American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 004 Sending warmth from afar? !

At this moment, Luo Bai was a little panicked, because he knew that Gu Yi must have something bad to do with him.

Who is Gu Yi? ! The most powerful Supreme Sorcerer on Earth today.

And he is also the guardian of the Earth, monitoring every move of the Earth at all times.

How could a "traveler" like him who came from another world or a parallel world escape Gu Yi's eyes? !

"I found you, a traveler from the multiverse." Just as he was thinking, Gu Yi spoke.

Luo Bai's hanging heart finally died.

Gu Yi came to the door, and it was really bad!

When a person encounters a big boss at the beginning of the game in the other world, of course he has to admit defeat!

"I admit that I am from the multiverse or a parallel world, but I didn't come here voluntarily. I have no ill will towards the Earth, and I can't go back." Luo Bai explained, his face full of sincerity.

Gu Yi didn't answer, and he didn't know whether she believed it or not.

At this time, there was no expression on her face, but she stared at Luo Bai with a pair of dark and creepy eyes.

It made Luo Bai feel creepy.

After an unknown amount of time, Ancient One finally spoke: "I tried to explore your future, but I couldn't see it clearly. So I explored the future of the Earth. I found that with your arrival, the future of the Earth has changed. This makes me very curious, the traveler of the multiverse."

When she said this, Luo Bai became more nervous.

"The Earth has changed?! Is it getting better or worse?!" Luo Bai asked tentatively.

After all, this determines the direction of his future fate, so he must ask clearly.

But Ancient One did not give a definite answer, but shook his head and replied confusedly: "I don't know. But I can't change the future, so I can't make any judgments on you. Maybe you need to answer it yourself."

After that, she took out a book and handed it over.

Luo Bing hesitated and took the book and took a look.

The cover of the book was printed with four big characters "The Complete Works of the Supreme".


Isn't this the magic book of Kamar-Taj? ! Why did Ancient One give it to him? !

"Is this for me?!" Luo Bai asked.

"I'm lending it to you. I hope your arrival is not a disaster for the Earth, but a blessing." Ancient One replied.

Before Luo Bai could continue to ask, the mirror space disappeared, and Ancient One disappeared with it.

Everything around him returned to its original appearance. If Luo Bai hadn't been holding the "Complete Collection of Supreme" in his hand at this time, he would even doubt whether he had just had a dream.

No, what's going on? !

Ancient One didn't expel him because he was an outsider? !

Not only did he not expel him, he even gave him a magic book? !

Is this to let him practice magic?

But he is not a disciple of Kamar-Taj!

And what is the matter with the change of the future that Ancient One just mentioned? ? !

Why does this person like to play dumb? !

At this time, Luo Bai had a lot of questions in his mind, and he couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he thought.

But he didn't have the opportunity to figure it out, because Ancient One had left.

But looking at the magic book in his hand, Luo Bai was still very happy.

After all, what he was most worried about before was how he should survive in such a dangerous world without any ability.

Now, Ancient One actually sent him a magic book!

This is a great joy!

But... I heard that the magic of Kamar-Taj is not so easy to learn. If you don't have enough talent and can't understand it, it's useless.

Just when he wanted to open it to see if he could learn it, the doorbell rang.

The hot pot was delivered!

Just right!

Then eat hot pot and read the book!


After everything was ready, Luo Bai sat at the dining table and ate hot pot and opened the first page of "The Complete Works of the Supreme".

In fact, he didn't expect that he could understand the book the first time.

And the fact is that he really couldn't understand it.

The reason for not understanding it is... he couldn't understand the words on it at all.

Some of the words Luo Bai could barely understand, but some of the words he couldn't understand at all were written in which language.

Luo Bai frowned and could only use "high technology" to translate.

But at this time, he suddenly remembered that he had just traveled through time and had neither a mobile phone nor a computer on him, and most importantly, he had no money! !

Luo Bai felt that hot pot was not fragrant at once. Can you believe that he lived in such a big villa but didn't have a dime in his pocket? !

No, he had to find a way to make some money!

But he was an illegal resident, where could he make money? !

Just as he was worrying, the doorbell rang again.

Luo Bai got up to open the door.

He was not surprised to see Tony Stark standing outside the door.

At present, besides Pepper and Ancient One, the only one who knew that he lived here was Tony Stark.

"How is it? Are you used to living here?!" Tony Stark asked while taking off his shoes and walking into the house, sitting down at the dining table without any hesitation.

Luo Bai didn't mind it, and expressed his gratitude to him by the way: "It's good, thank you for giving me this...apartment."

"You saved me, it's only right to give you some compensation, what smells so good?" Tony Stark asked, and even sniffed it hard with his nose.

"Hot pot." Luo Bai answered.

"I went to hold a press conference right after I came back from that damn place, and I only ate a cheeseburger during that time. I'm so hungry now, and it's great that you have something to eat here." Tony Stark said as he took out a set of clean tableware and started to eat voraciously.

While eating, he said: "Oh~ It smells so good! I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time! Is this food from your country?"

"Yes." Luo Bai nodded.

"It tastes very good, but it's a bit hot to use a knife and fork. What is this thing you use called?!" Tony Stark asked.

"Chopsticks." Luo Bai said and handed over a pair of chopsticks.

When it comes to chopsticks, Luo Bai can't help but sigh at Xiao Lajiao's attentiveness. She even specially asked someone to send chopsticks.

Otherwise, Luo Bai dared not think about eating hot pot with a knife and fork.

"How do you use this thing?!" Tony Stark asked while studying it in his hand.

Luo Bai demonstrated it once.

Although Tony Stark was not particularly used to chopsticks for the first time, he could barely pick up the food.

Seeing Tony Stark being so kind at this time, Luo Bai half-jokingly asked: "Since you gave me this apartment, does it mean that you no longer doubt my identity?"

As if thinking of his unfriendly attitude towards Luo Bai at the beginning, Tony Stark quickly made up for it: "The situation was urgent at the time, and I was about to escape. You suddenly appeared, and I must be more vigilant."

Luo Bai nodded to show his understanding, and then asked: "Then why are you looking for me now?!"

Tony Stark ate several pieces of meat in big mouthfuls, and then asked doubtfully: "I asked Rod, and he said that you were not sent by them to save me... The most important thing is that there is no information about you in the world, and I am quite curious."

Luo Bai didn't know how to solve To explain, he could only play the emotional card: "I saved you anyway, why are you investigating me?!"

Tony Stark shook his head and explained immediately: "It's not me, it's Rhodes. The fact that I was captured by terrorists has a great impact, so Rhodes and others will definitely investigate. Not only your information, but everyone's information has been investigated. I was just curious and asked casually."

It seems that he thought of Luo Bai's statement that he had no family, and he didn't intend to ask about it. He just continued: "I have already told them, don't worry, they won't bother you. It's difficult for you to live here without an identity, so I have arranged for someone to apply for an identity for you."

"Are you here to ask me these questions now?!" Luo Bai asked again.

Tony Stark shook his head and invited: "Of course not. I have arranged a party tonight, and I want to invite you and Ethan to relax together, just as a celebration of our survival. Are you interested?!"

Although Luo Bai was not very interested in the party, he agreed when he thought that he might need Tony Stark's help in making money.


"Then see you at 7 o'clock in the evening~"

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