Loki roared angrily, the sound deafening.

This caused Thor to frown, cover his ears with one hand and gloat: "Loki, I still like to watch you fall freely. You were very quiet at that time."


Maybe it was because of two free falls.

Although Loki was still a little angry at first, after taking a glance at the environment he was in, it was the mirror space that Luo Bai had expanded.

Loki finally calmed down.

Only then did he suddenly realize that the "Supreme Mage" in front of him might not be the second-rate amateur mage he thought, so he decided to change his strategy.

"Thor, aren't you here to find the Cosmic Cube? My Cosmic Cube was taken away by him!" Loki said, looking at Luo Bai.

Thor already knew about this at this time, so he responded indifferently: "I know, he admitted that he took the Cosmic Cube."

Seeing how casual he was, Loki immediately said seriously: "You have to get the Cosmic Cube back. You know how dangerous that thing is!"

Loki's words were righteous and full of justice.

If you didn't know this, you would think that it was Luo Bai who originally planned to use the Cosmic Cube to rule the earth.

Fortunately, after being fooled too many times, Thor wised up.

He knew that Loki planned to use him to fight Luo Bai, and then wanted to take advantage of the chaos to take the Cosmic Cube.

So Thor answered very seriously: "Of course I know I want to get the Cosmic Cube back, but before that I have to make sure you can't move."


Loki was confused.

He looked at Thor in disbelief.

He couldn't believe that his brother had become smarter? !

Of course, this was just what he was thinking.

He would definitely not say that on the surface.

So he looked at Thor with a very sincere look and asked, "I'm your brother, don't you even believe me?"

Thor seemed a little touched when the word "brother" was mentioned.

Immediately afterwards, Loki spoke again: "Thor. He now holds the Cosmic Cube and the Mind Scepter, and has locked us into the space he created. Our current situation is very dangerous! He obviously doesn't want to Hand over the Universe Rubik’s Cube!”

His stirring up trouble was successful.

Perhaps thinking that Nick Fury was using the Cosmic Cube to create weapons of mass destruction, something was obviously wrong with the expression on Thor's face at this time.

Loki knew his brother very well.

Seeing that Thor's expression was a little shaken, he continued to fan the flames: "I admit that I did want to invade the earth with the Cosmic Cube before. But..."

Loki originally planned to use his sharp tongue to persuade Thor with love and reason.

Let Thor and Luo Bai fight first.

Unexpectedly, as he was talking, he suddenly told the truth uncontrollably: "But... I can't believe, Thor, you have become smarter? No, no, no, this shouldn't be. You are not simple-minded and well-developed. You should rush up and hit this damn mage with your little hammer now! When you fight hard, I'll run away with the Cosmic Cube."

After finishing speaking, both Loki and Thor were stunned.

Thor, who was originally a little moved, now looked at Loki with "kind" and "friendly" eyes.

"What did you just say, Loki?" Thor said in disbelief.

Loki originally wanted to say: "That's not what I thought."

The next second, he couldn't control himself and said the truth: "Isn't it? You go around with your hammer every day to hit people and show off your hammer. Are you the god of hammers?"

Loki: "..."

Thor: "!!!"

It was then that Loki finally realized something was wrong.

He turned his head and looked at Luo Bai.

At this time, Luo Bai was holding the spiritual scepter in his hand, and the scepter was still shining.

Now Loki finally understood why.

The reason why I could speak my mind just now was because of the spiritual scepter!

"Loki. Although you have made many mistakes, I have always regarded you as my good brother. I didn't expect that in your heart I was just the God of Hammers?" Thor said sadly.

Although Loki knew that he shouldn't say anything now, he couldn't control where the mind scepter moved.

The next second, Loki blurted out: "Thor, of course I regard you as my brother. But this does not affect the fact that you have a simple mind but well-developed limbs."

Loki: "..."

Not waiting for Loki to quibble.

The next second, Thor asked Luo Bai: "Is there a way to make him quieter?"

Luo Bai nodded and responded: "Of course."

Loki panicked and said quickly: "No, no, no. Thor! We are brothers!! You can't help outsiders!"

At this point, he realized something was wrong.

He wants to run.

But the next second, the levitating cloak rushed towards Loki.

Before he could react, he was beaten by the levitating cloak, then tied up and kneeling on the ground.

"I can't believe I was beaten up by a tattered cloak." Loki said in disbelief.

As soon as he finished speaking, the levitating cloak struck Loki again in the face.

Loki was angry: "...You damn thing!! Broken cloak!!"

Just like that, Loki fought with the Levitation Cloak.

Looking at Loki who was entangled in the levitation cloak.

Luo Bai replied seriously: "Okay, he should be able to be quiet for a while now."

At this time, Thor was obviously a little frustrated and said helplessly: "I can't believe that my own brother would comment on me like this."

Dr. Banner on the side quickly comforted: "I understand you, Thor."

Thor shook his head and said: "No, you don't understand. I have always regarded him as my younger brother."


"He only recently discovered that he was adopted. It's normal to have some emotions." Thor said.

It can be seen that everyone feels helpless that Thor has such a younger brother.

Of course, it’s helpless.

Thor has not forgotten the purpose of his coming to Earth.

"Okay, Luo Bai. The things you should solve have been solved. Should you give me the Cosmic Cube now? I just want to go back to Asgard now." Thor said helplessly.

It's not impossible to give the Cosmic Cube to Thor.

After all, with Luo Bai's luck, even if he gives away 80% of the Universe Rubik's Cube, it will come back to him.

So he doesn't care much about this. What he cares more about is: "I can hand over the Cosmic Cube to Asgard. But, should Asgard give the Earth an explanation for Loki's invasion of the Earth?"

The Ancient One has been the Supreme Mage for many years and has gained a certain authority in the multiverse.

So the Ancient One might be able to ignore Loki's invasion of Earth.

But Luo Bai can't.

Loki came to cause trouble as soon as he took office, he must ask for an explanation.

After all, Loki's invasion of Earth is not his fault.

Thanos and the people on the Chitauri planet are watching this matter.

If Luo Bai didn't have an attitude, the two sides would probably start moving, so he had to ask for an explanation.

It's just that Thor obviously doesn't quite understand what this means.

"Explain? What do you mean?" Thor asked.

Luo Bai knew that talking to him was useless, so he said, "Speaking of which, I should indeed visit the God King. Aren't you going to Asgard? Let me go with you."

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