American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 046 Is it because I am too strong?

Luo Bai was somewhat helpless.

He really couldn't stand Stark saying such things, so he kept silent.

Fortunately, after the problem was solved, Stark couldn't wait to leave.

"By the way, thank you very much today. Your suggestions gave me a good inspiration. I plan to go back and upgrade my suit now!" Stark said excitedly.

Luo Bai could understand his urgent mood now, nodded and said, "Go."

Stark left without hesitation.

After he left, Luo Bai stretched and planned to go back to his room to study.

At this time, Polaris came out.

"Why did you come out?" Luo Bai was a little curious.

Polaris pointed to the clock on the wall and responded: "It's time for dinner, I came out to see what you want to eat."

Luo Bai looked up at the time, it was true.

But he was not hungry now.

Mainly because the training this month was very effective.

The strength of the soul made it almost difficult for Luo Bai to feel hungry again. This was because Luo Bai's strength had been greatly improved at present, and these abilities allowed him to surpass the physiological needs of ordinary humans.

He no longer relies on food or diet to maintain life or enhance his abilities.

In fact, Luo Bai was not so dependent before, and now he is basically in a truncated state.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai explained: "I'm not very hungry. If you want to eat, go buy it yourself. By the way, the money is in the box sent by Natasha, go and get it yourself."

Seeing that he was going upstairs again, Polaris asked: "Are you going upstairs to practice magic again?"

"Yes. Just like before, don't let anyone come to disturb me." Luo Bai reminded.

Polaris nodded and responded: "I understand. Don't worry, I won't let anyone disturb you."

Polaris has always done well, so Luo Bai is very relieved.

Without talking more, Luo Bai went upstairs and started the multiverse journey again.

This trip was much easier than the last time.

Luo Bai sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

The soul easily entered the multiverse.

Although from the current situation, Luo Bai can go deeper, considering that there are too many big guys in the multiverse, he still didn't dare to move forward rashly.

After quietly absorbing the energy of the multiverse for a while, Luo Bai saw... Ancient One? ? ?

No, to be more precise, it was Ancient One's soul.

Apparently Ancient One also noticed him.

"Supreme Mage, what a coincidence..." Luo Bai was the first to greet him.

Ancient One: "...???"

She didn't answer, but there was obviously some surprise in her eyes.

It was unknown how long it took for her to finally come back to her senses, and then she asked: "Have you evolved to this point?"

Although the two hadn't seen each other for a month, Luo Bai's talent was likely to have mastered most of the magic.

But Ancient One had never expected that he could actually travel by soul now.

No, it's too exaggerated.

How long have you learned magic, and you traveled by soul here? ?

No wonder Ancient One was a little confused at this time.

Luo Bai was still calm, and explained calmly: "I think your suggestion is right. Only a strong soul can fight against the dark power, so I have been training my soul recently."

Ancient One: "..."

You know, even Ancient One himself took a lot of time to complete the soul tour.

But Luo Bai easily completed it within a month.

At this time, Ancient One felt that it was time for him to retire.

Thinking of this, Ancient One asked: "How is the mastery of time magic?"

"I have basically understood the understanding of time by the Supreme Wizards of all generations. But I am still comprehending the Time Stone." Luo Bai explained.

The Time Stone contains a lot of power and the mysteries of the universe. It is difficult to comprehend it in a short time.

The Supreme Wizards of all generations have not fully comprehended it for so long, so it is normal that Luo Bai cannot comprehend it for the time being.

However, being able to comprehend the understanding of the Supreme Wizards of all generations is already powerful enough.

Thinking of this, Ancient One asked again: "So, you are planning to learn the Dark Book?"

"I have this plan, but I probably won't touch it now." Luo Bai said.

Gu Yi nodded, and then said: "I am very happy that you have fully adapted to the role of a mage and have begun to plan your future. I see more possibilities in you."

Luo Bai smiled and responded: "In fact, I thought that you, the Supreme Mage, would stop me from learning the Dark Book, but you didn't do that."

Gu Yi also smiled, and then said: "Sometimes people always break the rules and pursue what they think are higher ideals. You are not the first person to break the rules."

Luo Bai was stunned.

Before he could speak, Gu Yi spoke: "I don't want to get energy from the dark space, but sometimes we have no choice."

This sentence... means that Gu Yi admitted that he got power from the dark space.

Although Luo Bai knew about this, he didn't expect Gu Yi to tell him on his own initiative.

Since Gu Yi herself prohibited other mages from absorbing dark power, she had never told anyone about this matter. Unexpectedly, she took the initiative to say it today.

Luo Bai asked in surprise: "Why did you tell me this?"

Ancient One responded: "Because you are good at adapting, but most people in Kamar-Taj are not good at adapting. Master Mordo is not very good at it. He is very stubborn, so his stubbornness will eventually lead him to extremes."

This was a reminder, and Luo Bai understood it.

However, he didn't know why Gu Yi suddenly said such words. It sounded like he was explaining something.

"Do you know Dormammu?" Just as he was thinking about it, Gu Yi suddenly asked.

Luo Bai nodded and responded: "Yes. There are records about him in the books, the ruler of the dark dimension."

"He gave up his body and became the ruler of the dark dimension. He has always wanted to devour the planet and make the entire universe a dark dimension, including the earth. So the mages on the earth are fighting against it. ”

"Dormammu is very powerful, so I have to get power from the dark space to extend my life to deal with it. Although we have stopped him from invading the earth many times, we can't really kill Dormammu."

Ancient One said.

In fact, what she said was that Luo Bai also knew that Dormammu was indeed quite strong.

"If you want to kill it, maybe you have to destroy the entire dark dimension." Luo Bai said half-jokingly.

Destroying the entire dark dimension is a very difficult assumption to realize.

It can even be said to be a dream, which made Gu Yi couldn't help but respond half-jokingly: "If you can do it, I will be proud of you."

Luo Bai: "...At present, it seems that it is not possible."

"Your future has unlimited possibilities, so you have to believe in yourself." Gu Yi encouraged.

Luo Bai was silent.

Although he also believes that his future has unlimited possibilities, it is still too early to tell him that he will defeat Dormammu.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai couldn't help but complain: "At least you have to wait for me to develop for a while."

At this moment, Gu Yi suddenly said with a serious expression: "I think you may not have much time to develop, because I don't have much time. I think I may not be able to survive."

Luo Bai was stunned and asked in surprise: "Supreme Mage, what do you mean by this?"

Gu Yi calmly replied: "I mean, you may have to face everything by yourself next."

Facing everything by yourself?

Luo Bai completely understood.

Is Gu Yi planning to retire?

But, it shouldn't be.

"Supreme Mage, this timeline is wrong. You should not leave at this time." Luo Bai said.

Gu Yi smiled and replied seriously: "From the moment you arrived, the universe has been changed. Haven't you noticed that the timeline has been rewritten a long time ago, and you are an exception. It's not just mages. Exception in the world, but also in the entire universe.”

"You learned too quickly, so my existence no longer has any meaning."

"Do you think I am ready to face death? You will find out how much I want to extend this moment indefinitely, but my lifespan was originally stolen, and your growth means that it is time for me to leave."

Luo Bai: "..."

Ah... is it because I'm too strong?

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