulk? !

Luo Bai frowned.

After all, this name is too familiar to him. Isn't it the famous Hulk?

During his absence, Banner actually joined the Avengers?

"The Hulk is out of control? That would be too troublesome..." Just as he was thinking about it, Stark suddenly spoke.

At this time, his expression became serious, and he must have known that this matter was very troublesome.

He thought for a moment and then said, "Where is he now?"

"The situation around SHIELD is very bad right now. He is carrying out large-scale destruction!" Nick Fury explained.

Stark understands the destructive nature of the Hulk.

He originally didn't plan to help, but now he became nervous.

"Then let's go over and take a look now. Luo Bai, I'm leaving first." He said goodbye to Luo Bai anxiously.

Then he left with Nick Fury and others.

As soon as they left, Polaris couldn't help but start complaining: "This man named Nick Fury is really unpleasant to talk to."

"Indeed." Luo Bai responded perfunctorily and looked at the time.

He didn't expect time to fly by so quickly. He always felt like they had just chatted for a while and it was already dinner time.

"Time flies so fast, it's almost time. Go prepare dinner." Luo Bai instructed.

Polaris, who was still complaining at first, changed his expression instantly when he heard the words "prepare dinner".

She asked hesitantly: "Master Luo Bai, are you...really going to let me cook dinner?"

Luo Bai nodded and replied: "Of course, this is what we agreed."

Polaris smiled awkwardly and responded: "I know... I'll do housework for you to apologize. It's just... I've never cooked before, and I'm afraid you'll find it unpleasant."

Luo Bai fell silent after hearing what she said.

After all, Polaris is only 18 years old and has just come of age, so it's normal that he can't cook.

It is indeed a bit embarrassing to ask someone who has never cooked before to cook.

As Polaris says.

Even if she is willing to do it, Luo Bai may not dare to eat it.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: "Then you can buy it outside."

Polaris was relieved to hear that she didn't have to cook dinner.

"Okay, I'll go to the nearby supermarket to buy some food and come back." Polaris agreed repeatedly and then went out.

At this time, in the study room.

Luo Bai has opened "The Book of Weishan Emperor" and started to study.

Stark's matter was resolved, and Lobai's purpose of coming to New York was accomplished.

But he is not in a hurry to return to Karma Taj, mainly because he finds that he still has too little practical experience.

When learning magic, you can't always bury yourself in reading. It's best to learn and practice at the same time, so he plans to stay in New York for a while.

After all, there are many situations in New York, and there are always practical opportunities when you stay here.

But Luo Bai didn't expect that the opportunity for actual combat would come so quickly. While he was reading, his phone suddenly rang.

He picked up the number and saw that the caller was Stark.

"Didn't he just leave not long ago? Why did he call me again?" Luo Bai muttered and answered the phone as he spoke.

As soon as the call was connected, a very confusing voice came from the other side.

Cries for help, smashing sounds, police sirens... all kinds of sounds were mixed together, and those who didn't know thought Stark was on the battlefield.

Before Luo Bai could ask about the situation, Stark's intermittent voice sounded:

"Luo Bai! Can you hear me?"

"I need your help!!!"

"Can you come over here? I'll send you the location! The situation is urgent now and I don't have time to explain too much!!"

"Hulk is so awesome!! Luo..."


Along with a burst of electricity, communication was cut off.

Combining Stark's phone call and the previous conversations between several people in the villa, it is not difficult for Luo Bai to guess that Stark is dealing with the crazy Hulk at this time, and the situation is very bad.

Luo Bai was not surprised by this result and this call for help.

After all, according to Luo Bai's understanding.

Among all the members of the Avengers, Hulk's combat power is already very top.

Not only does he possess strength, speed, endurance and recovery far beyond that of humans, but his abilities also increase with his anger level.

It can be said that the angrier the Hulk is, the stronger he will be.

With the current technology, Stark has no chance of subduing the Hulk, but he actually agreed to Nick Fury's help before... He is really brave.

Now it's all right.

He found that he couldn't beat him, so he asked Luo Bai for help.

Although Luo Bai really couldn't beat the Hulk in a head-on fight.

But he is a wizard! !

What strength and speed do wizards fight for? ! They fight for magic!

So he is still confident in dealing with the Hulk.

Thinking that he really needs practical experience, and the current situation is urgent, Luo Bai still plans to go and see.

Raising his hand to cast the portal magic, Luo Bai quickly arrived at the "accident site" according to the location.

As soon as he walked out of the portal, Luo Bai saw a huge green giant shaped like a boulder standing in the middle of the road not far away and roaring angrily.

The pedestrians around him had never seen such a terrifying giant, and they were scared and screamed and ran for their lives.

Stark, wearing an iron suit, is now trying to attack him from the side.

In addition to Stark, SHIELD and the police also sent out combat forces.

Machine guns and bullets kept firing at Hulk.

But this attack was like a tickle to Hulk, it couldn't hurt him at all, it only made him more angry.

He waved his hand and punched Stark.

This punch, by chance, knocked Stark to Luo Bai's feet.

"Hi~~ Tony, are you okay?" Luo Bai greeted.

Stark raised his steel mask to reveal his full face.

He was depressed and tired at this time.

"No, I'm not okay at all!!! This guy is too strong!!" Stark complained.

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